Did you know?

Did you know?
After WW2 the german soldiers that surrendered were given the special designation of "Disarmed Enemy Forces" instead of "Prisoner of War"?
>Disarmed Enemy Forces (DEF), less commonly,[1] Surrendered Enemy Forces, was a US designation for soldiers who surrendered to an adversary after hostilities ended and for those who had already surrendered POWs and held in camps in occupied German territory at that time.[2] It was Dwight D. Eisenhower's designation of German prisoners in post-World War II occupied Germany.[3]
>Because of the logistical impossibility of feeding millions of surrendered German soldiers at the levels required by the Geneva Convention during the food crisis of 1945, the purpose of the designation, along with the British designation of Surrendered Enemy Personnel (SEP), was to prevent categorization of the prisoners as Prisoners of War (POW) under the 1929 Geneva Convention.

So basically the US/allies couldnt (/didnt want to) feed all the germans, and thus made up a special designation that excluded them from the Geneva Convention and enabled them to let them all starve without repercussions.
However when the same was done to jews by germans, in times where the germans couldnt even feed themselves properly anymore it suddenly was called "Holocaust"

but this isnt where it ends:
>After the DEF designations were made in the early summer of 1945, the International Red Cross was not permitted to fully involve itself in the situation in camps containing German prisoners (POWs, DEFs or SEPs), some of which initially were Rheinwiesenlager transit camps, and even though conditions in them gradually improved, "even the most conservative estimates put the death toll in French camps alone at over 16,500 in 1945"

Not only did they made up a term to be allowed to starve germans, they additionally kept the red cross from helping.

Really makes me think

Other urls found in this thread:


>caring about the well being of literal nazis

Keep crying you virgin

>over 16,500 in 1945"
That's fucking nothing.

seconding this

op is a virgin beta, secretly wishing he was a jewish little girl during ww2 so he could get raped by nazi pedos

Well, well. Look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy German sympathy!

Shit meme


Wow it's almost like winners write history books and there is no "good" side in war, who the fuck cares.

Did you know?
After TDKR's theatrical release the baneposting shitposters that surrendered were given the special designation of "Disabled Children" instead of "Sup Forumstards"?
>Disabled Children (DCH), less commonly,[1] Retarded fucking children, was a Sup Forums designation for sshitposters who surrendered to an adversary after Big Guy Posting and for those who had already surrendered Aiden Gillen Reaction Images and held in Sup Forums in occupied Sup Forums at that time.[2] It was Moot's designation of Sup Forums shitposters in post-TDKR Spamthread Sup Forums.[3]
>Because of the logistical impossibility of banning thousands of surrendered Literal Faggots at the levels required by the Jannies during the "what did he mean by this?" crisis of 2013, the purpose of the designation, along with the Sup Forums designation of meme spouting faggots (MSF), was to prevent fun of the Baneposters and Gilenposters (BGP) under the 2015 Sup Forums guidelines.

So basically the Janitors/rulecucks couldnt (/didnt want to) give the baneposters (YOU)'s, and thus made up a special designation that excluded them from the Sup Forums front page and enabled them to let them all starve without repercussions.
However when the same was done to the simpsonsposters by sneedsters, in times where the sneedsters couldnt even (YOU) themselves properly anymore it suddenly was called "Hiro's 1 meta thread per board".

Really makes me think

>op thinks hes on Sup Forums

lol nice false flag OP, nice try jew.

>be german soldier
wtf im starving now

we all know the wrong side won by now, no need to keep reminding us

ormerly huck

>Waaah, why did my aesthetic looking autists who started history's bloodiest conflict for retarded reasons get treated so poorly after they lost the war they started?

I'm being completely serious when I say they're lucky Germany wasn't 100% partitioned into neighboring countries. The fact that the German state still exists, has some autonomy over itself and now has such a large economy is proof of a leniency that they probably didn't deserve.

I read this in Sneed's voice.


start shit, get hit

keep crying bitch nigga

My dear user, how can there be prisoners of war if there is no war?

Sup Forums fags are manchildren and the Holocaust was as inexcusable as it was undeniable. That said, these men surrendered. They were at our mercy. They fought for the wrong flag and the worst possible cause, but if they had to die at all, it should have been on the field of battle with their rifles in hand. I don't care who you are or what you did, no one deserves to starve. If you don't respect the enemy, then are you any better?

jews are outing themselves ITT en masse, they just can't help themselves.

shit if they got treaty of versailles'd again you'd probably have wars in europe to this day

cold war, iron curtain, and reunification being delayed decades also helped

Believe it or not, there are legitimately good historians out there that actually approach WWII as objectively as they can. It's just not particularly hard to make Nazi Germany look as comically evil as it was.

Did you know fascists lost the war fair and square?
Was it weakness or incompetence?

wtf america was the good guys. dumb krauts probably just didnt enjoy cheeseburgers.

you're missing the point of OP's post which talks about how germany is painted in a evil light for starving people for the same exact reasons the americans starved them for

Why are G*rmans unable to understand consequences for their actions? After burning down the continent Germans should be happy they weren't slaughtered like cattle

such little gratitude to mercy shown. Disgusting parasites

>put people in death camps to slowly starve
>wtf why are you putting us in death camps to slowly starve
Fuck off.

trips of truth

16,500 is probably the number of deaths that would've died in a day on one tiny front during the peak years of the war lol

Fuck off neckbeard

In reality it was something like 6 thousands.

>When you surrender so much you overload your enemies logistical network

Is there anyone more pathetic than Germans?

>consequences for their actions

the germans believed starving the jews was just as consequence for THEIR actions too

so do you think that was fine?

>muh 16,000!!!! remember the 16,000!

stupid cuck

This, it's just as bad or probably worse than all the Russian and Soviet POWs who were specifically worked to death in concentration camps, as opposed to POWs that you couldn't feed.

>comparing murdering women and children to cowardly soldiers that surrendered

fuck off surrender faggot

based Eisenhower

If anyone deserves to die first it's cowards who surrendered. Hitler himself said so

Germans murdered civilians and POW's then cry when they get the same treatment. It's true what they say, the Kraut cries out as it stabs you

>murder is okay as long as they're guys


Trips of absolute truth. Germans started both world wars and should have been wiped out to preserve the stability of the human race as they proved they couldn't be trusted to exist peacefully. Instead we made the mistake of letting them live instead of either wiping their country off the map or breaking it up completely and giving it to the countries they attacked.
Now look what Germany is doing. Doing their damnedest to destroy the western world AGAIN. I pray once it comes to a boiling point we don't make the mistake of letting them continue to exist again.