For once in my life I met all the requirements. Anyone else genuinely feel good about this?

For once in my life I met all the requirements. Anyone else genuinely feel good about this?

The United States is turning brown, and whites will become the minority in your life time.
All because morons like you will NEVER reproduce.

Get over it.

These globalist fucks only know how to label people that they dislike

"phobic" implies fear. If anything, fags should fear ME.

>herdur im a moron

>xenophobic and Islamophobic two separate items
fucking muslims getting special consideration




Why do people refuse to aknowledge muslim for the bigoted/sexist/racist/homophobic/xenophobic religion that it is. I dont understand

>deplorable and proud

Nice shill pic.

SJWs don't care about any of their client groups. They just hate White men and Christianity. If a group can hurt those 2 things. They support it. Muslims are incompatible with civilization and freedom ergo they fight any other power structure.

>It's not about race. It's about not being a thug.
>It's not about sex/gender. It's about being qualified to do the job.
>It's not about who you bang/fuck/hump/etc. >It's about mental health and disease control.
>It's not about isolationism. It's about, homogeneity, Nationalism and National security.
>It's not about hating a religion. It's about ending terrorism.

>Gots to luv them Master Suppression Techniques!

If they apply to me, I'm feeling mighty good...

We have to let the ayys become Syrian refugees 2.0, fucking the Swedes and making ayy babies and all just to not be called xenophobic? That's some horseshit I agree that they can crash on the moon if they want

I'm honestly so sick of this shit
Those words don't even mean anything anymore
People who use them now just sound pathetic and dumb

Bwah hah hah. I am "racist" on the internet. Hear me roar:

>whites should have their own ethnostates, like every other race.

So controversial!

How can you honestly resist, seeing as there are so many scorned fierce sexy af curvy black females wanting asian or white dikk in their smooth buns?

*hispanic majority doesn't count as brown, more like poop colored which is sepia. Also, no birth control is cheating. At least they are Catholic.



fucking aced it. what now europe, always making fun of american education- that's 100 fucking %

I don't even know what "racist" means these days other than it being the latest catch all derogatory name like "emo", "hipster", and "nerd" use to be back in the days.

I just don't understand, they just get their info from obama and the liberal left that islam is the religion of peace but the actual content is not.

> Meant for arabs only
> Radical imperialism
> Devalues women to just items
> Kills for apostasy

It means any type of negative look on someone who isn't white

I probably fit most of those, but I don't feel good about it, because the bar is set so low for each of those words. It's disrespectful to the truly deplorable!

Disagreeing with a woman or thinking the sexes aren't identical = sexist.
Not wanting unlimited immigration of whoever arrives at the border first = xenophobia.
Thinking Islam has a few issues = racist, Islamophobic.

> tfw hit all the boxes other than homophobic

RCMP is going to take me away soon, I can feel it.

I aced this test 100%
What now?

I'm not any of those, you can't be racist against niggers since they aren't human... same goes for islamaphobic and muslims.

I do however respect gays and trans people and wish the best for them in their fight for equality, I mean as long as they aren't niggers.

Blessed is the green. May you always select the images with grass.

advanced placement class starts next week, check the Sup Forums AP section for sign-ups

>No anti jew

99% of people don't do any research. If CNN or the Daily Show said it that's good enough.

I don't see a problem here. I fucking can't wait for CRISPR to bleach the whole fucking world. With recent science women are not even fucking needed to make babies and can be saved and used for nothing but fun and food instead.

>I do however respect gays and trans people and wish the best for them in their fight for equality, I mean as long as they aren't niggers.


>tfw not homophobic

damn, i was so close

i do think its technically a mental disorder but thats an inarguable fact so that doesnt make me homophobic

Hillary left anti-semitic out. Maybe that is a good trait.

Jews are just going to use crispr to make themselves even smarter and fuck over the goyim even more

.... and food?