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I want to cum inside Jar Jar Binks's asshole.


Would you restore an old Aurek fighter?

I have a feeling Obi-Wan's going to do or say something in the finale that turns Ezra farther away from the Jedi. He won't want to be Sith, but he won't want to be a Jedi either. I think that's when the Bendu starts to become more relevant.

People were SO sure that Rey was Plagueis because of her staff. They didn't even realize
>we know others who use staves
>people connected to desert life
>deeply connected to the skywalker family
>the teeth are pretty much the same

Ezra would probably be disgusted that Obi-wan is powerful enough to defeat Maul but still ran away from the threat of the Empire.

Sort of an "I'm not even trained and I'm out here dealing with Vader while you're hiding in the desert" feeling


Can someone explain to me how old the Republic is in nucanon, both old and current?

I know in Legends it's over 25,000 but i haven't kept up with the new stuff at all.

>SJWs are easily triggered, but will soon be back. And in greater numbers.

I don't know why that popped in my head.

The Republic as we knew it was about 1,000 years old as of the Clone Wars. No idea if they've settled hold long the Old Republic existed in current canon.

It was made before the 2014 buy out but had a update afterwards. Its in limbo.

Its literally a "legend" in the old and new canon.

Can we get a little more Asajj Ventress in this thread?

Probably a grandson of Jerjerrod, now on the side of the damn dirty Resistance

I wouldn't mind more of this look. The bald is nice, but she looks pretty good with hair.


It's a tad confused since the Old Republic was used as a term by the Galactic Republic, which in the Tarkin novel is said to have reformed after the Sith were believed extinct. The Jedi underwent a reformation as well, transitioning from anti-Sith warriors to galactic peace keepers.

However since the fall of the Galactic Republic the term "Old Republic" has become synonymous with the Republic before it became the Empire. Further compounded when they call the restored Galactic Republic the New Republic.

So really there are two distinct Old Republics now and a New Republic, and depending on how things go in Episode VIII the New Republic might be dead thanks to JJ.

It helps if you make a chart. Or take drugs.

I think his search for power but desire to do good is going to send him looking for the Bendu after that.

In ANH, Obi-Wan said that the Republic stood for a 1000 generations, which is around 25K years

But in the Prequels, Sheev said it's been around for a 1000 years.

Neither are particularly honest people

>That the "Old" Republic existed for 1000s of gens. Then the Sith ruled for a while. Then Galactic Rep for 1000 years.

The weird thing I'm getting from this is the Sith actually "won" prior to the formation of the Galactic Republic, and given the aftermath is Bane created the Rule of Two apparently the Sith basically killed each other in their moment of triumph.

Which, if you think about it, is EXACTLY what Yoda trained Luke for. Sure they could have shown him some fancy and useful tricks like spinning in midair or at least how to block lightning with a lightsaber if not his hand. But they wanted Luke to basically refuse to give in. The Emperor more-or-less triumphed because Luke refused to fight. This means technically Sheev won, even if it's a bit of a bitter victory. Then in his triumph Vader killed him.

Sure the redemption plays a huge part but really it's a very similar scenario. The best trick against the Sith is to let them win and then they fuck themselves over.

There could have been fundamental changes to the government during the during the 1000 generations. But the last 1000 years is the current incarnation of the Republic government.

Maybe he meant 1000 clone generations



A generation is not a set amount of time.


While true, it is generally set at 20 years IIRC.

The Rule of Two doesn't really do anything to fix the whole problem with running an order where you get ahead by offing rivals and killing your boss to take his place.

Or dare to read the Tarkin novel if you want an in-universe accounting of history.

None of this is funny though

Sure it does! It dramatically cuts down the number of potential rivals. It takes the entire dynamic of the Sith and expresses it in two people. The Master holds true power and the Apprentice craves it.

Bane didn't want to destroy their survival of the fittest mentality, He wanted it basically what Sheev achieved. Rather than an old school Sith Empire with everyone trying to stab everyone else in the back so it was impossible to get anything actually accomplished through the sheer mass of schemes and betrayals, instead we have one pair of Sith's at the top lording it over a bunch of sheep. The Apprentice and the Master will still eventually come to fighting, but as long as one or the other exists the Sith legacy endures.

Unfortunately what he exposed was a whole new flaw in that if both Master and Apprentice die then the line of Sithdom breaks and may not be picked up again. However as we're seeing the legacy of the Emperor endures. Conflict still exists, a portion of his empire remains by another name, and the Dark Side vacuum was filled by some new dipshits.

In this setup the galaxy can still be left in darkness and the Sith can still have their revenge if it turns out the Jedi never actually return, thank you very much JJ.


>sending a battledroid to negotiate with wookiees
>not hilarious
Man, your sense of humor AND irony is broken.

The biggest weakness of the Rule of Two is that we often see Master and Apprentice travelling together, in situations where both could be killed at the same time via accident/explosion/etc

Bane should have added a caveat that they should never be in the same place at the same time, though I guess that makes training them kind of difficult.

In fairness, they probably do spend more time apart than together, we just happen to catch them at the moments when both are present.

How often do they spend time together? The riskiest had to be Episode III, but Sheev seems to have set that up as a test for Anakin seeing if he could get his favored not-yet-Apprentice to obey him over the Jedi Code and murder the old one.

They don't normally hang out all that much. Dooku showed up to deliver the Death Star plans in person, that makes sense enough. He also travelled to Coruscant once to on Sheev's insistence but only because they had to perform a ritual to try to mentally attack Yoda with the Force and Sheev needed Dooku's blood and connection to Master Yoda.

That's kind of funny to think about - no wonder Palpatine was in a hurry to get off the ship and leave Obi-wan behind

But it's not like he could just say
>No Anakin you don't get it, if this ship explodes with both of us on it the rule of two is fucked! leave him!

It's like that wasn't Sheev being a dick to Obi, he was actually panicked

Yeah, it seemed pretty rare for Dooku and Sidious to ever be in the same place.

We see him with Vader a few times, but I get the feeling that unless Vader needs to make a report in person, they don't really spend that much time together. Giving Vader a castle on Mustafar was dickish of Sheev but at the same time it means his apprentice lives in a completely different place.

I think leaving Obi-Wan was another test. He found that he had finally pushed Anakin a great deal towards the Dark Side in killing Dooku but he still couldn't get Anakin to obey him and abandon Obi-Wan.

As much as the shadow of the Dark Side had already fallen over Anakin really it was ultimately Padme that, I think, had to break him. I remember after TCW season 6 and the revelation that Sidious knows how some kind of Sith alchemy type weird mojo to invade Yoda's mind with a twisted vision which, nevertheless, still contained grains of the truth, is it possible Sheev was doing something like that to twist Anakin's visions of Padme and specifically pushing the Obi-Wan angle that caused Anakin's jealousy to flare.

Just when Anakin doesn't need that kind of thing screaming into his brain, bam, there it is. Whether Sidious was responsible or not it certainly played in his favor.

Ha, not that they needed to be when Papa Palpy could throttle Dooku over holocomms. Reminding Dooku which of them has the bigger lightsaber in their relationship.

>> Reminding Dooku which of them has the bigger lightsaber in their relationship.

>is it possible Sheev was doing something like that to twist Anakin's visions of Padme

I'd never thought about that but it seems likely. If he was really able to cloud the forseight ability of the entire council, then slightly manipulating Anakin's dreams doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility.

I unironically love this scene and think it's one of the best in the saga.


People say Hayden wasn't a good proto-Vader but I can see the full Vader right there on display.

Quick, I need to know how old Darth Vader was during RO/ANH

He's 42 in ANH

The execution is awful though. Like, conceptually a lot of this stuff has potential but being dumbed down to the understanding level of four year olds kinda kills it.

I'm suddenly reminded that Dooku's saber looks a little like an old man's bent dick.

Sheev's sadly looks like a small chub

I figured Vader getting a castle in Mustafar of all places meant to play into the whole feeding off your anger thing.

Don't talk shit about the Sheevsaber

Thank you

Hayden's acting sometimes shines through, I think he could have been a good proto-Vader if he wasn't given such a fucking atrocious script.

All the lines in the first half of that video are horrible garbage. No one could act those well.

No match for Mace's big purple monster.

Hayden gets a lot of shit but I actually really like him as Anakin. The problems with his performance lie elsewhere.

I feel bad for Hayden because you can tell he was doing his absolute best to give George the performance he wanted, even if sometimes he knew "man this shit is super clunky"

It really does look a LOT like a dick. It sort of curves and bulges in the same way, and the 'pommel' kind of looks like the head.

And of course all swords are phallic symbols to some degree.

nobody can take the high ground away from you if you build a fucking castle on it.

Just fly over it

Yeah and a lot of the issue is that the performance George wanted was, well, kind of shit.

The same thing sometimes shines through in the OT too, although George had a lot more people there telling him not to be a fucking idiot.

stick two of them together and call them Cloud Cars.

>Obi Wan regularly pilots a shit over Vader's castle just to remind him he STILL has the high ground

Shows what you know! It's actually an ancient Sith castle with its own kyber-based super defensive system. All he has to do is activate the ocular powers that enable it to alter perpective itself so the castle always has the highground. Suddenly you aren't flying over it, you're flying below it because, chump, THIS is the tip of Mustafar's southern hemisphere! DUN DUN DUNNNN!

I heard a rumor long ago that Leo DiCaprio wanted the Anakin role but got turned down. No idea if that's true, but boy would things have been different. Not saying better, but certainly different.

I could buy that. Lucas was weird in his casting choices. He had candidates to play kid Anakin who were much more capable actors than the one who was chosen in the end, but he passed over them BECAUSE they were capable actors. Shit's weird.

It doesn't help that he's trying to initate JEJ's inflections.

You know, people give Padme a lot of shit in that scene for not running away the moment Anakin starts talking about murdering the Raiders, but I think it really fits there. It's not like Anakin is celebrating it: he's pretty shook up about everything and she's trying to confort him.

That's the moment when Anakin probably realized "this is wife material"

If she doesn't leave you after you spill an entire spaghetti factory and admit to killing women and children, you've found a keeper

or maybe Padme is a racist and doesn't think sandpeople qualify as people

Yeah, I'm going with the spoiler.

It's Lucas' preferred kind of romance, just like:


All those times Anakin tried to act cool and commanding, and it was confessed child murder that caused her knickers to flood,

And then later on, "But no, he wouldn't kill younglings! Not Anakin! NOT AND NOT TELL ME FIRST SO I CAN SCHLICK TO THE DETAILS!"

Man, I hate remembering how the whole tusken massacre was handled, because I really like Anakin and Padme's relationship in TCW, but then I realize Padme knows Anakin slaughtered an entire village and shit gets kinda weird.

>Anakin would never kill younglings... well, there was that time he killed tusken children, but c'mon, those aren't people, am I right?

She does almost look like she's weirdly turned on when he's going full-Vader. It's a side of him she hadn't really seen before.

Besides when Tusken Raiders kidnap your mother and rape her to death I think there is some allowed wiggle-room for losing your shit.

I do like that they at least acknowledged how dysfunctional their relationship was

Yeah but that's more worthy of a pat on the back, a heartfelt, "there there," and giving him the holo-number for a free mental health counselor.

Instead it was more like, "Let me just change out of these soaked non-canon space panties then I'll dry hump you all the way to Geonosis while you tell me all the gory details. And Threepio gets to watch and isn't allowed to look away or start sobbing."

Well, Padme wasn't exactly a mentally sound person either. In both the movies and TCW she does a lot of really reckless shit. I think in a way she's just as messed up as Anakin.

There was the Republic(situated in the Core Worlds), then the Galactic Republic which grew out from the ashes of the Republic and the annihilation of the Sith, and now the New Republic.

>through all of this, the Hutts have kept control of Hutt Space with little change in its borders or holdings

Doing something right over there

>I think in a way she's just as messed up as Anakin.
But why? Is it being a teenaged queen and ruler of a whole fucking planet in the middle of an interstellar war?

That'd be a big part of it, yeah. Also most Senators seem to be pretty fucked up people too.

Great, now I'm imaging Padme with some kind of out-of-control psycho-sexual predilection towards violence and death. I don't even want to know what she did with the corpses of those death bugs after Anakin and Obi-Wan chased off after the would-be assassin.

Well, I guess Shabby Blue knows.

Yep, R2 saw what she did
She made him see


Nice noisy cricket

Watching ROTS.

Fuck it's bad.

The underworld is its own power entirely, kept together by tennuous exchanges backed by threat of force or extortion. Politicians tend to sweep that kind of business under the rug because it dirties their otherwise clean image - though there's power in using it, it's not where the real power lies.

Don't trigger the Lucas cucks

still better than RO

Let's not do this and just pretend we did

But I saw RO too late and missed all the shitflinging

But it's like a long episode the Clone Wars.

And it's not that good of an episode.

Why did you post a picture of CGI Robbie Rotten?

Same here. I have no idea what went on in here those first few days.

They're never gunna make a new Republic Commando game are they?
Ah well, wouldn't be the same since they aren't Mandos anymore. Can't imagine the game without this

Can't unsee

Clones being trained by Mandos is still canon. The Fetts just aren't Mandos. Rebels confirms that.

Because that's the kind of guy Padme is into

Yeah, but that still doesn't mean the clones are Mandos, either. Just like being trained by bounty hunters doesn't make them bounty hunters.

Do people forgive the acting in the prequels now because of The CLONE WARS?

Because now it just seems like everyone is acting like their characters do in the cartoon.

Or maybe people are tired of beating a dead horse

I don't subscribe to hindsight bias; Lucas was a shitty director and the performances sucked because of it. That they made gold out of those shit performances later doesn't change that they were shit performances.

How can you defend the prequels when they are objective shit?

Yes, but it means they'd likely have a lot of Mandalorian cultural practices ingrained in them.

In what way is that any different to before? Being Mandalorian isn't a matter of genetics, it's a code and a culture.