Why didnt the elves just take the one ring to the undying lands?

Why didnt the elves just take the one ring to the undying lands?

It was broken from the world and Sauron would have no chance to reach it.
Its a land populated by Gods as strong if not more so than Sauron.
They've fought off worse than Sauron before like a spider thats 80 feet tall, some giga nigga in plate shouldnt be that bad n comparison
There's no drawback.

that would be like taking Satan's pitchfork into heaven
it's an object of evil

i could be wrong in my readings of his work but its more asgard or somthing akin (from what I got).

Heaven is what men get which is to join (or not) the celestial choir outside of Arda. Hence the "gift of men". The undying lands is still there in reality just seperate, since the elves cant leave only men can.

One shamefull bump since I feel this is a good question and I mean it sincerely.

Well, I imagine the ring would still corrupt people over there(not everyone can tombombadil the ring). They would want it sent back to be dealt with properly.

possible you cant enter the undying lands with such an object

but really you arent supposed to think about it that much

Whoever's hand it got onto, as it always did, did the ring's bidding to keep it safe.

Is there only one volcano on the planet?

While Middle Earth suffers from Sauron's limited but still present influence. They need to destroy the Ring, not contain it. Now then MAYBE they can destroy the Ring in the Undying Lands, MAYBE, but the risk of it tainting the place is too great. Sauron corrupted Numenor, he could corrupt the Undying Lands.

Why not just throw it into the ocean? Or just have one of the Hobbits eat it and bury the shit.

Because mordor is faster by eagle then the undying lands by boat

Because Sauron is the only one who can bend the ring to his will. It would just corrupt the undying lands and bring death and chaos there.

>Or just have one of the Hobbits eat it and bury the shit.
>Can't just bury the ring, no, we have to eat and shit it out, THEN bury it

The Eldar refused to accept it.

>"Then if the Ring cannot be kept forever from him by strength," said Glorfindel, "two things only remain for us to attempt: to send it over the Sea, or to destroy it."
>"But Gandalf has revealed to us that we cannot destroy it by any craft that we here possess," said Elrond. "And they who dwell beyond the Sea would not receive it: for good or ill it belongs to Middle-Earth; it is for us who still dwell here to deal with it."


>"Then," said Erestor, "there are but two courses, as Glorfindel has already declared: to hide the Ring forever; or to unmake it. But both are beyond our power. Who will read this riddle for us?"
>"None here can do so," said Elrond gravely. "At least none can foretell what will come to pass, if we take this road or that. But it seems to me now clear which is the road that we must take. The westward road seems easiest. Therefore it must be shunned. It will be watched. Too often the Elves have fled that way. Now at this last we must take a hard road, a road unforeseen. There lies our hope, if hope it be. To walk into peril - to Mordor. We must send the Ring to the Fire."

But how? Youre litteraly strolling along with gods and they say dont touch its got a weak (compared to them) evil spirit.

Who wants to wear a shit covered ring? No one, that's who.

The ring is Evil itself, it would wield even greater power through one of them. Their own power would be used against them no matter what. The ring answers only to Sauron, no one else.

>"And they who dwell beyond the Sea would not receive it: for good or ill it belongs to Middle-Earth; it is for us who still dwell here to deal with it."

So the "Gods" are dicks.

Thank you for an answer

What power can be gained in a never unending happy utopia? More happy?

Well, the Ring was like a boatload of Jews fleeing Nazi Germany. A whole lot of "Nope!" at the docks for that one.

Last time the gods directly intervened they totaled the landmass. Plus this time it was entirely mankind's fault Sauron is thriving (twice!) so mankind should deal with this themselves.

If you're on a higher order than Sauron, then the Ring wouldn't have that kind of power over you. You could actually bend the will of the Ring to your own will, but at that point it'd be pretty useless to you. It'd be kind of like Bill Gates winning a weekly lottery. "Oh boy! Another $5,000,000! Throw it on the pile!" Whereas poorer beings, like the overwhelming majority of us, could really put that $5 million to a good use.

good work user

1) The gods wouldn't allow it to taint the dying lands.

2) They sent the wizards to take care of the problem.

3) They weren't getting involved personally because the last time that happened they accidentally an entire continent.

4) Destroying the ring was the only way Sauron could lose. He was set to conquer Middle-earth military whether he had the ring or not.

Damn it it's not the lava that destroyed the ring. It could only be unmade IN THE FORGE. It's not that lava has special magical ring melting properties or anything. It wasn't a matter of heat. Gandalf said that not even the dragonflame of Ancalagon the Black would have been enough to destroy the One Ring, and dragonfire was enough to destroy any of the others.

They discussed throwing it in the ocean. For reason #4 and the fact that there are evil sea monsters not unlike the watcher in the waters out there they decided no.

Also Sup Forums they didn't fly the ring to Mordor because there was no need. What would flying have done but save time? Time was not a factor, if it had been the Fellowship wouldn't have dragged their feet leaving Rivendell or have taken a month's vacation in Lothlorien. Sauron's planned invasion was still years away, until Aragorn goaded him on with the palantir. What was most important was that Sauron be given absolutely no indication of the ring's true destination. If it had he would have taken the relatively simple step of sealing the entrance to the forge. The reason he hadn't done so was because he thought that his enemies would not try to destroy the ring. He hadn't even considered the possibility that they'd try. The ring's corrupting influence was a failsafe designed to protect it. Sauron believed (correctly, as it turns out) that no one could withstand the ring's influence, especially not in his forge where his magic was strongest.

Get out of here, Sauron.

And it's not like he left the forge unguarded either, he kept the greater part of his armies in Gorgoroth camped around Mount Doom.

Last time the gods intervened there werent any mortal or elves at risk, now theres an assload of them and if they dont get off their asses it ight be bad.

Also last time around it was the big bad Morgoth now its his fuck friend who definitly cant raise mountains for shits and giggles. Sauron is above the Wizards for sure but would be whipped (without destroying everything) by the most minor of gods.

Corruption always finds a way.

Sauron's just not that big a deal that the gods (even less God himself) needs to directly intervene (even if in the end, Gollum falling was a divine intervention). This was a lesson for mankind to fix their own mess instead of standing idly by for the gods to do everything.

Who? What? The name is Annatar, son! Would you like to learn some need crafting techniques I discovered?

The ring isn't Evil itself, Sauron's boss Melkor was literally THE source of Evil in the world. Sauron was not as powerful as them, but powerful enough to corrupt the gods in the west, already. The ring contains a part of Sauron himself, and is almost sentient, and will corrupt whatever is near it, or holds it. The ring only answers to Sauron, because it IS Sauron, it's a horecrux (i'm convinced that's where Rowlings got the idea of a horecrux.) It will influence those around itself to provide a way to be returned to Sauron in Mordor, even over the seas in the West.

>it was lesson for man

Poor Hobbits... why must they suffer

> it's a horecrux

Why, why do this, why bring level 4 reading into the LOTR

I worded it badly. The ring is a conduit, a link to evil itself and the physical manifestation of corruption ie. Sauron.

The power rankings of supermen are therefor a bit meaningless when it comes to abstract concepts like corruption.

>Valar ever being able to be corrupted by Sauron

The concept of storing a portion of a soul or a complete soul in an object is older than Tolkien. What do you think the picture in "The Picture of Dorian Gray" was all about?

Read more books!

Hobbits were related to men. Little bastards had to help out.

Because the elves don't believe or pay taxes.

>Hobbits were related to men.
>Hobbits were

better question: why didnt the elf just force isildur to throw the ring in the lava? he was legit RIGHT THERE, shit books, shit plot, 0/10

Numenorian men at the time were bout 7 feet tall and lived to be 300yearrs old.

Next time you see Shaq push him around.

Why would I push him when I have a sword and can cut his hand off? idgaf if he's 7feet tall, cut him up and throw the ring in, but no, elf man had to say "ISILDUUUUR" like a bitch and let him ruin the whole of middle earth for another 1000 years, thousands of lives lost because he couldnt kill 1 guy fucking kek

> I have a sword and can cut his hand off? idgaf if he's 7feet tall, cut him up and throw the ring in
I like the cut of your Jib

If the ring could change it's size, why didn't it grow huge enough so that sauron could see where it was from wherever?

Most lottery winners bankrupt themselves

You doubt the influence of The Ring...

Proved his point.

Yeah, if you earn millions of dollars you usually develop discipline along the way to put it to good use. If it's just handed to you with no preconditions when you're poor, you've got no discipline to keep yourself in check.

What was wrong with Sauron winning anyway? He had humans troops so it's not true that he wanted to exterminate people or anything

The people fighting for him were retarded fucks. If he had his way everyone would be enslaved.

The Valar really took a gamble with sitting out because humanity could’ve been fucking extinguished if he ordered the orcs to do so (and they could’ve, because they were absolutely fucked militarily).

sauron was corrupted and allowed his forces to do shit like rape and enslave other people . the orcs literally exist for nothing but violence and destruction (even though they are pioneers of engineering, their ingenuity is turned toward destruction). sauron also forces the people under his rule to worship him as a god and allows human sacrifice. if sauron won obviously the world wouldnt end, it would just really fucking suck for the average joe.

AND the eagles would have been susceptable to the ring's influence and of course Sauron would have seen them coming he had a palantir and even if he could probably remotely view things like Morgoth (I think Melian, another Maia could too) and Sauron even had animals spying for him so come on.

Because that bit DIDN'T HAPPEN IN THE BOOK and even if it had Elrond would have been corrupted too, what makes you think he wouldn't have?

Anything that isn't in middle earth is an asspull. Why were the elves even leaving anyway? Because their "tim had ended"? wtf does that even mean.

>The people fighting for him were retarded fucks.

Humans across Arda had been fucked in ass for centuries by the Numenorians at the height of their evil imperialist power. Sauron gave them a chance to strike back. Plus Sauron technically is a god so it's not THAT unreasonable to worship him.

A Palantir allows you to look through other Palantirs. They're not magic mirrors.

>Heaven is what men get which is to join (or not) the celestial choir outside of Arda. Hence the "gift of men". The undying lands is still there in reality just seperate, since the elves cant leave only men can.
Literally the difference between the bounded world of the demiurge and the truly free and boundless world of the noumena.

You haven't considered that destroying the ring was their only wincondition. They were losing the war badly. Even if Sauron never got the ring he would still win.

The powers of the Elven rings were destroyed with the One. Their magic had wasted away, their kingdoms in Middle-earth had been destroyed one after another over the millenia, their populations were declining because Elves have kids basically never but a lot die during the endless battles they always got dragged into, and they realized they were all better off in Valinor.

>A Palantir allows you to look through other Palantirs.

It's not just a video phone, it's a telescope. It can look places.

How come Dr. J just didn't slam dunk it into Mt. Fuji over Suriname's head?

>Sauron believed (correctly, as it turns out) that no one could withstand the ring's influence, especially not in his forge where his magic was strongest.
This is possibly the most important knowledge you can have if you're going to try and pick apart the story of LOTR

Isildur would have absolutely wrecked him.

>wrecking an high elf, one of the most important at that

Elrond is a half-Elf


No, it can't. They're married to each other, and can only see each other. There was a master stone, but it's in the West. If no-one is looking into it, other stones would see nothing. They were also directional. ie. They could only talk one way, walk around to the other side, you wouldn't appear in another stone.

It doesn't matter where the ring was, as long as the Ring existed, Sauron was getting stronger and stronger.

They could take it to the other side of the world and it wouldn't matter.

The Ring would corrupt all eventually, and Sauron would win in the long run.

Their only chance was destroying it while they still could sneak inside Mordor.

Closest thing to a plot whole in the Lord of the Rings series is the Agent Elf not just killing Isildur when he didn't throw away the ring.

>Closest thing to a plot whole in the Lord of the Rings series is the Agent Elf not just killing Isildur when he didn't throw away the ring.

Peter Jackson made that scene up, it never happened

>Closest thing to a plot whole in the Lord of the Rings series is the Agent Elf not just killing Isildur when he didn't throw away the ring.


>Closest thing to a plot whole in the Lord of the Rings series is the Agent Elf not just killing Isildur when he didn't throw away the ring
It's not a plot hole because taking the Ring is dangerous.

Isildur took it and was ensnared almost immediately

Smeagol took it and was ensnared almost immediately. He killed his best friend, and went around doing mean and nasty things.

Bilbo didn't take it. He found it.

Boromir tried to take it, and it had him even without him having to touch it.

It's almost certain that both Elrond and Cirdan knew what would happen if they had tried to take the ring from Isildur by force. They were around for the original forging, Cirdan was an original Ringbearer (Elrond only got his from Gil Galad later on), they know the power of the Rings and they know the power of the One. Try to take the Ring by force, and it would have claimed them instead.

and before someone says it the ghostsnever came to the battle of Pelennor Fields and it wouldn't have mattered if they did because they couldn't physically hurt anyone

it didn't trap Bilbo because it didn't awaken until much later

The ghosts scared the corsairs off their ships so Aragon, the Grey Company and the other Gondor soldiers he rallied could take them. the scene in the movie wouldn't have played out any differently, just replace the ghosts with men

>'Alas! yes,’ said Elrond. 'Isildur took it, as should not have been. It should have been cast then into Orodruin’s fire nigh at hand where it was made. But few marked what Isildur did. He alone stood by his father in that last mortal contest; and by Gil-galad only Círdan stood, and I. But Isildur would not listen to our counsel.
It didn't happen the way it happened in the movies, but Elrond was there.
What do you mean by awaken?

It didn't corrupt him or attempt to betray him


Fucking forgot the picture.

Him handing it back proved there was still some strength left in men

Well that and the Germans knew to search the boats. In this case itd be like the Jews deciding the best place to hide is in Berlin.

I was thinking of the St. Louis, the boat that was full of refugee Jews that were basically told to go fuck themselves, because the US was still staying out of the troubles affecting Europe.

"Not our fuckin' problem!"

That works too.

Not only the rock beneath gollum breaking but Gandalf getting all those sick buffs was Eru too
Kind of weird how 2 of the 3 times Eru has ever directly intervened in middle earth's business was in one single adventure

Because he found it, instead of taking it by force.

Only the virtuous and pure ones can go there. Whoever travels with the Ring for few days even, will get corrupted by it. Just look at Galadriela, or how Gandalf was afraid to pick it up

I agree with first part, but comparing UL to Numenor is like comparing Byzantine Empire to Serbia.

I think this is correct, but a little backwards. The ring not corrupting Bilbo immediately wasn't a consequence of him finding it nonviolently. Rather, the ring didn't violently influence him immediately because it did not need to in order to get him to pick it up.

It still surely had its hold on him from the get-go, it just did not choose to exert its will upon him right away. You can bet its influence was the reason he lied to Gandalf about it.

Betrayal isn't a problem here either: Waiting with Bilbo would've been its last stop before returning to its master, if not for Gandalf's intervention at the start of Fellowship, because Gollum spilled the beans and the enemy knew Bilbo possessed it. The Ring was nothing if not patient - resting in a hobbit's possession for a few decades is nothing compared to waiting thousands of years for Smeagol to find it.

Are you qt ?

Now THATS a legit point

Whats the point of having a story then

To be honest, that would have been pretty cool to see. The Ring just keeps increasing in size. As it grows, it smashes through every village, forest, town, stronghold, etc... throughout Middle Earth. It drives people from their homes and into the East, straight into Sauron's waiting arms. That would've been great.

End of the war 5000 jews were still living in Berlin. They had ration cards and were dutifully documented in the German bureaucracy. What a shoah!

>Why didnt the elves just take the one ring to the undying lands?
Why would they care to if they are leaving middle earth anyway?

Boromir's will was greater than any other man that ever lived. Remember, he went through a journey of hardship just getting to Rivendell that could have been an adventure novel of its own.

Childhood is fapping to Aragorn. Adulthood is admiring tragic humanity of Boromir.

Tar-Mairon did nothing wrong. I wish he would come back, he's the sort of thoughtful ruler that Middle-earth needs. I guarantee you he actually thought out a tax policy, unlike Aragorn who has no experience ruling a kingdom and just spouts populist garbage.

Because the ring influences the council meeting and gets them to take the ring to mordor. Also the valar can't be arsed dealing with middle earth's shit any more.

>Destroying the ring was the only way Sauron could lose. He was set to conquer Middle-earth military whether he had the ring or not.
this, can't believe people don't understand it.
>Why didn't they just throw the ring in an ocean?
because they didn't want to be raped by orcs

If Elrond killed Isildur they only Elrond would be around to pick up the ring. Wouldn't the ring corrupt Elrond when he picked it up? He might of gotten to the lava and then hesitated to throw it in.

I thought Sauron was gathering up his strength and didn't have a body yet, or am I making this up?

just push the guy in the lava

No, the movie made that up.