Fuck me, does anyone do their research these days?

Fuck me, does anyone do their research these days?

Whyresearch when you can make believable lies.

I never researched the fascism works, and I'm not going to start. Heil Hitler! Japanese are honorary Aryans so racemixing with them is okay!

No, they dont and we need to continue taking advantage of the media being lazy and stupid.

No, but nobody actually fucking does anything at all anymore.
It's enough gratification to post something on kikebook for your likes and then thats that. Nobody votes, nobody does actual change, nobody does fuckin anything.
They just complain and "share"

I saw that on FB an hour ago and thought it might be woodstock but I was like "surely they wouldn't try and pass this off as their own stuff"

>that christmas ribbons censorship

Fucking faggot, get AIDS you backwards pigfucking queer freak.

I live in South Dakota and any time my town's newspaper reports on the pipeline all you see is prairie niggers bitching and white guilt apologists apologizing for their skin color, it's fucking pathetic.

The only reason the featherheads are whining is because no one is paying them to put the pipe down. They claim it's on "sacred land" in an attempt to extort money when in reality they own exactly none of said land.

You salty, paco?

I'm on my phone and it was a quick easy way to censor, go eat a taco

I thought it was funny

They were just offered like a quarter million or 200k the per person to quit protesting. They all refused. When it comes down to it... you can't drink money.

>inb4 you can buy clean water

Give me sources because I don't fucking believe you. Prairie niggers are some of the most entitled shitskins I've ever met. Not only that but the water thing is yet another attempt at tugging on people's heart strings. There are tons of pipes all over the US and suddenly this is the one that will pollute the water? Why are they perfectly fine with living in a self-made wasteland but now their water is important?

>honorary aryans
You do realize hitlers relationship with the nips was the same as the relationship with literally every other country he back stabbed. No one will ever be equal to aryans

Hitler admired the nips, there are quotes of him saying that in some ways, their culture was superior to the Germans.

Fucking saw this on FB an hour ago, raged hard.

Also, why hide the name? Tyler Eldridge posted it originally.

This is complete bullshit. I live in ND and those poor feather niggers would take 5% of that. They are just about the only non-whites in the entire state and are all drunk hopeless retards.

The pipeline wasn't even on their land and agitators from out of state riled up the red man



Never even heard of him, I was just auto censoring everything.
Sounds like a tool though, either he willfully spread that false image around, or was too dumb to check himself.

>The pipeline wasn't even on their land and agitators from out of state riled up the red man

You mean George Soros


>Implying dumbass native drug addicts and alcoholics wouldn't sell one of their body parts for $300k

>Implying they care about 'da land'

But that is what I am saying though. If there was merit in they would quit protesting for $50 and some cheap whisky.

bit of a red herring still

if you will remember, Obama's homie Warren Buffet started making a killing by shipping the oil on his railroad when Obama killed the pipeline.

let's see them protest oil rail cars.

I can't wait til some faggot Facebook activist shares this post and I can point out that it's just Woodstock

But why would you want to censor it? What's the point?