I found something weird, goys

I found something weird, goys.
>Unsub from PewDiePie
>Next day
>Go to my subfeed
>See PewDiePie on the subfeed even though I'm still unsubbed
>Let's try something
>Unsub from another channel
>Check back subfeed
>Channel gets out of subfeed
>PewDiePie doesn't

What does Sup Forums think?

Why were you subscribed to him in the first place

i think your youtube glitched

>unsubbing from based pewds

i seriously hope you guys don't do this

>subscribed to him in the first place
faggot lmao

Everyone was a child once, most of Sup Forums still is

It probably just didn't register the unsub. It happens, just unsub now and get over it. You having him on your sub feed doesn't give him money.

Anyone can do mistakes

Sup Forums of all places should give him a pass.

I mean his content isnt made for me obviously but he is probably the least retarded mainstream celebrity kids could watch.

I think I subbed to him just for the mere reason to just know whatever he's doing ATM, I wasn't really that much of a fan of Pewds back in the day, and most of the time recently I wanted to troll his kiddie fanbase from time to time, but then comes to the problem that lately he's like uploading the same video up to 3 times just to make sure it doesn't get demonetized, and the notifications cranked up annoyingly to the point of me becoming frustrated and be like "ok, that's it, I'm done".

Turns out that they don't want to let me go of seeing his clickbait thumbnails just in case they want me to pop in. Christ sake.

>least retarded mainstream celebrity
Yet he's quite a puppet for (((Wojcicki))) apparently

How? He constantly gets his shit demonitized.

Yet he has to realize he has to keep playing the YouTube game because he only cares about earning the shit money. Why else would he reupload modified videos just so he can not get demonetized?

Trust me, I know, because this is what 99.9% of YouTubers like (((us))) do on a regular basis. Complain a lot yet swallow (((Wojcicki's))) bullshit down our sore throats just so we can drill more dollarinos. It's the kind of pretend-eceleb mongoloids who will always have to rely on easily-digestible consumer-level trending topic everyday garbage that is forgettable at hindsight. I kinda used to be one of them even, but then I got so fucking redpilled homo that I got tired of these pigroaches that make DSP look like fucking Idubbbz.

And my experience tells me that these people inherently feed a goy website. Just like Felix.

Funny thing is, a lot of these (((YouTubers))), when they see people like my fat gay ass be a contrarian to whatever shody high-moral-ground bullshit they do, they just don't want me or anyone like me to succeed, and they sort of use me and others like me as a scapegoat to boost their fucking ego.

Christ dude tone it down.

Yeah Felix isnt a national socialist fighting jewish world domination, he is a guy that makes dumb videos and gets paid for it.

You should learn to appriciate people that at least dont make the world any worse with what they do. Imagine Buzzfeed having almost 60 million subscribers instead.

Spotted the kike.

Yeah, I know it's not that much of a threat at hindsight, but what I try to say this is that when you have cocksucker dumb kiddos running Wojcicki's site that bash against anyone they don't like but when they're called out for something nasty, they cry and hide behind their sheep, and who constantly create on the platform the Internet equivalent of reality TV shows and TV trash, you know who really is able to be successful on that platform.

Hell, I know people from Sup Forums hate Britbong for what he may have trolled around here, but I give him credit for what he's being able to call out as an honest cunt. The guy got banned off from YouTube and Twitter by RussoPlays, who's a Roblox streamer that got trolled by Britbong before, and which makes him kinda almost a borderline pedophile. Russo keeps being able to play victim to his cockgobbler friends, including some commentary youtubers I know from sight, just so Brit can get banned for just a harmless raid, and even then Russo also raided Britbong to mass flag his channel down, and he keeps raiding Brit down with his sheep underage fans.

I mean, I know this sounds like raging, and I'm sorry for it, but this kind of shit needs to be called out, because you can't just bash against how jewy and scummy YouTube as a company is when you're as jewy and scummy as YouTube itself.

I know this shit myself, because I've been one of them. And that tells.

1. Who the fuck cares
2. You could have faked this very easily
3. Even if you didn't, youtube probably just bugged out
5. You shouldn't be subscribed to him to start with
6. Take your youtube drama somewhere else

P.S.: If Britbong is not the case you want to hear, here's some more examples for the lulz:

>ImAllexx backstabbing his "friends" just so he can expose them for views in a podcast
>The Pyrocynical (((Community))) and such commentary garbage that are not much different from LeafyIsHere

>youtube probably just bugged out
Someone told me on Discord that the same happened to him with Milo. Maybe this is a hint.

Now on a sidenote, I don't really discard it being a glitch, but that doesn't save it from looking creepy af desu