What was "it"

What was "it"

He was laughing so hard I thought he pissed himself

He pulled out his dong

imagine whipping out a dry crusted cut penis and thinking its a winning move.

Pretty bold for them to show a rape on prime time network back then.

woman should just allow men to sexually harass them

his cell phone has reddit loaded

they do, and they enjoy it

What is it?
It's it
What is it?
It's it
What is it?
It's it
What is it?


Pulled out his sneed.

It's in Elaine's face, but she can't grab it.

A trans dimensional Drider that feeds on children's fear (because it makes them taste better)

He showed her his flight plan

His schlong had a comb over like Donald Trump.


His fidget spinner.

After this happen they barely bring it up. Jerry sees him in an office, they talk a bit, then that was it. Why was this even shown if they didn't go anywhere with it?

What's wrong with your dick mate?


Hey Harvey, how you doing

"it" was sponge worthy

Mills' wife's head

he show her his ipad

He showed her a list of his favourite directors

all I hear on this website is how dry dicks are crusted as shit from being dry 24/7.
I wouldn't know desu, I never had some jew give me the snip.

Uncut dong

Well then those people should take a shower cause my dick doesn't get crusty