POL BTFO again

Let's focus on the real issues Sup Forums

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>let's give free shit to people who refuse to pay their fair share in taxes to the point their water becomes undrinkable

Theft of service in Flint is through the roof. How is it they dont realize they need to chip in for public services?

are those oil pipelines publicly funded?
otherwise I cannot see how diverting funds like that could make sense

Water is a human right. We should be providing water before getting oil.


False dilemma

>instead of starting up your own business to make a living
>why don't you donate that startup money you saved up to drug addicts?

What makes it a human right? I don't mean it in a edgy way to be perfectly clear we have a right as Americans to help our fellow Americans but what makes it a human right?

It's not North Dakota's job to make sure Michigan's water pipes aren't poisoned.

I'd take beautiful fields over a goddamn pile anyday

300+ million people, can't you do both?

Also the people who build oil pipe lines are not the same as the ones who work on water pipes.

or 400 mil to iran

>Water is a human right. We should be providing water before getting oil.
If it is a right then the government can't stop someone from consuming it without due process of the law.

It doesn't mean the government must provide it for everyone free of charge.

Why should my state (ND) suffer because a bunch of niggers in Michigan can't handle their shit?

The pipeline is not on reservation land (even if it is adjacent to a water supply). They are protesting because of a potential of spillage, which is unlikely to happen. Because of these libshits and prairie niggers (almost literally the only non-whites in the entire state) we have to keep transporting oil by train... which is far more dangerous and have already derailed and spilled on occasion.

Libshit agitators from out of state really need to get the fuck out.

>Article 25.

>(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
>(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

It's in the declaration of human rights (yeah, it doesn't say "water", but anyone knows you need it to live)

then again
>the DoHR

Maybe if they paid their bills their water utility would have the budget to replace ageing pipes.

>I'd take beautiful fields over a goddamn pile anyday

I assume you meant pipe. Once the pipe is installed they put the dirt back on top and the field is replanted next season.

That does look very bad.

No $ to be made with water only $ to be spent. Why we float the bill for anything is beyond me, our services suck and we pay tax on everything end the fed...eral government

yeah and while we're discussing this can you burgers fucking kill nestle before they privatise the water supply


Its Michigan's own fault it fucked up by electing Democrats and gorging on welfare. Its really sad people don't look at Flint and see an example of how dangerous the welfare state is but instead look at it as an example of needing more benefits and more government.

Oil pipelines are private endeavours funded by companies, while water lines are government maintained. That picture is so misleading, the problem is the government completely abusing your tax money, not "muh oil."

It hath summoned my thoughts.

Go get your own fucking water then you entitled dipshit. Governments don't function without cooperative citizens. If you are incapable of understanding this go all sovereign citizen, move to the mountain top, and good luck asshole.

Little kids in Africa don't have access to water. It's a shame that here in America we have that problem. If we were really American we would help out the African children too. What I'm trying to say that everyone should have access to water, because water is required for us to function.

don't worry, only niggers drink from that

You're right, water is a human right.
Filtering it, making it drinkable, buying and maintaining pumps to get it to your house is not.
Go ahead, pick and drink water.

This is deep to children.

They do have water, they just don't pay so it's shit water

If I got a free car I'd expect it to be a junker, not a Rolls Royce

>let's not do the thing that makes money

>let's do the thing that costs money

Africa should have signs over the place "Don't feed the animals"

Negro population has grown so much they are invading Europe

I want to know why you think these pipe lines are publicly funded?

As the other person from ND, I wholeheartedly agree with this post.

>Oil pipelines being payed for mostly by revenue brought in by oil production
>Having to replace all the pipes in Flint when it is mostly a ghost town filled with drug addicts and homeless

Gee wiz, its like one thing would make a shitton of money and the other thing is pissing it away.

WTF were America we don't really have that limited amount of resources.

Environmentalists are retarded.

PUMPING WATER TO YOU is not a human right

How about we put the lazy welfare collecting niggers who inhabit Flint Michigan into the trench digging the pipeline.

You're Nigger Tier OP.

You done goofed, sage and PermaBann this fucking retarded nigglet.

You know Flint didn't have this problem til it became majority African

the real question is why did the pipes get like that in the first place and why haven't they been fixed by a private company. this is a false equivalence in every sense, why should we force private organizations what to do with their money.

No, providing water is a human right doe.

a deer


Access to water is a human right

As long as the government makes sure that sufficient water is available it is satisfying this right, and they have done so in the form of bottled water

>Sup Forums is a singular entity

Okay so we agree. Now how come they are all focused on getting oil but not doing what they are suppose to be doing. Which is to "provide" (as you like to call it) water to Flint.

Two men are trapped dying of rhirst kn a deserted island with a bottle of water between them. Which man has the greater right to the water?

It is an oil companies job to make new waterlines for flint. Not flints job to take care of their own water lines. I mean it isn't like an oil company is trying to make money or anything. They can totally afford to build a new water way for flint to not maintain.

stop paying your water bill then

when the utility company shuts it off, just tell them it's a human right

a female deer

wow really make sme think
Im a #Hilldog now

"Right" does not mean "the government must give me".

>Water is a human right
Actually it is a liquid.

Why not do both?

You can use a portion of the money from North Dakota to buy Flint some new water pipes.

I didn't say provide. You said provide. And then I was like, "No".

They don't need to provide you with water. They just have to make it possible for you to get water. The fact that they have to walk to the local store to get it is not a contravention of their human rights.

Neither, they should share.

Water is a right. Not it's provision.

No one can stop you from drinking it (even then it's not a right, but whatever).

Anyway, how you going to get the nice new pipes to Flint without Oil, cunt?

>Not according to the constitution, it isn't. You know what is a human right according to the constitution? Guns. Is the government obligated to arm every citizen?

Why should a private company that has likly never been to Michigan have to build anything for Michigan? Why don't they build it themselves. You would think lack of water would be a good insentive to build this themselves.

typical newfag bs false dichotomy

>water is a right

Nope. I'm still pretty sure it is a liquid

Blackterial Infection

People got by without an irrigation system. They can collect rain water. People did it for thousands of years

>there are people in america that cant afford water

lel what a shithole

or a solid, or a gas, depending on the temperature

Because the private company is making money off of a limited public resource.

At least that's how mining works here. You pay more in taxes because you're extracting an Australian resource for sale.

>Why don't they build it themselves?

Because they don't have any oil to sell to raise the funds?

If you don't like distribution among states, why not secede?

Have some theme music


>Why does a first world country need oil?

>Oil just pollutes, lol, let's just stop using it.

Do you get a twitch if someone asks you "what are you having for dinner?" instead of "what are you eating for dinner?"

Inquiring minds.

>It is an oil companies job to make new waterlines for flint. Not flints job to take care of their own water lines.

you honestly sound like you are a nigger IRL.

The second you let a third party text like this declaration determine what your rights are you are succumbing as a slave.

Your rights are not given to you by a declaration.

your thoughts on the water charges?

But if they share they will both surely die faster. If only one of them drinks from the bottle rescue may be forthcoming.

In Trump's America we will do both.

Flint will have clean drinking water and we will be energy self-sufficient.

It's illegal to collect rain water in the united states

No, only in some states with drought issues or limited rainfall.

>Private oil companies are required to solve the issue of local governments
>native Americans can obstruct construction on land they haven't owned for over 150 years because of the ironically racist idea that they're somehow more "in tune with nature"

Water is freely available in rivers. The only right you have as a human is to die in a ditch. Everything else is a privilege of living in the first world.

>the government of america owns the rain


I don't mind paying for water. I do mind paying it to a bunch of scheisters using the idea of water charges to feather their own nests in the most bungled, inefficient way possible.

Yes, but a noble man would find the idea that he lived at the cost of another's life a fate worse than death.

>free thought project
>it's a hivemind

I hate social media

Enda Kenny is a fucking lunatic isn't he

Not high-energy enough to be a lunatic. But he's certainly some mad cunt.

Not to be an asshole or anything, but they have water. It's safe short term. It's also not contaminated with tons of microbes and parasites. What they want is filtered water, which is definetly not a human right. It sucks that they mix their kids up in their shitty lives, but people have done that since the beginning. At this point, it's part of their culture.

Can you explain to me what happened? I know there was water contamination but, this is the first I read about a financial crisis.

At least one person gets the idea.

The real issue is that you let niggers run shit and they fucked it up.

Now they are inventing new types of math so they can find a whiter person to blame.

Many people have old clay pipes they are fine until you fuck them up.

You want new pipes first I want an absolute omission of guilt from the black community and an apology for your governor.

>don't pay taxes
>infrastructure goes to shit
>a city run by retards means a private company in another state can't conduct their business


The water is contaminated because the city country mix cheeped out and used their river water. The ph of the river water fucked with the old clay pipes and now they are releasing lead into the water that passes through them.

The city has no money because black people live there. And black people run it. Now they have been working for a year and more to blame the governor somehow because he is the nearest white person and someone has to pay to fix shit.

>Theft of service in Flint is through the roof. How is it they dont realize they need to chip in for public services?

They poisoned their water. Why are we providing shit?

it's like they can't even see how bizarre their deductions sound. when you spell it out for them like this, they get all pissed off.

I used to be of the same mind, but honestly I can understand the worry. It's not about the land but the possibility of oil spills upriver floating down and fucking up their water supply.

I have zero love for feather niggers but I understand their worries and I don't trust big oil to care enough about american land to not be okay fucking it up.

Those pipelines are only suited for 15-25 year use and then need yearly repairs.


Plus, the pipes they're replacing in Flint are @100yrs old. All that goop build-up in OP's pic wasn't put there by Rick Snyder.

Yeah, I agree. I would be fine with fracking and pipelines if the oil companies would pay the expenses do it in a truly responsible manner.

They are right we should reline those pipes with polonium.

Flint got Backed To Fucking Africa

Then get epa or whoever involved too ensure that the small strip that crosses the river is secure enough that it's not an issue. People have already mentioned that they currently do it via train which is more likely to fuck up than a pipe.

Another user explained that projects like this happen all the time and typically cross through native land so they get a payout for use of their land. They aren't mad about the river at all. They're mad that it's not going through their land do they aren't entitled to a fat check. The river is a red herring.

There's also the idea that the oil company isn't doing its due diligence to calm public sentiment and hysteria over a panic-driven concern that the pipeline will burst, and if it does near the threshold of the watershed of that river, what the damage will be.

Build a pipeline, sure, but there's gotta be some reassurances to their infrastructure and the inevitable problems.

I don't care about injun rights and lands that are sacred arguement, I care that a faceless company will indirectly destroy american land that good americans live on.

there's an idea on Sup Forums that if you don't shill for ultimate free market then you're a faggot leftist. I don't trust certain industries and I would rather err on the side of caution to protect my land (and american land and peoples) than to be blindsided by another exxon.

Flint is a shit hole because of niggers.

I'm not going to fix anything there because it will just break again, this is nigger 101 my dude

I agree with everything, including the red herring. I still think it's important to make sure the area around the river has several redundancies, and that actually, train is like 6x more likely to have a disaster.

I totally agree about injuns being upset they don't get to see those oil-neet bucks, but I'm primarily worried about keeping American land and American people safe.

I think when it comes down to the bottom line, companies are largely run by globalists or globalist-leaning faggots who would sell out their own state if it added greenbacks to the bottom line.

North Dakota is white people while Flint is niggers so Flint doesn't matter.

That's a date point. Just not sure if all the secure engineering in the world would current their mind on it. Definitely should make sure the point where it crosses the river is secure though. Lots of important wild life depends on it outside of just people that get their water purified.

this is the failure of socialism. since the government has taken over control of the water supply, they have removed any incentive for industrial corporations to fix the water pipes. enjoy waiting 10-15 years for the legislature to finally agree on a plan to repair the pipes, which will probably end up in another round of poisonings, money scandals, and cost ten times as much as if they just gave control over to a corporation. if the government doesn't let anyone make money off of water, then the people that wield power aren't going to care about it.