This is Rick and Morty's core demographic

This is Rick and Morty's core demographic.

Notice anything?

why do people watch things on their tablets? I see it all the time now on the train and stuff. Can't they just wait until they're in front of a larger screen?

the only thing that confuses me is that lighter (cover)? what's going on there?

It's also Blade Runner 2049's core demographic.

He should eat those Froot Loops before they go soggy


its a tacticool lighter


Lighter cover and lanyard.

Why do people pour milk on cereal? Why do people give me funny looks when I eat it dry?

what else is there to do on a train?

huh? people wear lighters on lanyards?

holy shit, this was unironically my setup during season 3

Read a book, listen to music, stare at cute women in business skirts.

>why do people watch videos on their light portable device while on a train

Why the fuck are you eating it dry?
It’s faster to eat with milk as it clumps up the cereal

Who the fuck uses a jar as an ash tray?

There are some things like small scale tv shows and stuff that isn't particularly hanging on the visuals/ sound quality that I find completely acceptable to watch on trains.

Having said that I saw a dude the other day watching avatar on the train and I wanted to vomit

>faster to eat
is this a race? enjoy the cereal. you taste it better when it's dry.

sounds kind of pretentious to me

It's for weed. The point packs down the bowls and the string is a hemp wick.

Reading is pretentious?

He looks like a cool dude to hang out with

Why doesn't he own a tv?

No. You questioning why someone would watch something on a train is.

When done in public.

People have shit to do

its a grip with a stoker built in, also tied with wick
its shit

It drains your phone's battery and crushes your data usage.

Camel? Kek. Worst cigs ever.

on the train it is yeah


>book reader pretending to be dumb
Turn off the pretentious switch for one minute.

>string is a hemp wick.

Well, I learned something. Glad I'm a straight edge and don't need crutches like that or waste money on that shit. lol

>Still lives with parents

Just tell me why it's pretentious to read a book on the train.

makes brainlets feel intellectually insecure.

the absolute state of braindead tee vees

what? Imagine feeling so insecure about your own intelligence that even seeing someone reading in public makes you think there is some motive behind it. Pathetic.

Think about the thread you are posting.

Alright, OP, I give up

Where is the dildo?

I'm insecure? Look at all the affirmation you need.

>We are living in the Idiocracy timeline.

>takes a giant rip of the bong
>logs into r/atheism
>takes ritalin
>makes a musically in Rick drag
>cuts dick off

But you're not answering my question.


>tfw searching for the Idiocracy doctor quote image then seeing your post

make a claim, can't explain it, classic case of the worthless brainlet.

You'll have to settle for excellent trips.

Because its a fucking portable TV. C'mon man, as shit as the future has turned out to be at least that's one cool thing they thought we'd have.


to be fair you have to have a pretty high iq to understand rick and morty shitposts

You didn't even try to answer the question in

comfort > screen size
watching something to pass time > screen size

holy fuck i thought i was the only one!

Answer the question or fuck off.


>pass time

Try getting a job, raising a family, educating yourself or your children, etc.

I agree, they'd have more time to stare at strangers watching tv on their tablets.

>HURR look at me cypher these symbols into words and harness knowledge
yea bud, you made it past 5th grade. Thanks for letting everyone know.

there's nothing wrong with string at strangers especially if they're cutiepies.

>weed subreddits
low hanging fruit much?

On the train?

>he fell for the procreation meme

>real life birthday
As opposed to what?

Because of the culture of hedonism and instant gratification we live in.

Devils lettuce

You could read a book to educate yourself while on a train.

redditors celebrate their 'cakeday', the anniversary of their reddit account.

stop getting upset over people staring at words on paper, crybaby.

>he doesn't have a train family and attend a prestigious train college
fucking lazy piece of shit

He has really shitty taste in smokes.

On reddit, a piece of cake icon appears next to your account name on the anniversary of the account's creation. I think that's what he's talking about.

Dude weed and science lmao

>muh self improvement

Spoiler: You die in the end regardless of what you do before then

How about you step up your game and start writing on the train? No one looks down at those cunts in starbucks.

This set up and execution was flawless. Brainlet was rekt beyond measure. Brainlets can't even think that many moves ahead.

Seems like reddit and us have more in common then we would like to admit...

>Implying there is no such thing as educational viewing
>Implying someone wouldnt want to relax after a day's work
>Implying a cramped commute is a suitable studying environment

Wow you sound just like my favorite character in television Rick Sanchez

what?! i thought those things would make me immortal! mind=blown

his ironic internet birthday where he's born on 420.

They're the same as the DCEU audience?

No here in Europe you can't as it's considered racist. It kinda is if you think about it.


>People with no real life friends seeking approval from strangers on the internet? Pathetic am I right Sup Forums?

makes zero sense

I read on public transport since it's the only chance I get to read

I don't do either of these things, I just find it funny that seeing other people do it upsets you and you can't even explain why.

>that filesize

At least it isn't a png, Aussie.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

Who are you trying to impress?

A good pasta is one that could literally be copy/pasted from Reddit.

trust me mate, no one is impressed with someone that reads books in Australia
I read because I like books

>le smoking culture

I quit smoking 30 a day 3 years ago

you have shit taste for thinking you have taste in smoking

>it upsets you and you can't even explain why.
because I'm not Someone reads in public, call them a showoff. Seems like a simply and obvious joke

Maybe you need some less book learnin and more socializing.


Fuck off Pewds.

Bugs... Easy on the carrots