Is it even economically possible to bring back manufacturing to the US?

Is it even economically possible to bring back manufacturing to the US?

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Yes, but not how Trump wants to. The only way to bring manufacturing back to the US is to begin destabilizing China to the point that any savings on investment into Chinese manufacturing is easily lost because of instability and raids.

The easiest way to do this is to implement democracy in China. Chinese will start caring about worker rights, minimum wage, etc and they will no longer be a good agent for manufacturing.



Globalism is the future we want cheap shit not expensive shit that is still shit made by lazy americans.

Not in the way people assume. It's coming back, and coming back in force through automation.

A couple options:

1. Manufacture something great and new that we have a monopoly on (like electric cars) and people will pay any price for

2. Get people used to paying 4x as much for products while corporate profits take a huge hit and the stock market slides

3. Repeal minimum wage and outlaw unions to pay American workers ching-chong or poo in loo wages

Nope. Service jobs or bust. Anyone who wants manufacturing just should really kill themselves for being inept.

No, why would entrepreneurs bother when globalization allows them to maximize profit with some workers in Asia, makes no sense.

yeah but here's what needs to happen:
-kick all the chinese out. have you seen how many chinese grad students are in western universities? Frankly letting these people develop the technologies in western universities and then take it back to china for their benefit is like shooting yourself. Keep cutting edge technologies secure. Then the only option is to produce them in western countries.
-next thing is add a 15% tax on any company outsourcing work to other countries. But only work that could be arguably completed by western workers. The company must prove that a suitable workforce is not obtainable domestically for any outsourced work, which is then not subject to the tax penalty.
-start offering training incentives for people wanting to be working in trades or as technologists related to manufacturing. Too many over educated people out there. University degrees do not build products. They come up with plans and ideas. We only need so much of that. We need skilled hands on workers.
-impose large corporate penalties on american companies that sell mainly products from china unless they meet a minimum 1/5 "made in america" threshold. Say a 3% penalty of gross profits after operating costs and cost of merchandise.
-all penalty monies go to a fund which A) partially funds training programs in highly desirable fields on the condition the worker spends the first 7 years of work in America.
B) Provides no interest loans to American startups that fulfill criteria that determines they have a viable business plan and plan to employ americans.

Now make me an advisor to president trump.

pure ideology

Also /thread

Nuke Mexico. Without that sweatshop country at your door, your industries might bring back some work to the states.

Yes, but you need to cut worker rights or lower the tax burden


US trade a lot with China

Of courese not. Baby Boomers have made it illegal to hire people much less start a manufacturing Renaissance


>the only way to keep new judea aka U$A running is destroying other countries and fucking with people's life

Never change, ameriKKKa

No. The jobs politicians keep saying they're going to "bring back" just aren't coming back. Policy in the 80's and 90's opened a Pandora's Box that can no longer be closed. The best we can do is create NEW jobs here, in more advanced sectors, rather than trying to revive the dead manufacturing core of America.

Fun fact: Ford recently announced they're moving all small cars production to Mexico.

I work in a bread factory. It is the best job I've ever had, and I've been a teacher. There is a certain pride in not having to lie at all for an occupation.

but thats what his policies would do
chinas already on the verge of collapse anyways


i swear that is the most cringeworthy phrase i have ever heard

We destabilized your region once already friendo, keep those nigger lips of yours shut or we'll come down there and do it again.

Is it economically possible to bring your threads off welfare?

Yeah, use a 35% tariff on imports from outside the USA or outside the British Empire Free Trade Area.

sure yeah, just hike prices on everything 35%, what could go wrong? Surely there won't be a public backlash against that when affordable consumer goods are the only thing propping up our society. I'm sure all those multinational corporations will suddenly decide to play nice and move everything back home instead of just flipping the president the bird until popular opinion forces him to either change his policy or not be re-elected.

gradual tariff climb showing people you mean business and giving them time to relocate production and hire employees.

New companies will be formed domestically to produce the goods internally, which will not have the tariff added to them. It has worked before.

An advisor to president trump with an ai gf?


1. massive infrastructure overhaul. warn and outdated infrastructure adds costs to operating in america. there are YUGE sections of rail in the midwest that are still as they were in the 1880s.

2. education of the workforce. end the college meme and get people into the trades. we need machinists, not mechanical engineers. will suck for those in the trades currently and earning big because of a lack of supply in their labor field.

3. equal trade policy. we should tariff foreign made goods, as those countries tariff ours.

4. automation. if you want to make iPhones in the USA. you will need a lot more robots.

5. unions. government needs to remain neutral between labor and capital owners. unions need to realize that the company needs to remain profitable in order for unionized labor to have a job. unions should own significant shares of stock in the companies they represent the labor for. all unions at a company, should put forth a single representative to sit on corporate boards.

6. commodities. china holds control over rare earths market and has significant mining rights in central asia, africa, and south america. they can dump stockpiles held in reserve onto the market and crash the price. running any competition out of profitability and out of business. economically strategic resources in the USA need to be identified and subsidized. So that they can start operating and not go out of business every time china illegally dumps onto the market. new mining operations started on federally held Bureau of Land Management land.

7. international trade law/agreements. shit needs to be enforced. so that China, South Korea, and other nations can't engage in illegal trade practices to gain market share.

8. realize that Trade Wars can lead to Real Wars. stop policing the entire world. re position our military to defend against surprise acts of aggression, but mostly to detere such action. Peace through Strength.

Nobody has really tried it

Manufacturing never left senpai. It simply got less labor-intensive and more capital-intensive. We had more manufacturing output in 2015 than ever before!

Possible? Definitely

Worth it? Almost certainly not

Who really wants to work on an assembly line?

i really hope so

the service sector is a breeding ground for overly-entitled, effeminate manchildren

>Is it even economically possible to bring back manufacturing to the US?
no... nor strategically

those china men sure are clever

we could never figure out how to cut a few pieces of metal to specs over here

No eventually machines will make everything so no point

I worked in a factory from 2011-2015. We made electrical relays. When I got there, there was this area that had five men testing full-time the front panels. When I quit it was 1 guy watching 3 robots and he had 40% of the work he originally had (just loading the relays up to the robots). This was happening throughout the entire factory, and got more prevalent as the years went by.

You must also remember factory workers back then made a fair living wage, I read somewhere Ford factory workers in the 40s made equivalent to 40 bucks an hour. At the factory I worked out, voted "top 100 places to work in America" factory workers made 12 starting and capped out at 17 after 6 years.

The work was dull, monotonous, and probably filled with carcinogens.

I think with automation and corporations being Jews with money and wages, manufacturing will never really come back. Even if it does, it won't be like whatever the fuck a lot of people think it will be to "help save the economy".

Top out at $17/hr = best manufacturing job? It's not horrible but I am a skilled tradesman and i make quite a bit more than that. Albeit were a small company so we don't really pop up on the map for jobs. But damn, there's a lot better than that out there. I can think of a few $20/hr or more manufacturing jobs in my area. A few of them are really hard to get into though. You basically need an associates degree to even be considered.

Could charge a high tariff for things like manufactured without proper environmental standards, child labor, worker benifits, or a living wage. Basically all the crap manufacturers have to pay for here.

Must close all the American companies in Israel also.

Read this

Fuck your wsj paywall

just embargo/tariff all imported goods
Did you know most of the federal budget used to be funded with tariff's?
>mah cheap crap
fuck off, I'd rather have a job and skills
You used to be able to buy bed sheets that would last a long time and were really nice, now after that free trade thing with eastern Africa countries you get shit 400 thread count sheets that wear out in 2 years.
It's the same with a lot of goods.
Remember when "Made in America" was as stamp of quality?

isn't no interest loans how Hitler rebuilt Germany?

It's simple
Cut the government down to size (military,police and courts)
Privatize welfare
Get rid of the Federal Reserve
Have the government stay the fuck away from the economy
Amend the constitution on free trade
End the corporate income tax
Cut the income tax rate at least by half and make it flat
End capital gains tax
>any doubt refer to the video

better yet.. end the income tax altogheter and replace it for a saleĀ“s tax of around 10-20%

Trade sanctions against China until they stop manipulating their currency.

Massive tariffs on the export of raw materials to China, which forces them to purchase those materials from middlemen countries that the US controls. Goverment uses those profits to temporarily subsidise the mining industry's loss of export dollars, while ramping up manufacturing at home or in third party client states at US-owned factories that don't have pesky labour laws.

Implying the US,EU,Japan and pretty much the rest of the fucking keysian world does it... ever heard of Quantitative Easying? kek

It would just be done by robots.

I disagree because some poo in loo or some other shitty country will take over the manufacturing because burgers will complain that they're not getting enough freedom dollars for their work.

I think you meant doesn't do it.

Sure, they do. But they also aren't dominating manufacturing overseas intentionally. The Chinese are gobbling up market share and will eventually corner the market if manufacturing shuts down in the rest of the world.

Africa needs to get off its ass and start producing.