Give me a quick run down on this book

give me a quick run down on this book

Blade Runner ripoff

is it kafka?

It's kinda bad and has very little to do with Blade Runner

so they spent Blade Runner 2049's budget on writing a book? No wonder the movie sucked

It's written by Philip Kafka Dick so yes

Very lovecraftian

does that mean it's kafkaesque?

>environmental catastrophe happened prior to novel
>people encouraged to move to offworld colonies, get free android slave if they do
>some slaves escape back to Earth
>dude's job is to hunt down androids
>if he hunts down all of them, he'll make enough on commission to afford a real animal
>having a real animal on his roof and being able to take care of it and keep it alive will prove to his neighbors he's human
>androids hole up with some loser named Isidore
>dude hunting the androids
>going okay
>ends up in weird all-android police station and thinks he's an android
>realizes he's not
>android woman from android company fugs dude so that he'll feel weird killing androids now
>the absolute madman does it anyway
>gets an animal
>woman comes by and kills the animal
>finds a frog or something
>turns out it's mechanical

Blade runner with more cringe

It's Dickian Kafkaesque fantasy with Lovecraftian undertones.

Make your neighbors jealous with your doggo

dont you mean biomechanical?

Earth is polluted and depopulated, most of LA is a ghost town. Everyone who's left is too poor to move off-world and may have deformities. The whole species is suffering from a lack of empathy and philosophically speaking are being like machines. It's gotten so bad that they invent a device that can actually force you to feel the suffering of another person, and a religion develops around the act of reliving a crucifixion-like martyrdom.

Human-like android slaves that perform all dangerous and exhausting tasks are infiltrating society and trying to live as free people but are psychotic and pose a risk to themselves and others.

Deckard is a detective whose job is specifically to hunt down and destroy runaway robot slaves, but gets nearly caught and killed by them in the process. Over the course of the story he discovers that he is empathetic to the androids even though they are not to him and reaffirms his humanity and the value of life by basically seeing it devalued time and time again by others.

Also a goat dies.

legitimately fucking good, and it makes me sad there will never be a true film adaptation

well it sounds like a major difference in blade runner is that replicants such as roy do feel empathy for humans. which is a better approach imho

Indeed, in the film Roy teaches emphathy to Deckard and rehumanizes him with his last act of life, and Deckard pays that forward by saving Rachael. It's a great ending (until Ridley Scott ruined it).

I really liked the concept of flesh and bloody vs mechanical objects envy with the animals. I wish they'd delved more into this in the movies instead of the extremely brief "Is it real" throw away line.

>Blade Runner ripoff

nourse was later, dude

Did you even read the book?


you forgot to mention the other bounty hunter who is human but barely passes the voigt-kampff because he loves murder too much

>Deckard pays that forward

nah, she saved his life with leon and he already told her he owed her one

Classic Dick novel, shit prose but thought provoking.
Themes are barely related to the film though, which I didn't think much of.

minor Dick. Start with UBIK

Just watch total recall with Arnold

sexy lead codpieces.

It's good. Not his best but it's up there.

>most of LA
Book actually takes place in San Francisco.

Whats your favorite? Mine if Flow my Tears followed by Time out of Joint.





still need to read that one

The most cinematic of his books. Unreal that it hasn't been done yet.

How the fuck would they do some of those scenes though? The hotel 'bomb' could be cool as fuck but most directors would screw it up