This is average pure aryan german woman

This is average pure aryan german woman.
Notice anything?

Yes, she looks like a fucking fingolian.

the whole no eyebrows thing that ultra white people have is really weird and unsettling

>no mudeyes
It's a European miracle

Looks like Marion Le Pen?

no black dick and tag?

Is this one of those Magic Eye pictures?

She has a snatch dripping with immigrant come.

It's the freckles, isn't it? I win!

Btw what's the story behind freckles anyway. I have them.

She's wearing a blue and gold dress.

Yeah, she has no tits.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

I think there was a serious decimation of freckled people in medieval times because it got associated with wickedness (or being a mark of the devil) and so you got this sporadic appearance of them. I noticed that there are a lot of references about red haired people and how evil they are in American popular culture. Maybe this old stereotype stems from those witch hunts?

She looks Asian?

Most noticeable is light eyebrows and a large forehead. The nose is not characteristic.
I don't think you can make the statement that she is a "pure Aryan German woman" but these are indicators yes.

It's not that they don't have eyebrows. They do have them but they are lighter in color then you are used to.. They have both blonde hair and blonde eyebrows. The eyebrows aren't very prominent due to how light they are. You may have noticed how "blondes" in movies and various other media always have black eyebrows. Daenerys Targaryen from GoT and Elsa from Frozen are good examples. Dark eyebrows supposedly make them more expressive. That's why Elsa had black eyebrows and Daenerys didn't die hers.

Oh well I survived. Light Blonde turn brown with age.

>Oh well I survived.

Have you checked your family records? Maybe they got deported to Australia instead of being burned.

>it's actually a man

yes, her skin isn't actually white in the same way an english person's would be, but is more of a yellow colour. benjamin franklin's "swarthy germans" quote wasn't just a meme. continentals really aren't white.