I've lived in Young, NSW for seventy years and immigrants have ruined it

Look at this garbage;



The town I've raised my kids in and my kids are raising their kids in has become the unofficial Islamic capital of rural Australia, I've had a gut full of this shit, can't drive down Boorowa St without seeing the worst types of third world scum imaginable. Not to mention crimes up here, from memory it said in the paper if that Young had the same population as a city like Sydney, we'd have the higher crime rate than Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane combined. All the drugs coming in, third world scum and asset rich baby boomers, this town has gone right down the shitter.

I'd have to assume that it'd be worse in the cities, but when you see the stuff in your small rural town that you hear about happening in the coastal cities awash with leftism and immigrants it really starts to make your blood boil. Bloody nora, I've heard that Young is also the Muslim convert capitol of Australia, so first we've got third world muslim cock-sucking scum, and now we have treasonous cunts betraying Australia and turning their back on Christian Australian values and the Australian way of life.

I've had enough, but you can't change shit no matter how hard you try, all the baby-boomer bureaucrat hippies in Canberra do whatever they want and the average citizen has to deal with the mess. All started when that communist traitor Holt abolished the White Australia Policy, letting in all those Vietnamese cock-suckers, I remember when they first came here in the early 70's, I had a family of them come to my brothers car dealer ship because they assumed they could get themselves a free car. You would've thought they stopped it there, but alas we're swamped with more and more third world scum.

Then you've got all those nip, chink cock-suckers in our country, manipulating the economy, driving up prices in the cities and rural Australia and screwing over farmers who already get it rough from the government. My generation fought to keep these savages out of the country, my cousin didn't get the bayonet from nip savages to have every variety of slants to swarm the country a few generations later.

I've just had enough, I won't be alive for much longer thank god, I take solace in knowing I won't have to see the future state of this beloved country of mine.

we can once we substantiate a movement, I intend one day on creating such a movement of course its laughable to think anyone using pol would talk about such things but I am quite serious when I say I am a Australian born half-caste Indian, Through my upbringing I learnt what a lesser culture truly was. I was rebellious and went through the whole rigmarole of being a leftie truther, but always thought of Australia as the all encompassing home that truly let people live in infinite peace. Now we are pressed. Between those who would not speak to this lived freedom, and those who would actively take advantage of the prospects we allow our new citizens. There will be no future, unless I and many others are willing to give our lives, bodies and souls to this cause. Because men I never met gave their lives for me. I shall do it for a future I will never see.

Sounds good mate, I won't be taking part in any movement, I'm 85 years old and got diagnosed with mesothelioma a couple of weeks ago, I just hope you lot can fix all the stuff caused by baby boomers after I'm gone.

Fucking hell this is sad, I had no clue Young was being filled up with mudshits.

I thought most of the rural areas were safe? I was actually planning on moving out of Sydney to a country town like Young, and they are now putting these cunts in the areas white people want to escape to?

Fuck it all.

Rural area's are chockablock with scum now mate, cause there's no job for the immigrants in Sydney. If I was a young bloke I'd probably move to somewhere rural in South Australia, stay away from the Riverina though.

Welcome to the Underworld grandpa.

I've been here since 2012 mate

Who's doing it down there? Up here (((socialists))) and socialists are the ones fucking everything up and turning cities into third world hell holes.

Socialists here as well mate.

We have to stop our politicians giving our countries away.
But why is it always hateful scum bastards like muslims .
And where are they finding them ?
We've been emptying their countries for 40 years.
There's always millions more

>I'm 85 years old

You better provide some proof, I'm a little bit skeptical that anyone from my grandfather's generation can operate a computer, much less post on Sup Forums.

Cause they're socialists who hate white people.
Can't provide any proof really, a computer, television and home phone are the only bits of technology I have, sorry mate. I'm internet literate because this is all I can do now, I've been sick for a while and I was diagnosed with mesothelioma not long ago

You faggots really thought the boomers would let you escape the bonfire

bro since youre so old why dont you ride in there and blow some shit up or something

kek this

I've often thought about it but I wouldn't want to bring shame upon my family

Everyone wants a ned kelly grandpa brah

Don't tempt me mate I want to do it

85 years old and still shitposting. God damn what a beautiful thing.

Give em hell!

>70 years old.
>user on Sup Forums.

Pick one.

Always mate
I'm 85

Worst PM, not counting the last 4-5?

I only know what the mainland used to be like because I grew up in rural Tasmania.

> tfw bus drivers are white, friendly and helpful
> tfw the Taxi driver doesn't speak Punjabi on his phone
> tfw people still stare rudely a kid because he's wearing a turban
> tfw student-Commies are still dismissed as an amusing joke

When I moved to Melbourne that's when I really realised I had to take my studies seriously so I can get the fuck out of this country.

Bloody Holt mate, that fucking communist. Glad the cunt drowned, he destroyed this country.

fuck up cunt

Tell us more about the olden days grandpa.

You fuck up you fucking nip sympathizer
It was good mate and we didn't have nips everywhere.

Our politicians were duped into letting immigrants in en masse
And caught in the web of moralistic humaneness do not have the insight into what there actions are causing
But we are fighting back, and if we get the deal we want with the euros , which is dole scum sent home, permits for the rest and checks on residency, we can then chase these Muslim fucks out of England , and we will.
All the best old Aussie fella, thanks for giving the anglosphere a great flavour.

Cheers mate, good luck.

Do you consider Slavs white?

Bunch of mongol savages, not at all.

Seems reasonable to me that an elderly person would come across this site.

I only used Sup Forums because I was stuck at home with depression and needed some stimulation. Reddit was too slow back then (might be quicker now, I don't know), but Sup Forums had replies within minutes or even seconds.

Reading news articles all day just doesn't cut it after time


cars are on the wrong side, it was ruined from the start