Self deprecating

>self deprecating
>self motivation

why are webcomic artists these days so unoriginal and terrible?

people like to see others suffer if they're feeling good, and they like to see others suffer if they're feeling bad

>Those terrible panels

Here is most certainly not good

Relatable is the video game webcomics of this generation.

>see! I'm acknowledging my faults that makes them go away right?

They've always been like that, it's just that back in the day they used video games as a cover.

what else do you want to see? what would you consider good? People being angry and solbing their shit = pretentious shit, people being happy = autism. And so on. You have a bitching ready for every style. those threads go nowhere because of this.

Because their "fans" get too pissed off whenever they move outside of their comfort circle even a tiny inch, and then the webcomic artist often pussies out and caters to them.

The problem with that comic is not its subject matter, it is the absence of a joke.

They say write what you know, and most of these webcomic artists have only ever known failure (most of them for good reason) so their work is dripping with on-the-nose lazy metaphors for things like disappointment, melancholy, fear of change, etc.

The first Owlturd comic I've laughed at in a while and not only does he destroy it and lose the small modicum of good faith he's earned back, he's basically come out and stated his formula.
>Anthropomorphism of negative emotion or an aspect of life
>inappropriate reaction from a flawed character

The comic in the pic is pretty good. Kinda reflects most people on the internet.

quick someone post that thing with the guy making a comic and every body part and thing in the comic is labeled

They write in a way that connects to their audience.

And the audience of today is an over-entitled group of semi-hedonists that indulge in nothing but fleeting pleasures with no regards to a livable future, and yet still come away with a sense of ennui and a lack of personal fulfillment that they blame on the world at large rather than themselves.

>semi-hedonists that indulge in nothing but fleeting pleasures with no regards to a livable future, and yet still come away with a sense of ennui and a lack of personal fulfillment
I would assume that the latter is an inevitable result of the former, rather than in spite of, but I understand your point.

don't forget "I AM SILLY" humor
but because it's what's popular, you figure out why

Why are artists so spineless?

They get popular off the back of Tumblr and it's ilk (probably because it's cheap, quick, and easy) and they're afraid if they fall down they won't bounce back, so they'll cling to the following they've built by catering to their whims.

I wouldn't know because mine is an absolute tour de force.

I think part of the reason has to do with what kind of content is easier to spread and share. Short, self-contained, and "relatable" strips can go on multiple platforms without much issue. Compare with something longer form that requires more investment and context and it's easy to see why some genres and formats are more visible than others.

What self-congratulatory social-darwinism. "I'm successful because of how innately great I am, they're unsuccessful because of how innately weak they are". The world simply doesn't work that way were great people rise to the top and weak people sink to the bottom, it just doesn't. Plus the "entitled, lazy millennials" type cliche, you might as well write crappy think-pieces for crappy news outlets. You probably already do.

>you can't judge people!
>now here's how I judge you

Lol. I'm not sure how you came up with that response. I never said anything about judging people. I said social-darwinism was garbage, thinkpieces about millennials were garbage, and this post includes bost. I never said that because you/they wrote this garbo post, that means you/they deserve less in life, which might be considered social darwinism.

You don't want to lose money by pissing off your base of supporters.

Nowhere does it say millennials. Almost every age group above 18 fits that profile. There's a huge amount of 60+ year old baby boomers (going on 70 now) that rotted away every opportunity to save and are now facing living on barely $1000 in government assistance a month.

You project your insecurities pretty hard, but I'm sure you'll double down in the next post with a fantastically worded "nuh uh, you are!"

BUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?! I need to know. Where can I read more?

It's better to be a little spineless than a complete prick like John K or Least I Could Do.

It's titled "Den Flies the Coop" and it'll be posted in a random Sup Forums thread with the word "webcomic" in the OP sometime in the next 6 to 8 weeks.

Nobody can say it's not technically a webcomic.


because tumblr is terrifying, and all it takes is one insane person to destroy your life

Boomers are by far the worst.

>he destroy it and lose the small modicum of good faith he's earned back

Dude, his fans outwheight niptickers by a lot.

Not saying he needs or even wants anything from me, just stating my personal sentiment toward his work.

We have a terrifying combination of introversion and a direct dependency on our audience

inb4 Andersen that incorrigible Nazi

No we don't.

Its hard enough to earn a living as an artist without the risk of an Internet mob snatching it all away just as you get it.

Oh yes we do.


>Just two idealized gamer dudes on the couch talkin' games with their WAAACKY non-human sidekick!

>I'm a realistic person who has trouble dealing with my emotions and the hardships of daily life while everyone around me is somehow more comfortable/successful.

That sounds like something a filthy non-artist would say.

>No 74
Wait, what happens in the first 73?

>tfw got depression and want to express myself so I can be open to everyone about my personal dilemas, but everyone else is already doing it.
