What does Sup Forums think about drugs

stuff like LSD,Marijuana etc.

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All drugs are degenerate.

They alter and weaken our perceptions.

A strong human should strive to maintain their senses at all times.

I suggest psilocybin Mushrooms...

Wonderfull time, cured all deporession and anxiety

People should have to take LSD once a month. Everyone would be less of a dick.

When reality is so fucking entertaining

Idk I almost killed myself from it

Use the wim hof method to get a natural high.

Absolutely degenerate, and I'm talking from experience.

I candy flip or kitty flip whatever is lsd and M for any massives in Vancouver i record passing out retards or sluts blowing people in the crowd im making a yt channel channel soon called leaf degeneracy

Altered states are still reality. It's just altered reality.

This. Mushrooms actually cured me of atheism as well.

never tried any, wouldn't even know how

Please fix your English and your grammar before you decide to make a video.

story pls

no you didn't. you may have almost killed yourself by being a dumbass, but it wasnt the lsd.

I want to try out salvia. I heard you.legitimetely get the feeling that you will die from it.

Considering I've have my few scares I'd like to see just how weird it gets for me.

I would sub to that channel

If people want to stay down, be poor and develop a destructive habit, who am i to stop them?
Less competence for me

>People should have to take LSD once a month.
>Once a month
No. LSD is not for everybody.

I injected 10 marijuanas once and my dog fucked me and died

Never again

Not when I did them, just made me talk a load of nonsense then think i'd shit myself when i actually hadn't which made me really paranoid and freaked me out for the next 5 hours, including writhing around on the floor and having intense spasms. the first hour was fun though.

degenerate but should be legalised to separate the weak from the strong

Who gives a fuck?
How is this politics nigger?

Opiates and downers are for losers

Stimulants are for maniacs and selfish pricks

Psychedelics can change your perspective but they're not for anyone

Ask a friend to be your trip sitter. Salvia only lasts for 5 minutes, but you can fuck yourself up really bad without someone there with you.

I pity people who never get to experience psychedelics. Though I suppose a lot of people couldn't handle it.

Every anti-druggist on here is a pathetic virgin, "battling" degeneracy is compensation for social inadequacy


agreed on this wrt people that think drugs should be banned but am against taking drugs personally

>pathetic virgin

Back to tumblr squirt.

took mushrooms once.

started eating them at friends house and decided i wanted to head back to my place before the set in. get in car next thing i notice the road goes woooomp and widens all crazy and cartoon like but only a few blocks to my house.

once i get home i kinda walk around thinking about what's is going on try level my self by watching tv. turn it on and the faces are morphing with these evil-esque expressions and high frequency noises like beeepbebeeepbbweeeee can't make out a thing they're fucking saying. decide it's a work of satan figuratively and head outside watching the clouds morph and change around. see cat runs completely up tree thinking jesus christ that CAT! go back inside and peak which left me like a fly on ceiling staring down at my fetal laying body. slowly come down feeling really happy and optimistic.

You did them wrong and probably not a high enough dose. You have to do them ritualistically in silent darkness, do a massive dose. It needs to be enough to overpower your sense of self, and your sense of self needs to be ready to let it happen.

all are great

They're alright every now and then but all the time is damaging.
Hard stuff like heroin and meth should never be taken.

I'm assuming people who are against marijuana are just bitter that they don't have enough friends to score or live in such sheltered communities that they don't know anyone who does yes?

Because my perceptions were very different when I was both of those things.


>you dont like X
>therefore you must be a bitter shutin with no life

Damn Skyler, you sure showed me!

>anyone I dislike is a loser

Nice argument.

psychedelics are awesome

Tried DXM for the first time like a week ago, was fun until like two hours in and I started having a panic attack thinking I was going to just die
Probably going to try weed for the first time this week too


if you are prone to paranoia or anxiety some drugs are not for you. better take it slow with the weed too

I smoke weed and drink frequently and I guarantee that I am more successful than 95% of the NEETs who use this board.

Never forget NEEThood is the ultimate degeneracy.

>non degenerates are just jealous of the degenerates

fucking wew

Weed can be a healthy thing if done every now and then, the odd weekend etc.

It's great for introspection on your own life and thoughts, and nothing beats relaxing like sticking on a decent album or a good movie and smoking a joint.

But take it from someone who has done it a lot, if you do it too much "errday" it will at best rob you of your drive and ambition, or at worst send you a bit nuts.

It is pretty simple really, if you don't want something to fuck you up, don't abuse it.

Slaving away for the corporate jew (which is what you are doing if you work to consume) is the ultimate degeneracy. Kid yourself all you want.

I usually smoke weed after a long day of homework/tests etc. From my perspective it has helped me maintain my sanity in a major that has a 50% pass rate.

Good goy. Better earn those shekels for drugs.

Im a college student. Biomedical Engineering major. I hope to do the Jewing myself when I graduate.

it's 3 AM and I be blazin dat Moroccan right now doe

what about if i like stims and psychedelics but not downers or opiates?


I have a theory that salvia is legal because people will be more likely to try it and become turned away from breaking conditioning since it is so nuts. Really no logic in salvia being legal while weed isn't

LSD, shrooms, mescaline and DMT are must have experiences at least once in someone's life to fully realize the self and conceptualize our reality. Like anything, too much is never a good thing.


It is all degeneracy.

I just heard about how our great dea has recently decided to protect our country's young people by FINALLY putting this heroin-like dangerous, deadly legal high called craytum or something. Drug addicts are saying that it "HELPS US WIT WITDRAHZ MANNNN MANNN WATRU DOING TAKIN MUH SHIT FRUM ME MANNN MANNNN UNKEWLLL MANNN ITS JUST A PLANT MANNN" but guess what? Heroin is a plant product: poppys, Cocaine is a plant product: Coca, so I guess those should be legal too by your drug addict logic.

*putting it in schedule 1 federally.

I like weed, psychedelics and all that. But I really fucking hate the whole stoner/hippy bullshit that surrounds it. I agree with what says to an extent. They should be treated with respect as a means to sharpen your senses and not just for a mere cheap thrill.

You can take these things and not be a brain-dead moron. But I don't know how people can't manage that. Maybe perhaps they are untermensch after all.

>just made me talk a load of nonsense then think i'd shit myself when i actually hadn't which made me really paranoid and freaked me out for the next 5 hours

Happens to the best of us mang.

very subtle comrade

>A strong human should strive to maintain their senses at all times.

Spoken like a true faggot

>not legalizing all drugs
give me 3 good reasons not to

1. drugs make citizens unproductive 2. drugs make otherwise harmless citizens commit violent crimes to pay for their drug habits 3. drugs rob our country's children of their parents and our country's parents of their children.

coke does not make one unproductive

Stimulants - awesome shit that makes your brain into a speed machine and can take you to the very edge of sanity.
BEST - Meth, Ethylphenidate, alpha-PHP, and the now-holy grail 4-MMC

Psychedelics - awesome shit, keys to the mind and senses. Only useful if you're smart enough to appreciate their inner beauty.
BEST - LSD(and analogs), 4-AcO-DMT, aMT, 2C-B Mescaline, and 4-HO-MET

Entactogens - Great for healing or a fun time with friends, but too much WILL break your mind. Use very occasionally to avoid brain zaps.
BEST - 4-FA, 4-MMC, 5-MAPB, 6-APB, and of course MDMA

All of the above drugs are great when used responsibly by adults. They do not let you hide from your problems, and many of them will force you to confront your problems head on whether you wanna or not.
Weed is a very mild relaxing drug. It's mostly kiddy shit, ranking in with coffee.
GOOD tobacco is great for thinking and writing. Cigs are complete trash made of the poorest leaf, however. Booze is good when lightly used, especially ales. Can be nasty like any other downer however so be careful.

All others are hit or miss. But downers(opioids and benzos in particular) are TRASH for recreation, only useful when occasionally taken as medicines.

>1. drugs make citizens unproductive
Yeah, opioids. Everything else really has zero impact on productivity.

>2. drugs make otherwise harmless citizens commit violent crimes to pay for their drug habits
That's because they're illegal. You don't see tobacco addicts or coffee addicts robbing 7 Elevens.

>3. drugs rob our country's children of their parents and our country's parents of their children.
No, that would be prison time for victimless crimes and warfare/military service.

>Use very occasionally to avoid brain zaps

Can you elaborate on that?Is it like an electrical current running through your skull at random times?I get some of this shit especially when I try to sleep and I did abuse MDMA once a month,snorting around 1g at a time

I did 3g shrooms and it was fucking amazing.

Falling for the inebriated jew, Sex with roasties and working out should be enough for you.

Brain zaps are a lot like that. You usually wince or blink and get a twitch in your head. It's not really brain damage. More like a misfiring set of neurons that possibly have some serotonin issues.
It's a complicated thing, but in general temporary. Mostly an annoyance but in severe cases can be dangerous at times(like when driving).

Can be caused by any serotonergic compounds, including SSRIs like Paxil and Zoloft.

I'd say stay away from anything serotonergic, and wait it out. See a doc if it gets worse or is unsafely impacting your life.

Once a month for MDMA is safe, but not in the amounts you were using. 1G a night is a LOT. Too much 5-HT man. I'm not a doctor, but if you went to one who knew about neurology he would probably say you have mild after effects of serotonin syndrome.

Like HPPD, this usually auto-corrects over time, but it can take years.
Gotta set limits mang. LIMITS.

What's the consensus on methylphenidate?

Im going to a hard dance festival tomorrow and taking mdma and meth. Bring on the downvotes

nice and informative post thanks man

I'm 28 have a kid and smoke pot. Shrooms maybe 1nce every 2-3 years. Work as dB developer. I would probably be better off dri king only water and Yada Yada sure. But it takes the edge off and I just don't enjoy alcohol anymore.

When I smoke Salvia the one time I thought I died. All of reality was flicking by almost like a deck of cards would. It was all layered up. I remember thinking this is what death must be like.

If you wanna end up like Terence McKenna, sure.

I believe that sensory deprivation and a high dosage of psychedelics is how some people believe the Greeks performed the Eleusinian Mysteries.

I think they used some deliriants like datura,not psychedelics

Like I said, I cannot diagnose you. Only a doc can do that.
Always try to find a legit doctor for a proper diagnosis. And don't be afraid to tell him you used MDMA. He ain't gonna blab, and likely won't judge you for it either. People make mistakes. Docs know this.

There is none.
But I can tell you, it's better than amphetamine in my case. I respond far better to NDRIs than NDRAs. I find ethylphenidate superior for recreation and 4F-Methylphenidate better for focus/work.
Though I only use stims on occasions/binges, not habitually. If you try 4F-MPH, do your research beforehand. It can be a nasty beast if you use too much.

Like most things.
Alright in moderation

I did acid once. Time went by pretty slow and there were some funky visual. Overall the only downside was I got pretty fucking sweaty.

Well its not that annoying,more like kinda awkward,but it bugged me what might have caused it and it was kind of difficult to describe it verbally

Having googled it a bit after your posts I am kinda satisfied by the explanations,let alone that doctors nowadays will prescribe you useless shit for nothing.

I dont really trust modern psychiatrists and neurologists desu

Didn't think you guys had that issue in Europe. I thought it was a US thing.

So much for socialized medicine.
Anyway, at minimum I'd stay off the serotonin for a bit. The neurons/receptors are generally self-correcting after a while. If proper drug education rather than abstinence-only shit was taught to kids, they might know that too much MDMA and like compounds can cause brain zaps.

You only learn about these things now but actively searching out the info. A VERY grievous mistake on society's part.

after at least one breakthrough experience (heroic dose), yes

Bought the ticket, rode the ride.
Burnt out at 19.
Currently 37.
Never met a habitual user of anything who wasn't a fukin moron that created their own problems.

Maybe some habitual users aren't fukin morons. If your not, then fine. Prove it by not doing continually doing stupid shit and maybe we'd be cool.

All the rest of you can OD in a puddle of your own piss and shit.

The problem is
>habitual user
First rule of responsible drug use - NEVER USE THEM HABITUALLY.
That's when the hook gets in.

Treat drugs like you would a gun or a car.

People use cars constantly, this is not a good anaology.

I meant safety wise.
Respect them, learn what the fuck you're doing beforehand, and don't be a dumbass.
Let's addend "car" to "sports car".

I've done a lot of drugs but salvia was the only time I actually felt I couldn't control what my body was doing at all. Would not recommend

I'll do MDMA, MDA, LSD, Ketamine, alcohol and that's basically it. Weed when I'm on MDxx maybe.

I walked stanley park on 125mcg of acid a week ago. Kinda wished I just stayed home and chilled in hindsight as I felt tired and crabby from walking so damn much. No more half assed psychedelic vision quest shit for me. Speaking of massives I found MDMA on the ground at Fvded In The Park and that was the last time I did any drugs until the acid.

I somehow still haven't candy flipped....

they are bad for you

Salvia is literally NOPE the drug. I did it once and unsurprisingly it was so utterly NOPE I never bothered with that shit again

In moderation, essentially as bad as alcohol, so not really bad at all.
The ultimate red pill on reality, unless you do too much then you go fucking bonkers like Syd Barrett
>Any other drug
Absolute garbage

That would literally drive the majority of the population insane.
Just because you don't live certain personality types, doesn't mean people should be obligated to take drugs to change theirs for your sake.
Also, from my experience, 101% of time the hippy dick talking about how much acid changed him, and how everyone should take it, is deep down doing so because acid DID change him for the worse, and now everyone else finds him fucking annoying, so he want's to level the playing fields.

>alcohol isn't bad
>stimulants are garbage

This is how you spot the the truly uninformed.

Good if you're socially held back

Bad if you can't keep it separated from everyday life and limit your potential because you replace potential life with sitting around getting high.

Nice strawman, I said alcohol in moderation isn't bad.

When you go to an Italian restaurant, do you really not order a glass of wine with your meal?

When you order fish and chips, do you not always get a beer with them whenever possible?

How the fuck do I get LSd in Vancouver?!
Literally asked every dealer in the city, and mo body has any sources

Go to Psytrance shows, specifically Organix. A friend of mine used to hang out with that crowd and could get me any drug possible (though in Vancouver some of them are bound to be laced)

Anything in moderation is fine.
I have an Rx of percocet around for when I get a sore leg or something. Doesn't mean I'm an opioid addict.
You can't just say-
>essentially as bad as alcohol, so not really bad at all
and then go on to call everything else garbage.
GABAnergics like booze and benzos are no light matter. They're hard drugs, and insidiously so due to their easing effect on stress.
People take booze way too lightly, not realizing just how powerful it is. It's every bit as hard of a drug as heroin, xanax, or sodium barbital.
It's actually harder than the stimulants, and more addicting. And the ONLY reason we're so casual with it nowadays is because the US government unbanned it in 1933. If it had stayed banned, you would have seen the US force other countries to ban alcohol like we did with cocaine, heroin/opium, and cannabis.

And it would be right up there with coke and smack as a "hard drug of abuse".

>Anything in moderation is fine.
Except alot of hard drugs

tried maybe 40 different drugs

I'm into health and fitness at the moment so I dont take drugs at the moment (aside from suboxone)

I think drug laws need to be changed to where its decriminalized (all drugs)

also I find it absurd that one of the hardest drugs in existence (alcohol) is the most socially acceptable (aside from caffeine)

alcohol imo is a 'harder' drug than heroin, meth, cocaine (and I've slammed all three)

tobacco is deadly

also is there anything m9re cringy than peoplle who think psychs give these dude LSD REVELATIONS about reality

like no, you need to study philosophy bud

like anything it's not black and white, some drug use is degenerate some is constructive some is educational some is fun some is escapism some increases productivity some helps some hurts some are basically harmless some are deadly

drug laws are an absolute mess

also we live in the golden age of drugs, rc's out every week internet delivery it[s sick

also degeneracy is just the Sup Forums word for **triggered** it doesn't lead to constructive conversations