What does "K" stand for?

What does "K" stand for?

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it stands for K.. KEEP ME POSTED



He wasn't quite a J or an L but in between.


well, he's not wrong


Is there a deeper meaning to all their letters being right after one another?

i hate everything, why does this have to look so gross? it reminds me of myself and makes me have to work out brb

i am now typing this 15 minutes later, why cant everything be fucking perfect? why do disgusting things still exist? i am constantly in pain.
it makes me think about WW2 and adolf hitler, eugenics and economics, why are we halting progress? real progress? i can't stop looking at his fucking neck, why does this exist? his hair is ugly too jesus christ my head is on fire, i am going to enter the captcha now

damn dude

Phillip K. Dick the author of the book.

k dash 3.4 qt dot 3


It's a reference to the main character of The Trial, Joseph K. Seriously.


What's the connection of The Trial to Blade Runner?


K..keep me posted.

am I being meme'd here? it's obviously a reference to the K in Philip K. Dick, dummies.

now check out the order and first letter of the androids' name from the Alien series


>yes, someone lived this
>Ghaawwwd Taamiit
>I are special
>goes out
>snoflakes melt in his palm

>all the best memories are hers
>why? What am I to you?
>A good memory

This fucking movie. I am tempted to see it a 4th time.

do it for the team.

third one for me on saturday

>why? What am I to you?
>A good memory
wait was that actually said in the movie?

Joe K experiences a nonsensical authority (maybe multiple competing authorities) putting him through a "trial" to which he is not never told what his charge is, where the court it, who the judges are, etc. Joe K is likened to a dog multiple times in the book and his final words, when executing by stabbing, are "like a dog!".

Basically allegorical to Blade Runner with K being pulled in 10 different directions by JOI, Luv, Wallace, Joshi, Deckard, The Resistance, etc. Also his final self-actualization at the moment of death. Joe K died like a bitch though didn't fight the trial process at all. K actually broke out of this bureaucratic morally defunct nightmare and made some of his own choices.

>Actual info on Sup Forums

Delete this

not the good memory one, he says
>go meet your daughter
after the smile

Webms don't open on mobile anymore.


That smile, warmed my heart so much before it broke seeing him die. Truly was 2017's masterpiece.


Why was the boss names Joshi ? Suspiciously close to JOi. Any hidden meanings to that?

>2 hours 11 minutes



It's just a question mate

King (of Thebes)

shot is 2 hours 11 minutes into the movie, at least in the CAM. might be missing some scenes though, I've only seen the full thing in the theater

2h 43 minutes
the cam rip is missing like 30 minutes of the movie


fucking hell, no wonder Sup Forums hates it now

Futuristic alienated dystopia starring and autistic protagonist with a major waifu complex

>2h 43 minutes

sauce? is there a complete version?

yeah, there's a complete version in the movie theater

How does this keep happening, it happened with Godzilla 2016 now this, what fucking asshole country is just slicing out a full halfhour of a movie, forget the camrip angle, the audience is getting less than what they paid for!

and he just happened to time the smile scene for whatever reason while watching it, sure.

pretty sure it just happens because the bootlegger gets scared of an usher or runs out of space / batteries on their camera, and they have to stop recording for a few minutes.

There are two chunks missing: from when he's driving back to LA from Sapper's place to the middle of his first post-trauma baseline test, and from when the memory lady is making birthday cakes to when he's talking to the Somalian guy about the horse.

>no holo-threesome

too bad. that second one is an important chunk



>There are two chunks missing: from when he's driving back to LA from Sapper's place to the middle of his first post-trauma baseline test, and from when the memory lady is making birthday cakes to when he's talking to the Somalian guy about the horse.

Why does that sound like bathroom breaks...fucking child bladders.


I swear this a code for K Dick - just cant' quite massage the numbers to match.


tanned super soldier japanese cyclops is my favorite KOF character

my thoughts exactly

how fucking retarded do you have to not watch this movie in the theater? you might as well have a tenth of the audio and video bit rate on that rip because that's basically what it is compared to seeing in the theater. do yourselves a favour and pay $10 to see it in imax.

>how fucking retarded do you have to not watch this movie in the theater?
we literally all did, you autist, it's just there's no better way of re-watching scenes and posting screencaps at the moment.

I -HAVE- seen it in the theater, and I actually want to go again, I'm just commenting on the sad state of camrips these days.
>some guy behind me watching the first Joi/K interaction yells out "SHE'S A HOLOGRAM!"
No shit sherlock

honest question how are camrips even a thing? they're shit video and sound quality and you "get" to hear the audience. why the fuck wouldn't you just download the normal version?

well in this case there is no "normal" HD version to torrent/download yet, one part of it just greedy fucks selling bootlegs on the side of the road and then there's the guys who get those camrips and the same day log on to the net and post shitty screencap spoilers.
>managed to go like 2 weeks without even know Goose's character was a skinjob
Genuinely surprised me during the Batista fight.

This. I didn't know he was explicitly a replicant until Sapper remarked if he enjoys killing his own kind.

The opening scene set the pace of the film perfectly as a matter of fact.

>TDKR camrip
>audience claps and cheers when Wayne's sport car appears

do [people of a nation I don't like] really do this?

you speciest fuck

Yeah I was thinking about this today and it seems like Phillip K Dick

>This. I didn't know he was explicitly a replicant until Sapper remarked if he enjoys killing his own kind.
>My kind don't run, only the older models do.

Just got back from the cinema supremely disappointed. Apart from cinematography the film had little to offer in my opinion. Confused why it's so lauded.


>you speciest fuck
Do you prefer Skinner? seriously though K was a good dude, more than just a serial number


He stands for the right to waifu

I think he wanted to say "Your son" but thought better of it because he knew he was dying.

also not technically true, but he shares his daughters memories and DNA.

You should kill yourself immediately you utter fucking shit stain.

>K outside with the real snow, Ana inside with the fake snow

>Tears in the Rain starts playing

>Maximum Impact series calls him "K Dash" with that retarded narrator voice

PlayerXtreme app works wonders for me on iphone. Just copy the webm link, and paste it into the app.

I prefer szép bádogvitéz

(crazy old hungarian lady calls him that when he goes home near the beginning, can't remember if it was subbed, but her dialogue is funny as fuck to a hungfag)

He wanted to be a special K

For my second viewing should I see it in 3D?

Saw it in 2d imax the first time

no, night flight scenes will be way too dark to enjoy

Yessss, in fact I think it's a mistake not seen it in 3d the first time. Shits amazing


Cool, man she was scary as fuck, almost as scary as Luv cracking Coco's spine like a lobster shell


K is short for Special K
(as in he is special ed)

It's subbed as "Good-looking tin man" or something

By convention, the letter "K" represents a constant in math books. This means it can be any number, and each one of the infinite possibilities will solve the equation.

In the movie, we get presented with a K replicant, which goes on a journey to solve the mistery of the born replicant. Through the movie we discover that there are an N number of replicants that can solve the mistery(they all have the same memory, so if they got lucky they can all solve it). But only K does, and in doing so we get the name of this particular K, which ends up being Joe.

Of all the K's out there, our Joe is the one to solve the mistery given the value of the other variable.

He is not named X because X is the mistery, the born replicant. He is a K, an accesory but a must to get the real value of X.

In the end, we get that K= Joe, and X=Mariette

They call him "Constant K" after the baseline test

Works for me on my Nexus 6. Did Android Oreo fuck everything up?

>which ends up being Joe.
What was it giant Joi said to him, something about "you look like a Joe?" effectively stomping all over what his personalized version had said?
>see what you want to see
>hear what you want to hear
Fuck man they giftwrapped that to you in the opening and it still hurt it's real to me dammit

it looked bad, first I thought he won't die, but get crippled and they pull a Holden on him.

Treasure Island was a much more elegant reference thought

close enough, I guess from the lines that follow it came off that she was actually hateful as fuck

>Treasure Island was a much more elegant reference thought
Hadn't read it in ages so yeah, gave me a nice nostalgia tingle when I read physical books like some kind of caveman


you mean best girl, right? Mariette was Diet Coke Pris

>Mariette was Diet Coke Pris
Rude desu, Ana Stelline Deckard was a very nice girl next door though.

no, I mean as a reference to one of the deleted scenes with Holden. his copy wasn't physical.


I respect your opinion.

Deck did it first




Man I forgot Holden actually did survive the attack from the opening, cool scene, wonder why it got cut.