Considering her circumstances, I think Hillary Clinton is doing extremely well

Considering her circumstances, I think Hillary Clinton is doing extremely well.

What did the artist mean by this ?

Thats because trump already cleared all those obstacles.

Which one is it now? Do women wan't equal treatment or not?

Well at getting me off yeah

He wanted to show how little does he know about politics.

>has the entire mainstream media on her side
>has the DNC and Obama on her side

She should be wiping the floor with Trump

Why didn't you post the original?

Yeah this shits obviously bait

It means each time she approaches a hurdle she begins to cough violently and toss it into Trump's lane.

As if she can run without dying.

It evens out because Hillary is a faster runner. She is escaping the FBI.

>even shadman got on the hilloli trainwreck
el oh el

>Mainstream media
Yes it's outrageous but they want to be paid for their shilling

>the system
Again they too want to be paid, honestly these people must think the Clinton foundation has a limitless chequebook

Basically Americas beachhead for the Russians. Filthy communists

That makes no sense. It should be the opposite.

how warped does you worldview have to be to draw that

I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sure that it should be the exact opposite. But I don't think it would matter to say so as cumskins won't stop until the entire world is ruled by women

Here is the Fixed version

The biggest issue here is that the mainstream media is clearly and obviously pro-Clinton, and even Fox is full of Never Trumpers.

How will she ever cope with the biased mainstream media? Poor Hillary!

Comey gave orders for them to never have both feet off the ground though

At best they are power walking


>Lol implying the "Media" isn't trumps greatest enemy.

> Trump has to hurdle propaganda
> Trump has to hurdle false narrative and lies..
> Trump has to hurdle CNN, MSNBC, And Faux News.

more Like

this image pleases me greatly

Das ist absolut fantastisch

>Jeb's hurdle busted wide open

not as bad as how Hillary is gonna feel after all this.

Safespaces may be comfortable for those that need them but they very limiting when receiving unfiltered and unbiased information.

The emails confirmed Hillabitch owns the media

I've never seen a truer political cartoon.

>Mainstream media
Even the most biased one sided asshole would have to concede that the mainstream media has been on Hillary's side and relentlessly against Trump, in fact I'm not sure I've ever seen a candidate which the mainstream media has targeted more than Trump ever
>The System
kek, she gamed the system, it's been revealed she conspired with DNC members and orchestrated the sabotage of her opponent
Why exactly is this a hurdle for Hillary?

I have very little idea what Hillarys policies are because they are hardly reported. The most articles I've seen about her are because of phenomena and deplorables. Trump on the other hand would generate 3 articles per site if he misused 'a' instead of 'an'.

Poor Jeb.

made me kek


>The Fantabulous Pastry Adventures of Cockatrice & Gremlins

And she *is* "the system"

Not a realistic depiction.
She's not lying on the ground dying.

Someone should make Hillary being on stretcher, carried by her nigga doc and dyke.

If they had Obongo again he'd be easily 60-40.

The whole election is now based on those retards who change their minds on a whim if one of the candidates says bum bum head or something equally as meaningless and infantile. Those annoying moron little fucks you went to school with that thought they were in any way relavent at all but if they died everyone would be happy about it.