How do we increase birth rates in western societies?

So Sup Forums how do we reach that magic 2.1 babies per women? I hear people advocating for giving more money to parents all the time but considering some of the most socialist countries have the lowest birth rates I doubt that will help, I'm looking at you Germany. What if anything would actually work?

Other urls found in this thread:

-Kick out all brown people

-Suddenly tons of money to go around
-Suddenly tons of jobs to go around
-Suddenly tons of education to go around
-Suddenly less crime
-Suddenly less poverty
-Suddenly families can grow
-Suddenly less taxes
-Suddenly 5 child families are common
-Suddenly you can marry your gf without spending 100k and 4 years on a college degree.
-Suddenly you can feel good about the future.
-Suddenly jobs offer high benefits.

This will sound completely insane but with the existing gibs system in germany...
Extreme affirmative action against whites
Push whites out of the workforce completely for more fucking

It's irreversible. Give it up, white peeps have no future

Actually kill yourself.

>Kick out brown people
>Suddenly tons of jobs to go around
>Suddenly tons of education to go around
really made me think

There's only one way Sup Forums can get anything done

We're going to have to meme it into existence.

Start pushing memes about the future of planet earth being dominated by whites and japanese. Within 40 years, it shall be so, or atleast enough to combat the means of islam and china


Abortion ban and a high tax on birth control - problem solved.

>And I'm going off the rails

Import sandniggers and let them breed with your women

We don't need to increase our birth rate. We need to decrease the rest of the world's birth rates. We are heading towards completely infeasible overpopulation and we need to kill off a large part of the world population. The most humane way to do that is gradually limit birth rates.

Or just stop humanitarian aid and let niggers figure out their own shit. They'll die off soon enough.

China's fine, Islam, India and Africa are the problems.

Remove women from the work place.

only a mini ace age could save whites. colored people can't survive without sun and its too cold for them.

we have to block the sun

Like this:

There's no need to if net immigration levels drop

>ban porn, limit bs college courses, motivate people to work manual/skilled jobs, subsidies and programs for young families, lower welfare, mandatory conscription and physical fitness

Praise for confirmation of the neo-nazi Cambodian basket-weaving forum frog God

Speaking from experience are we


India will solve it's problem in the future.
It's could be done gently or harshly.

Africa would just by killed off by biological warfare, do you really think people care about Africa so much?

Islam, that's the current problem in your countries. They would be probably kicked out from Europe in 20-30 years. If there are any whites alive to kick them out..

I am.




less people, more limited resources available per capita.

European slow birth rates are godsend, the rest of the world is meanwhile breeding the planet to death.

I'm hoping that global warming will cause enough flooding and disruptions to make a dent in the population growth, or even disrupt weather patterns and cause largescale drought in various regions.

We don't have to. We can just import third worlders to boost our population and increase consumerism. There is an endless supply of them. Our economy will grow perpetually.

stop taxing them



Tbqh i feel sorry for you cucks.

It pisses me off even more that the stereotypical blonde blue eyed swedish woman will cease to exist in 20 years.


You really need an Indian if you want true hatred of Islam.

Conscripted breeders.

The Romanian Solution - ban contracpetion, abortion and state based sexual education.

>The direct consequence of the decree was a huge baby boom. Between 1966 and 1967 the number of births increased by almost 100%, and the number of children per woman increased from 1.9 to 3.7. The generation born in 1967 and 1968 was the largest in Romanian history. Hastily, thousands of nursery schools were built.

You remove the ancestral parasite from the equation is how you do it.

The artificial womb is coming.
Prepare for it if you wish to reproduce industrially.

this guy gets it

1. Stop 3rd world immigration.

2. Promote birth control methods in the 3rd world (including free IUDs)

3. Give western societies something to strive for beyond consumption of goods. Trump can usher in a 2nd baby boom by offering an inspiring vision of America. nationalist parties can do the same in Europe.

also true, and vice versa

>thinks white women are having abortions...

White women are fucking niggers and bar slutting into their 40's and not creating white families because of social engineering/propaganda in the universities and MEDIA.

It's a psychological problem not physical.

also 42 get it must be the answer to everything
make it white, make it right

>No abortion
>No contraceptives
>Women are thoroughly encouraged to fulfil their natural duty of motherhood and men to become fathers
>Actually encourages population growth "go forth and multiply"
>Strong nuclear families

thats some celtic weave lookin digits

Probably true tbqh ffam.

The OP said western countries m8


That would only work in countries like yours. If we did that here we'd end up with 3x as many Hispanics and blacks.


>What is India's fastest growing demographic?

Well I guess kek approves.

Yes can do

It's directly linked to female emancipation.
That's why the communist block got hit by low birthrates first. They were quick to put the cunts in the factories and under desks.

Stalin like dictatorship. Anyone with less than 3 kids under the age of 30 to be branded as enemies of the state and liquidated.

>It pisses me off even more that the stereotypical blonde blue eyed swedish woman will cease to exist in 20 years.

Maybe when the swede becomes almost extinct they'll set up a sort of reservation for them.

Sorta how we allow those few tribes of uncivilized humans to develop at their own pace in the jungle and shit.

I genuinely considered the idea of European reservations, only thing is when they inevitably become the preferable living space they'll be flooded with migrants again.

stop doing everything possible to sap resources from the rich, traditional and intelligent
stop giving said resources to the stupid liberal rabbit fully auto baby dispensers

Fair point. Then the only thing that could work for you guys is a strong societal pressure on childless people.

6 hour work day
cheap housing
quality education without all the competitive/pressure bullshit


Just give money to young families. That's what Israel did and it's working fine.

Women decide if they want a family or not, and they will always go for the most shekels.

Femenism must die.
Women must be prohibited from working.
No stonk indipendent wimmenz in television. More famely oriented propaganda.

Women only go after men to increase there social status.

Clasical gender rolles are the solution.
This will take a few generations to take effect.

Giving money to people for kids is a shit idea, because only poor subhumans will make noticeable use of it. Result is even more niggers.

Just make children affordable. A normal working family should be able to live comfortably on a single income or at least with only a part time job for the mother. If both have to work full time to support themselves, they'll have one kid max, if any at all. At the same time, make children financially impossible for subhumans and leeches. Result will be more white people and less niggers.

Eradicate the stronk independent womyn meme for women to take pride in raising a family again, instead of taking pride in slaving away for the jew.

You are all wrong.

Humanity is wired very weirdly. When we have it bad, we make kids. When we have it good, we wait for the "ideal moment".

To make more white kids we have to make everyone poorer off. We have to fuck up the halth system beyond repair and make children dying a common occurrence again. That will restart us.

to elaborate, these shitty "make the poor people fuck like rabbits" programmes only end up resulting in broken families who abuse their children
abused children or children raised by shitty parents will know nothing about parenting other than it's stressful and hurts everyone involved
they will no longer want children
making parenting a pleasant experience for all involved (by doing as i mentioned) will increase birth rates
scrap inheritance tax

germ man gets it

it's failing here, and mostly leads to new Somalis and random browns getting a big bunch of kids

the natives pay high taxes, often so high that even the maternity support cash for kids is not enough. the cost of living is simply too damn high.

Global warming is a nigger plot to destroy white ppl?

Mein gott!
That explains all the burning tiere mountains in afrika!

End feminism. I don't know how but it's the only way.

>few generations
Not really, just 2 generations to make sure.

Read this - it's pretty long but i thought you would find this interesting.

Drastically reduce welfare. End womens suffrage.


How about we let the societies naturally shrink to comfortable levels while guarding against being overrun by 3rd world hordes.

The untuchebels.

No education
No future
No hygene
No medication

Mhhhhh the dumber the more children?

Also the muslims.

this is fine but state pensions need to go

Well muslims have hyge education and medication.

No bantz, no insults intendet towards india.

But what muslims have a very hostile life enviorment.

Ban the pill. Problem solved.

Yah there is only a slim chance.

Most white people have no idea how fucked they're gonna be. Boomers are just in wilful denial. Bleeding gen y fags are like wahhh just vote far left.

One of the only hopes is ww3. Glad I'm too old to be conscripted no way in fuck I wanna die for western faggot scum.

Arranged marriages obviously. Look at India, they are about that.

KEK only approves of this because it would cause more chaos and argument.

Obviously this is not a decision that we leave up to KEK

Praise KEK

Old faggots sending jung men to die for there benefits.

Sounds familiar.

Close the fucking borders, stop feeding and caring for fucking brown third worlders who breed uncontrollably and then flood our countries driving down wages and driving up rents.

People are naturally staying away from breeding because they can SENSE we are past capacity.

Mouse Utopia etc etc etc.


Explain untuchebels and mulims and afrikans.

Worst living conditions, no money, death everywhere, hunger, desperation.

Breed like animals.

Looks like money is not the solution.

Giving tax breaks to people who have children

incentivize not getting children with money, like club of rome proposed. 80 k € for 50 year old childless women.

this way only productive people will reproduce.
right now we have it the other way around.

Fertility is inversely proportional with IQ.
Don't listen to the cucks that believe in the raising wealth lower birth rate meme, it's only a question of IQ and so 100% genetics.

The only way to reduce subhuman fertility is to raise their death rate, everything else is bound to result in the subhumanisation of Humanity and so eternal doom when we are at the cusp of mastery over reality.

incentive children for native germans up to 3.

no money for immigrants, close borders, kick out immigrants and "germans with migrant background" are sent to their families in their home countries.

There is a war going on against germans still,since 1945 they bleeed us out financially and try to reduce birthrates and now try to breed us out. I am sick and tired of my people not getting this.



>-Kick out all brown people

Less than 10% brown people in Europe, this isnt the US of A.

>-Suddenly tons of jobs to go around

You mean manual labor? Thats done by Poles and Eastern Europeans.

>-Suddenly tons of education to go around

Education is free and a right here.

>-Suddenly less crime

Petty theft and drug dealing? Sure, but what does this have to do with the birth rate?

>-Suddenly less poverty

Quite the contrary, immigrants get more benefits than poor natives.

>-Suddenly families can grow

Out of the soil? What the hell are you smoking?

>-Suddenly less taxes

We have flat taxes here.

>-Suddenly 5 child families are common

Magically I presume.

>-Suddenly you can marry your gf without spending 100k and 4 years on a college degree.


>-Suddenly you can feel good about the future.

I do feel good about the future, since educated skilled individuals dont have these problems.

>-Suddenly jobs offer high benefits.

They already do, just not minimum slave-wage jobs


The problem is giving women reproductive rights and sexual "liberation".

This has nothing to do with foreigners, or muslims or Turks. This has to do with women.

Western women used to have children at age 18-20 and theyd have 3-5. Nowadays they have 1 at age 30+.

Then again, what do you expect?

Europe has a very high population density and a billion people.

Were not America. We dont have alot of stolen free land.

Is this really so hard to understand?

Low birth rates are not a problem. Importing millions of shitskins is a problem, but has NOTHING to do with Western women not wanting to have children.

KEK wills it.
Whites and Japanese is cool with me.
Praise KEK

Piss poff shill. EVERYTHING you said is wrong and I wont even use my time to explain this to you, because you know it yourself. JESUS.

No proofs.
No links.
No nothing.

Only rage. Jesus. Formulat a intelegent argument.

There has to be a fundamental change in women's behavior. Men are just playing video games all the time because women are so shitty now. Feminists, whores, etc.

Men and women need to just openly admit that men want sex, and women want security, so they provide these things for each other. This is the entire basis of civilization. Feminists are pretending like they disagree with this concept, and it's wasting everybody's time and keeping people (including themselves) from getting laid.

People need to drop the facade of feminism and admit that they agree with the standard gender roles. Women won't do this voluntarily, so really men need to get out there and fuck younger girls, get them pregnant as teenagers, and the feminists will be forced to sit there in their 30's and watch it all happen, as they rot alone. Men also need to date more virginal girls, and date Asian women, and do other men a favor and parade these women around in public for all the feminists to see. If you're dating an Asian woman, that's a symbol that you don't care about conforming to white women's artificial neo-dating standards, and if you can't win the game, you'll just overthrow the whole chess board and table. White women absolutely abhor it when you're dating an Asian woman. It represents everything they hate. Nothing makes them more upset and angry. You know how white guys don't like when a white girl dates a black man? 10 times worse when a white man is dating an Asian woman.

Women need to realize, they can't afford to be a feminist anymore. They can't afford to be a whore anymore. The biological clock is ticking. And they can't afford to act so fucking shitty and give their husband / boyfriend a hard time. Because there will always be someone younger and prettier. These shitty women need to be ostracized and abandoned, along with the beta orbiters who fuel them with attention and never even get laid in return. Anybody who even talks to these people is part of the problem.

Tolles gegen Argument Junge.


Einfach nur traurig.

Frauen sind das Problem.

Your kind will be cleansed as well if you pick the wrong side. Remember that.

Best part is, we don't have to get off Sup Forums to effect the world.

The world is Sup Forums now.


>Your kind will be cleansed as well if you pick the wrong side. Remember that.

Cleansed by whom exactly?

>if you pick the wrong side.

What side is that?

The great "Meme war I"?

>Remember that.

Ill forget this thread within 10 minutes Leaf.

Move to the villages where you need kids to turn 14 so that they can help out with the agriculture and cattle work.

Ban abortion. Have a good social program for families with multiple kids, build day childcare centers and make them free. Make propaganda about benefits of having kids.

You need to make it so having multiple kids has more benefits than having none.

Of course this can only work if you kick out the shitskins.

Also keep in mind that every white women breeding with a shitskin is a women not having white kids and women are the main ressource here and the key to solve the problem. I'm sure if white girls stopped dating niggers and sandniggers we would see a significative growth of white birthrate. Do your job and redpill your white female friends, your relatives, make them be disgusted of brown ""people"".

>-Kick out all brown people


This frog gets it.

I would add to that, that social shaming of "non-mothers" needs to be enforced.

That remains to be seen. Either way it will be a glorious sight for Lord KEK

Doesnt work too good in almost all white countries, does it?
The answer is to have housewives while you struggle to provide for the family.