It's too bad she won't live, but then again who does?

>it's too bad she won't live, but then again who does?

what did he mean by this?

who the fuck knows

World is shit, life is shit, we're all dead inside.


"I know you love Rachel, and despite being a blade runner I will allow you and her to leave the city together. Enjoy your time together, as she is a replicant and will die. Then again, everyone dies someday. Make it count"

or something lol

he's warning Decker that the other Blade Runners are after her...

Everyone has to die sometime.

She was on the most wanted list so he figured she'll get "retired" soon enough.
But in the end we all die so is one death albeit premature that significant?

>It's too bad she won't fuck and suck, but then again formerly Chuck's

What did they mean by this?

oh wait ignore is better.

that nobody lives

He wanted to say something deep but it came out retarded

If Deckard was a replicant, was Gaff working with Tyrell?

In Blade Runner everyone hates their life

Gaff was an asshole to Deckard the entire movie so why did he do him a favor by sparing Rachael?

>Give Gaff the perfect exit
>Decide to ruin his character by bringing him back in the sequel to just be a fat old guy rotting in a retirement home
>All he says is "Yeah Deckard left..."

This adds to "tears in the rain" where "real" life isn't necessarily made up by nature but by how that life is lived.

Replicants were really interesting in the OG Blade Runner because they're entirely based around the fact that they're living on only 4 years. So the movie is less about "can an android be real?", because the film wastes no time in assuring you it can, and more about "what is to live?".
Basically, someone can live more in 4 years than others do in 20.


Nope. It follows the theme of the book. "But then again who does?" means that no one is "alive". Everyone is miserable and squanders the gift of living. Deckard in the book by fixating on buying a shitty goat and in the movie by living a miserable life with no purpose or drive. The same can be said about the rest of the world.

It's a similar message but not exactly the same.

This was the one thing that bothered me.

He was just reinforcing that even if he didn't come after them, someone else would. Whether his calling card is interpreted as a threat or a show of mercy, it ultimately won't matter.

He is referring to Rachels 4 year lifespan

>stop being a fuckwad, ride into the sunset with the girl and enjoy the ride. Nobody enjoys the ride.

did she die during childbirth because her time ran out or because her body wasn't actually made to push a baby out through the baby hole?

Man, I thought he was this huge badass with a mysterious past, engaged in his own amazing adventures. In 2049, he's a lonely, fat old fart in a nursing home. Kinda depressing.

im sorry I have to break it to you user, but none of us are going to make it in the end

Is this why that one guy tried real hard to get a horse for K?

Quite an experience to live in fear isn't it?

That's what it is to be a slave.

Didn't bother you 2049 was boring shit?
DIdn't bother you there were no big street scenes?

just because he was an asshole doesnt mean he didnt like or respect deckard
they both just liked to work alone

we already had street scenes
and 2049 had alot of them...just had other locations too.
sorry razorfish but you're not a real film critic

yes. in the book, owning real animals is a big status symbol because the environment is so shit they are rare and expensive. most people own shitty robot pets instead. same reason why it was a big deal the toy horse was made of real wood, and why K wasn't sure whether the dog in the casino was real or not.

she has an abbreviated lifespan bc she is an android. but also we all have an abbreviated lifespan. our lives are like flashes in the pan or.. like.. tears in the rain

I want the opinion of Sup Forums about him, what do you guys think about the character?

You're wrong. Gaff let's them escape out of pity.
>Deckard's problem is a lack of drive
Film Deckard's problem is the soul crushing guilt he has for offing the more human movie replicants.

>Now I have truely become... the tears in the rain

interesting spooky looking character which was not used for anything interesting
other than showing dickhard he was a replicant, in the sequel he was speaking english
which bugged me...
characters that look like him sort of have that "jaguar god" type of cool side character look to
him where he does something awesome to help the main character, but blade runner wasn't
that type of film.

>the theatrical version of blade runner is on tv the other night
>its pure shit compared to the other cuts
That fucking clipped on ending.

Gaff can speak english. He only uses cityspeak in like one scene.

it's my favorite character

was really happy they put him on 2049, even if it was a short scene

>appeal to authority

2049 is garbage, less garbage than Prometheus and Covenant. But still a soulless cash-grab.

In the book Deckard's neighbor owned a mare. The mare became pregnant and foaled a filly. Before it was born he offered it to Deckard for money, then withdrew when it was born a filly and not a colt. Therefore the neighbor could breed even more horses from 2 mares.

2049 kinda took this theme loosely.

Also, here is a quote by PKD

>"The purpose of this story as I saw it was that in his job of hunting and killing these replicants, Deckard becomes progressively dehumanized. At the same time, the replicants are being perceived as becoming more human. Finally, Deckard must question what he is doing, and really what is the essential difference between him and them? And, to take it one step further, who is he if there is no real difference?"

This disregard the rest.

i heard him speak english in the final cut, but for
the most part he was unintelligible, so when
was talking normally in the anime and in the
new film it was off putting... but it was nice
to see him, though it sucked he was just like
an old geezer ... but hey that's how it goes

Finished the pills again?

everyone gets old user

I find amazing how much this is underplayed. Deckard starts as a reluctant villain in a way. They even add a scene to show him blackmailed into the job to add a bit of sympathy bu the way zhora's death is shot is clear.
Also the alcoholism. Superficially just an hard boiled detective thing.. but is clear is an answer to the conscience tickling.
Reprised in 2049 with boss and K.

I like to think he's the guy whose life and memories are used for Deckhard in order to make him good at his job. Would also be one way to explain how he knows about Deckhards dreams.

Never stick you dick in a toaster.

>Deckard ran off to live his life
>Gets an unambiguously happy ending
>Gaff returns to his lifeless job
>He ends up a fat old guy rotting in a retirement home

I think it's completely fine.

in 2049 the coroner says her hips weren't wide enough

He uses English the majority of the time, I don't know what you're talking about. The only one where he doesn't is the
>he say you brade runnah

He doesn't, that was a throwaway crap from Scott.

In the Theatrical cut the unicorn was meant to imply Rachel. Which 2049 confirms because she was literally as rare as a unicorn to be to mythical levels, in that she was a fertile replicant

>too bad she won't live

Replicant's only live for 4 years

>but then again who does

Humans don't live long in the grand scheme of things. Everybody dies.

what if its a sexy toaster

>Questioning the genius of the cinema god himself, RIDLEY SCOTT and his disciple, the Archangel of Origami

OH SO I GUESS YOU'RE A MICHAEL BAY FAN HUH?! Kids these days, and their inability to grasp the profound nature of Harrison Ford getting his ass beat by a gymnast and a nudist. Pfft.

Imagine being SNEED in that FEED and having to be all like "damn, CHUCK, you FUCK AND SUCK, all FORMERLY with your tight FEED and horrific androgynous CHUCK THE SUCK. I would totally SNEED with you, both my FEED and the real SEED." when all he really wants to do is FEED another CHUCK in his SEEDING room. Like seriously imagine having to be SNEED and not only sit in that chair while CHUCK flaunts his FORMERLY SEED FEED in front of you, the favorable SEED barely concealing his FEED and FORMERLY SUCK, and just sit there, FEED after FEED, SEED after SEED, while he perfected that SNEED. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous FORMER visage but his FUCK AND SUCK as everyone on set tells him he's FORMERLY CHUCK and DAMN, CHUCK FUCK AND SUCKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the SNEED who have to FEED AND SEED. You've been FUCKING nothing but a healthy diet of CHUCKS and SUCKS and later alleged FEED AND SEED for your ENTIRE SNEED coming straight out of the FEED AND SEED. You've never even seen anything this FORMERLY CHUCK before, and now you swear you can taste the FEED that's SUCKING on his dimpled FEED as he FUCKS AND SUCKS to writhe it suggestively at you, FORMERLY assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get FEED AND SEED there and revel in his "FORMER (for that is what he calls himself)" SUCK AND FUCK, the SUCK he worked so hard for with FUCK in the previous SNEED. And then the SEED calls for another FUCK, and you know you could FEED AND SEED in this room before the studio CHUCK could FUCK, but you sit there and SEED, because you're fucking SNEED. You're not going to lose your future FEED AND SEED over CHUCK. Just FEED AND SEED. Hide your face and SEED..

I don't remember him being an ass, just being a weirdo who's favorite hobby was origami in the rain.

>le deckard is le replicant meme
M night shymalan pls go

You're not seriously complaining that a sequel to Bladerunner was uneventful, are you? I haven't seen it yet, but I'm not expecting a Jar Jar Abrams mess of explosions. I'm expecting something a little smarter.

In several of the early drafts Gaff ends up chasing for Deckard and Rachel at the end of the film as they are both replicants and Gaff is a replicant hunter.

So he is informing him ahead of time their days are numbered.

Inform me of a line delivered better than this

>replicant Hunter
>still referred to as BLADE RUNNERS
>hype ensues

Hauer like 5 minutes before

humans are just as temporary as the replicants

He retired. What, do you want fat 70-year-old Edward James Olmos running around hunting replicants? He got fuckin old. Old Deckard being active was more acceptable because he just acted grumpy and got his ass kicked like in the original

Too bad he didn't live

It means she's gonna die, but so will we all. Too bad.

in Kingdome of the Crystal Skull
>You're a teacher?
>part time

His cameo was the worst I've ever seen. During the investigation K should have just found out that he died, end of story.
Instead we get a scene of Edward James Olmos playing Admiral Adama talking like he was buddies with Deckard or some shit. I couldn't have bad this scene was.

>he said you brade runna

>What, do you want fat 70-year-old Edward James Olmos running around hunting replicants?
Hell yeah, id pay for that

Does he mean
>then again, who leads a meaningful life?
>everyone dies in the end, like tears in the rain

Good post

Both obviously.

>You've dunnaman's jobsuh!

Probably that many people just drift through life without meaning and then die, with nothing but whatever family they've managed to have to remember them, eventually fading away from memory to a point that there is no evidence you lived or existed at all.

razorfish isn't a real film critic and pretty stupid
deal with it

Deckard is a replicant

>when you really run out of pointless shit to whine about