So....... this is the show thats ''''''funnier'''''' than Rick and Morty?

So....... this is the show thats ''''''funnier'''''' than Rick and Morty?

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that made me chuckle

Yes. It's great and no contrarianism will change that.

You would be correct.

go back to /r/ATHF

why do a fry and a soda have a meatball as a kid? shouldnt they have a hamburger instead? that would make more sense

Consider suicide.

you're supposed to watch it drunk

They're roommates, and it's a shake, not a soda.

>rick turns himself into a pickle
>wtf that's retarded
>this other show with talking food is much better!


The Milkshake is probably the most clever character in all of television that I've watched, at least consistently. They wrote that Shake character too good. I wish I knew where to start but that Broodwich sandwich episode is a good start.

S1E1 is a brilliant start.

I agree

honestly enjoying anything and laughing at anything beside your own ironic memes is reddit af

its like christians trying to fight against atheism, theres single thing they repeat because they can't think of anything else..

>Reddit actually pretends ATHF isn't god-tier

How is it possible to even have taste this bad?

>Master Shake
Remember the schoolbus episode when Frylock had to take him to some fair to see "dracula's tomb" just so he could stop thinking that the bus was a vampire? he is written cleverly but he's not a clever character.

>not being able to enjoy something unless drunk or high
You live a vapid life

>implying you're supposed to live life sober
you're a horrible person and you deserve it

ATHF is about shitty roommates and neighbors and friends you put up with in your twenties.

Fucking this.

he thought highlander was a true story and jumped off a cliff to become immortal.

This is the single greatest character in any animated media ever made, bar none.

You can try to debate me but you would be factually incorrect.

Aqua teen has a subreddit? this isn's some lel atheism joke its just shake calling meatwad an abomination.

>Such garbage you can't get through the day sober, you need to alter your brain just to get any enjoyment, to quell the feelings of selfhate and anger that could be used as fuel to better yourself and eventually lose those feelings
I'm gonna keep being happy with myself and not wasting money on alcohol

>he is written cleverly but he's not a clever character.
That's what I meant, but more to the point that his dialogue is incredibly clever; the writing for the character is nearly perfect at times.

Also, anyone think Tom Hanks' neighbor played by Rick Ducommun from the movie "The 'Burbs" is eerily similar to Milkshake?

but the joke is not that there food but that there food and it doesn't change anything

Yeah it is.

South Bronx Paradise, baby!

>it doesn't change anything
Every human being treats them with disgust, some with fear, it's a recurring joke.

his dialogue is mostly improv

Clearly from the Village.

english isn't your first language I take it.

>english isn't your first language I take it.

Do you recognize that line?

Not the guy you responded too, but I bre my own beer and grow my own barley and hops. It's close to being free (aside from the initial money spent on equipment) and I enjoy having a beer after dinner before bed with some TV.

It is high in calories, however, so you have to calculate it into your diet the same way you would unhealthy fast food.

>comment on the absurdity of the situation vs "dude atheism lmao"
The thing is ATHF doesn't have to try hard. R&M is that lazy.

>mfw athf originally debuted in space ghost but due to the writers strike the episode actually came out after their own show started

Horn broken? WATCH FOR FINGER!

The Wisdom Cube episode was on another level for me.

And what is Rick and Morty about? "WUBBA LUBBA DUB WUB I'M PICKLE RIIIIIICK" - numales thinking they are smart and cynical, while in reality being dumb goyim, corporate shills and sheeple of the worst kind.

This actually made me laugh, no single image from Rick and Memey has made me laugh. ATHF superiority confirmed?

cringed so hard at this, wild neckbeard escaped from r/atheism

learn to write without using buzzwords. jesus.

This is a good post.

It might be cringy but its true. Modern christians are pathetic because they can't really argue atheism, or even appear that they believe in god when they debate. They can only say something like "fedora" "neckbeard" etc. Makes people lose faith

All these shitters forcing WHAT DOTH LIFE need to go
ATHF was always Sup Forums to RNM reddit

Plenty of theological debates between intelligent and well-reasoned people from all sides out there to learn from. You're only inhibiting yourself by sticking to such a narrow mindset. The staunchly religious and the staunchly atheistic who have no argument beyond memes are both brainlets desu, and more alike than dissimilar. Most atheists are not any more intelligent than the religious despite all their claims. Listening to meme scientists like Bill Nye or Neil Degrasse Tyson spout meme dogma with no opposing arguments doesn't make one any smarter than listening to preachers spout meme dogma with no opposing arguments.

Tonight... YOU

What the hell does that mean?

What does what mean?

This may be hard to get used to, but that's a joke.
Rick and Morty has no jokes, so I can see why you don't get it.

Please don't talk about Christianity/Atheism.

All I care about is that someone reminded me of a great show tonight that I don't think I've watched in probably 3-4 years and I'm grateful for that.

This honestly struck me when I read OP's image. It was an actual joke with a setup. I've spent too long in the Rick and Morty memesphere and forgotten what it was like.

no you see there are actually arguments going on in the academic world all the time it's just you don't expose yourself to it
theology goes well beyond what's in the Bible



kill yourself, reddit


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. Theres also Ricks nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that theyre not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldnt appreciate, for instance, the humour in Ricks existential catchphrase Wubba Lubba Dub Dub, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. Im smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmons genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. Its for the ladies eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that theyre within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>there wasn't one female on the show

Imagine your faith being so fragile you can't laugh at a "you so ugly" joke.

>Tfw i just went to indigo just down the street and managed to get squeezed in for a perm

does carl still do his weekly
pick of the week and is it still always the gnats

I'm so sick of seeing this copypasta.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Rick and Morty pasta. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical shitposting most of the jokes will go over a typical anons head. Theres also OPs nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his posting style- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that theyre not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike the Rick & Morty pasta truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldnt appreciate, for instance, the humour in OPs existential catchphrase What Did He Mean By This, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. Im smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmons genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Sup Forums tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. Its for the ladies eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that theyre within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

They do a full on show every week now

of course there were silly

Rick and Morty was originally a Doc Brown and Marty McFly subversion where Doc is a drunk lunatic and Marty is an increasingly annoyed pushover. Of course now that Morty's been dropped from the premise, it's about feelings and throwing depressive fits because the writers are annoyed with writing.

Is this really what you wanted to do with this thread?

Might as well argument whether unicorns and ghosts exists.

post them

>Ghosts aren't real
>Unicorns aren't real
>Magic isn't real
>Somehow God is
Ill never understand religious people, they believe in something exactly as supernatural as ghosts or magics but they manage to trick themselves into thinking their idea is right just because of a lot people fell for it too

>is athf better than r&m

>Willie Nelson? Not the Willie Nelson, but my name is Willie Nelson.

>Oh, this isn't mine, I think I'll throw it out!

*tips fedora*

but, that's funny op.

I like your fan. I like simple clever solutions and jailhouse ingenuity. and macgyver.

Nobody here unironically believes magic exists, right? You're just memeing?

>finds a simulation of what his life could be if he wasn't such a piece of shit
>Drives it to suicide

I haven't had a laugh like that since.

It's called metaphysics my good friend. Fundamentalists are the ones who believe in an elderly man resting on a cloud, whereas many Christians believe in God the same way they believe in Liberty or Power. Both are very real, and are meaningful to respect as such. You can read about the specifics in the Summa Theologica, but the idea is that there's something that makes cause turn into effect, there are inalienable eternal natural laws which don't change, and those laws dictate the universe (most people can agree about that regardless of philosophy), and the sum total of all those laws together is basically a spirit that runs the universe. Of course people throw around the name of God all the time trying to claim what is natural and what isn't, but people are foolish and weak. Fact remains there are unchanging forces that bind this universe, and being that those forces have behaviors, you could even say that those forces have a personality. Ergo God.

Do you believe in gravity?

now that you mention it.....


Agreed. I try to exclusively laugh at my own jokes

did not know this existed. mooninite shake and frylock was fun to watch. at least meatwad is basically the same.

Good summation.


>and the sum total of all those laws together is basically a spirit that runs the universe
>and being that those forces have behaviors, you could even say that those forces have a personality. Ergo God.

Well there's some feel good bullshittery. That's the basis of religion. Thank you for doing your part in keeping humankind from achieving our true potential.

Literally one of the funniest lines in the show, you have no taste.

Do YOU believe in god?

>Haahahaha... Silly daddy you can't eat carpet
>of course you don't, you have to boil it first... till the glue gets soft

I'm positive mike and rich got inspired by Carl when they made Plinkett

it don't matter none of this matters

>Thank you for doing your part in keeping humankind from achieving our true potential.
>he typed in his mother's basement while hotglueing a shota figurine

How isn't Shake's voice actor (Dana Snyder) the most sought-after comedic voice actor? That guy's delivery constantly made the most mundane lines hilarious.

>I wrap my rascal two times, because I like it to be joyless and without sensation

It's because he's so realistic. If you live in new jersey everyone is either guido, black, or carl

But natural laws and metaphysics kills people all the time, it's not about safety. If you're going to be in angry denial that natural laws exist just to protest against organized religion, then be my guest, but the fact is that the universe does have rules. Mass has gravity and attracts to mass, particles are held together with bonds, time flows forward, all these things are true and these forces always apply; if you think admitting that is a futile exercise in safety and feeling-good then I must assume you're happier denying these simple things just to feel dangerous. There is an order to the universe, do you deny it? There is also chaos, but there is certainly order, unless of course you believe particles don't have properties.
Doesn't mean you have to repent and become some self-hating religious lunatic, I'm just explaining why God isn't a cryptid, since you ask.

Pretty sure he was the fat idiot on Code Monkeys, Todd.

Yes, I believe in the God I have described. Don't go assuming I've said something I haven't about my idea of God.

It is funnier than Reddit and Morty