> Sigourney Weaver Defenders Villain Is New Character

>A couple of days ago saw new details revealed about Sigourney Weaver's villain role in Defenders in that she is playing a character named Alexandra.

>Now we know it's clear Sigourney Weaver is playing an original character.

>EW.com's online publication of the article states Alexandra in Defenders "has no code name and no comic-book history," but if that wasn't clear enough, the printed version also states: "Her evildoing Alexandra, whom Ramirez describes as an 'utter badass,' is not based on a comic book character."

Brava Marvel TV, brava.

>already resorting to OCs

It's "bravo", you uneducated fuck. Kill yourself.

Fuck. We are entering a dark road now.

>not based on a comic book character."

Not until Bendis brings her in to the comics after the fact for brand synergy. It's inevitable

Eh, could be worse. Could have been a butchered adaptation like Nuke or Diamondback.

I really hope sigourney weaver reconsiders she's too good for this trash.

They're already filming dumbass

Why the aversion to original characters?

>not based on a comic book character
Yeah, they all say that...

>she's too good for this trash.


That's why she can't get cast in anything else other than Alien films. What an A-list actor

We'll see, I remember last time one of the big two were producing something and they said that their antagonist wasn't a character from any comic books.

>Not killing off the hand

We're going to deal with ninjas forever aren't we?

If you want to go with the original declination, "television" is feminine in Italian so "brava" would be more correct.
Also color me disappointed about this choice, OCs are not necessarily bad but it seems to tell that they seemed to see no existing character fitting the narrative they laid out for their villain.

Daredevil season 3?

Brava is the feminine form.

>I only watched her Sup Forums-related films

Because it is the point Marvel stops considering their books viable and make bland action movie baddies.

The Punisher

I was thinking more along the lines of Arkham Knight aka Jason Todd, but Frank is a far better example.

Its not like they can't use new characters AND established characters.

Remember Max Shreck from Batman Returns?

Or Harley Quinn from BTAS?

My biggest fear was Defenders ending up an original product and thus an 8 hour decompressed bullshit show

Fuck no. Bullseye or Kingpin.

I thought Nuke was pretty interesting. Felt like evil Captain America. I'm sure there'll be more to work with in the next season

I was thinking Talia al Ghul in TDKR

>I never read the comics
You realize they appaeared concurrently right? Stop pretending to care about these characters just enjoy your tv slop as they give it to you.

I was a casual when that movie came out and said that Bane sucks because all he ever is is a high ranking henchmen. Then we all watched TDKR and he turned out to just be Talia's henchmen.

Not him, but we all know Bullseye is next season.

The lady was in Chappie, you drastically overestimate her standards.

100% chance that she'll be the villain of Bendis' Defenders which comes out before the show does.

God, that is gonna suck.

My guess? Another corrupt politician/bureaucrat/crime boss with a hypercompetent right hand man who is ten times more beloved by the fanbase.


They're not trash, you contrarian fuccboi.

She's done worse stuff

There was this vampire chickflick, forget what it's called