bonus points for Frank putting skulls on anything that's not a shirt (the more pointless the better)











Remember this?





Is there any other single page that better sums up the complexities of The Punisher's character than this?



Here's the inside of that cover.


Is it true Lady Death has a soft spot for Frank?






Apparently pleased as punch.
I can't remember what comic it was from, but it had a deity going "look at the punisher wearing deaths emblem! Why don't you do that for me?!"



Frank is the best hero

FRANK 2099

I wouldnt be surprised if Frank has lasted this long thanks to being blessed by Sugar Skull herself
>Yfw Death would totally bang Frank
>Frank isnt having that shit and comes back to life to do more Franking

Anybody got the strip of Frank chatting with a pedo over the internet? It ends with Frank saying his favorite flowers are posies.

>Jake Gallows

Not even once.

He is.

What voice do you guys hear in your head when you read Punisher? I always imagine it as Batman from Arkham Origins

>Young Frank (Vietnam/Death of his family)
My first choice was gonna be Barry Pepper, but then i realized Sam Worthington would be better.
>Middle Aged Frank:
Kevin McKidd would be great.
>Old Frank
Kiefer Sutherland. A somewhat memey choice, but Sutherland is wonderful when he has DIRECTION.
fuckin kojimbles.




I thought it was more a reference to Purgatory.




that's not Death, that's Olivier


I dig the top left outfit.






Night of a million zillion ninjas


Found a larger version.

This is just an absolutely awesome drawing.

Thanks user.


Just finished his arc in season 2 of Daredevil on Netflix. Thoughts?

God damn Karen's speech at the end of the season was trite.

Other than that, I was very fond of it.



What's the value now?

according to google $1200

I like Frank.

Does he really ?
I mean I am drunk and will drive
He doesn't kill minor criminals since Max
Right ?

You're endangering the lives of innocent people by driving while drunk. He probably won't kill you, but he'll definitely slap your shit in if he catches you.

>I mean I am drunk and will drive
Pieces of shit like you are the reason accidents happen.


Still can't believe he's dead ;_;

I can live with that
I drive really slow and bar is really kind of close to where I live
I know no excuse but still

I hear Mr Rogers.

I can easily imagine him putting a couple of rounds in the engine block of a drunk driver.

And he'd say
>If it's really close, fucking walk.



Damn, the 90s sure were gritty.

Why is today Frank day?

>skull on shield
>skull on helmet
kind of excessive
>skull on blaster of glove
now you're just fucking with us

>Is it true Lady Death has a soft spot for Frank?

Don't know. As far as I'm aware the two have never interacted.
Putting Frank in a mystical setting is a minefield of potential fuck ups. You got a whole gambit of bad writing from Frank tanking the 'Stare' from Ghost Rider to Frank being a hitman for God and a slave of purgatory (which was later reconned). On the one hand being Death's chosen would easily answer the question of how Frank can exist in the same universe as capes and not get nut stomped (something which bothers non-frankophiles to no end) but on the other hand it would be a blatant hand wave for a whole lot of what makes the Punisher the Punisher. And I wouldn't trust Current Marvel to write the story competently any how.

I can say unequivocally that while I don't mind the idea of there being something supernatural behind Frank's success, I don't like Olivier. Particularly I don't like that he's just a red demon with a white Punisher skull pained on his face, most likely if he was some white skeletal bone demon, and the Punisher skull was just his face, paired with having a better name, I could get behind it more.

Thomas Jane.

I read The Punisher with a VERY specific voice and I always have, but I'm not even sure what I got it from.

What was the better way?

Looking forward to where he'll go from here. He was the most interesting part of season 2. Him and Fisk in the prison was good fun.

Every day is Frank day.

Vincent D'Onofrio is killing it as Fisk. I've never seen that guy give a bad performance. And when he body slams Frank in the prison cell?
Classic Fisk move.

What is this stupdity? Legion of teenage Punishers?

The 90's man.
They were a hell of a drug.


Garth Ennis did a story like this once.

>belt feed revolver from the distant year 2015




>punches that dude so hard that the force expelled by the punch explodes his own shirt and makes the dude he punched fly through a brick wall



love me a good ol' Frank thread

Reminder that the Punisher Battle Van is the best vehicle in cape comics.