Best waifu from comfiest show

Best waifu from comfiest show.

The fuck is up with her?

There's something about her face, isn't there?

her skull is fucked

Whatever happened to that MMO they were shilling to go with this?

Who names their kid Rockne?

still active

It still gets played and has a dedicated fan base of about 100+ people. My beef is they suck at texturing and alot of the maps are the same 3 or 4 doodads sprinkled around an area where you do arena type battles. It was merely okay when it came out 6 years ago, but it hasn't held up at all. Also, the show ended where it needed to in season 3.





I can't play MMO's. Talking to other people in a game world for anything more complicated than "flank them, you idiots!" doesn't appeal to me, and the Skinners Boxes are too easy to see.

I've never played an MMO, I didn't have a computer in the WOW days and I don't want to pay for a game that's servers will eventually go down.


nah I'd prefer me some scheming castithan puss

Why is her arm covered in acne?

Stephanie Leonidas.


She's part alien.

Her servant was hotter.

She looks better as the alien.

Really should have gotten at least one more season.

I expected it to be shit when I first started watching it and absolutely loved it.