How do I write and draw comics? Where do I start? Any youtube channels that will help me?

How do I write and draw comics? Where do I start? Any youtube channels that will help me?

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First you gotta have connections. Are you related to Didio or Alonso?

M-My surname is Alonso yes

What are you trying to accomplish with drawing comics?

Are you a good artist?

>make feministic comic
>post it on Tumblr
>get noticed by Rebecca Sugar
>get a free ride on the pussy train
I love Sugar.

[Youtube] Strip Panel Naked

Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art

Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels

Dreamland Japan: Writings on Modern Manga

And just read alot of good comics and manga. Hope this helps.

Thanks user!

>And just read alot of good comics and manga

Are there any tutorials that go through the steps of creating a professional level comic?

1. Work for years creating art and honing your writing.
2. Spend years scraping a living off of a rock while getting pittance for sending off your comics to various publications.
3. Wait until one of the big 2 throw you a bone to write a book that will be cancelled in six issues.

Congratulations, you're creating a professional comic.

that's depressing.

>just read alot of good comics and manga.
you gotta read books and watch movies and plays and stuff too. Having too many comic writers who only know comics makes the medium too incestuous and same-y

Yeah, pretty much. Most people who get noticed only get noticed because they piggy back off of other popular people. Look at all the untalented cunts who got popular just because they knew Andrew Hussie.

I know people want to think that if they put in the hard work and time they'll make it to the top but that's just not how it's done in this kind of industry.

There goes my dreams ;_;

The thing is though, if you work hard for long enough, generally speaking, someone you know will rise you relevancy and you'll be able to ride their coattails into some celebrity. And then you pass it on to someone else you know.
You still need to work hard though.

This. Inspiration comes from all mediums and even everyday life.

If you guys don't have an inspiration folder on your computers, I feel bad for you.

Are you in the comics industry? This advice is woefully dated.

Are you?

you draw shit
you write shit
you do it till you get really good at both and then combine them together

Just get an instagram and draw trendy/pandering shit nigga


The best real advice to give is to read the Scott McCloud books, read good comics, take in a lot of good media in general, practice your art and just fucking make shit, make friends, and build your online presence until you get noticed. That's how it's worked for me and multiple other people I know in the industry. Granted, we're mostly new blood but we've got our foot in the door. Fuck, my friend is a year younger than me and got a three book deal with a publisher fresh out of college.

Also this. Instagram/Twitter is where editors are looking. Tumblr sometimes.

Desu give me your blessing

I believe in you, user. Don't let your dreams be memes.

I've got that same dream as well

Try starting with a comics journal- this will get you drawing and writing at least once or twice a week about what you've been up to.
It's cliched advice- but do read McCloud's Understanding Comics and Making Comics.
Try exercises like participating in 24 Hour Comics day.
Make other friends who make comics or want to learn and try fun shit like a comic exquisite corpse.

No matter what you do in the entertainment industry, your best friend is your ability to market yourself. Your second best friend is networking. You could have a shit art style, but if you present it in the right places, and pull a few strings, that's typically all it takes

Otherwise work hard and make yourself unique from the competition. I wanna be an animator/storyboard artist, but I also like editing so I can at least differentiate myself from everybody who wants to be a director or cinematographer

Shit, meant to respond to This is some inspiring shit

>comic exquisite corpse

Excuse me?