Can a blue whale defeat Thanos?

Can a blue whale defeat Thanos?

Only if he drops the cube

How big of a grapefruit are we talking?

One the size of a car.

Okay, how big is this blue whale?

bigger than a car

Of course it can swallow a car.

he's a big guy

For Blue

bigger than both a grapefruit and a car

>modern science had been reduced to "well AHKTUALLY" facts that suck the joy and wonder out of the world

Fuck this gay earth.

>dinosaurs are scary cuz of da scales, not da teef or size fucking feathers reeeeeeeeee

If a blue whales mouth is bigger then a car then why can't it swallow one?


Its like trying to move a car through hundreds of giant bristles

It's throat isn't big enough.

Can you shallow everything that fits your mouth dumbass?

it doesn't taste as good as the grapefruit.

Could a car swallow a whole grapefruit?

if my cock is bigger than your mouth then why can you still swallow it?

Is it a blue car?


why do you need to chew food retard

Try it. Then get back to us while you're choking to death so we can enjoy your death.

What a fucking loser you must be.

It's mouth is just a giant filter. It only eats very small things. You dolt.

Then where does it get it's grapefruits?

the size of a tangerine.


I have literally never heard of the myth about a blue whale who ate a car.

Swallow an orange, fuckhead

I fr*cking love science

I can't fit an orange in my mouth, retard.

fucking featherfags I swear

try slowing a chestnut or the biggest apple you can fit in your mouth.

If it's the biggest apple there's no way I'm deepthroating it.

because he can't!

It has been scientifically proven that dinosaurs had feathers.


prove to me that dinosaurs didn't have feathers.

This is the stupidest shit ever, there are no grapfruits in the ocean.

People have gone full retard in the opposite direction of dinosaurs being lizards and have started to depict them are just giant birds and it's the worst meme.
>dude what if we gave t-rex a waddle? Lmao

Why would there be a car in the ocean