
Really makes you think

I hate my country so fucking much

Please save us

What exactly am I seeing here?


Baby got back.

Poor beggar and his two kids, they're painted like clowns to try and get people to donate a couple of pesos(cents) to them

It's irony because todsy is Mexican independence day

good salsa brand

I saw similar people all over the US.

You both need to do something about the sheer amount of homeless.

Hardworking undocumented immigrants taking the jobs no one else wants to do.

why that kid got a booty tho

>It's irony because todsy is Mexican independence day

Oh shit I didn't remembered it. That explains all dem fireworks.

What does the Mexican government spend all its money on?

trying to get their bundas to match brazils

>Today is Mexicos independence day

Nothing to celebrate
If our national heroes could see the shit of a country modern Mexico is they would have never fought a revolution against the Spainish Empire

a broken man in a broken country who still believes in his broken nation.

>If our national heroes could see the shit of a country modern Mexico
>If our national heroes could see the faggots we are today
They were only national heroes AFTER they gave up their lives for their nation.

Bola de agachados.

Sigh.. how many more of your shitty fucking people do we need to take?

How much more fucking money do we need to give you in busted trade deals?

How much more of our money do you fucking want transferred to your nation from ours by your confederates?

God damn it man!!!


You can always identify poor people when they bring their giant jug of water places.

castles in france

Makes me think about birth control and how if Juan there used a $10 box of condoms, he wouldn't have brought two $10,000 a year kids to suffer in his shitty world.

what the fuck do you think we're trying to do, taco nigger?

The biggest problem you guys face is the hardest working ones immigrate here, and the others just do it illegally. All those people who don't want to be in their home country, what changes do you imagine could happen should they be stuck there?

>be /fit/
>carry gallon of water everywhere

/fit/ confirmed for poverty

Are they waiting for a parade or a march?

What's with the clown paint?

Dude is sitting on a metal bucket... which he'll probably beat on or some shit.

Fuck off you cuck

I can already tell you're obsessed with anime.

Is this detroit?