Martin Luther King Jr. Day

"This is it? This is what I got all those ass-whoopins for?!?"

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I had a dream....once.

Just once?

I went to an MLK breakfast today and the preacher they got to speak basically gave a variation of this speech - he marched with MLK back in the day and his wife got the shit kicked out of her by the cops.


And then nothing changed.

If you can't see the progress that's been made in the United States since MIL's era, I don't even know what to tell you.

*MLK, sorry.

You're suppose to do the entire thing.

I'm not saying progress hasn't been made since MLK's time, I'm saying that recent commentary on modern black America hasn't changed because modern black America hasn't changed. I'm saying that the conversation hasn't changed during the years between the cartoon and real life variations of a speech which called out young black Americans for squandering the basic human rights their parents and grandparents desperately fought for.

I bet this thread will be great.



You know what I hate? Whites who soapbox for blacks because they think they're the only ones who can fight for their rights. please, kill yourselves, I hate you just as much as I hate the racists.

But its a black dude that made this show

Racists are at least honest

It's fun to dream.

You know what I hate? How your hair freezes when you go outside with wet hair on a really cold day.

You know what I hate? When I'm sitting and like, just a little tiny part of my ballsack falls asleep. Not the whole thing, just, like, a little bit of it.

Oh my God, user!

>You know what I hate? Nothing in particular, i'm very okay with my life right now! HAVE A GOOD DAY!

It's the fucking worst.

It's worse when you have a splasher and the water gets all on your balls and asscheeks

I only agree with this when its a white person telling a black person that they don't know what their own self-interests are. Like if a white liberal tried to tell a black conservative they were betraying their race with their political affiliation. That's condescending horseshit.

However, a white person openly voicing support for black rights (or any other minority group) is a good thing. Progress is made when allies are formed from within majority groups. I'm equally skeptical of people who cry over "virtue signaling" when they see someone trying to voice support for minorities.

You know what I hate? When you edge for like half a day and you expect to cum pretty hard but then it's just a meh cumshot.

I was eating jalapeno chips and I accidentally INHALED one!

My face hurts!

seriously though, fuck Soul Plane

Dude nah. Splashers aren't fun, but they're definitely nothing compared to pins and needles in your satchel. Also, there's the infinitely-worse variant of a splasher (which I like to call "dropping the nuke after the genocide"), where you take a splattering diarrhea shit, then somehow your body manages to drop a solid log, but you're still shitting with the force of splattering diarrhea so you blast this neutron bomb of a turd into the diarrhea and end up launching shitwater all over your dick, ass, and balls.

You know what I really hate? Mondays man. Like seriously I have to go to my bitch of a work schedule and for what? Pay for my bill and hopefully get some ok food.

No they're not, they go through bunch of mental hoops just to justify theiqr irrational pseudo-science.

>modern black America hasn't changed
The hell it hasn't, black culture is all high fashion and twitter drama now.

You had to work today? lol, what kind of shit job do you even have?

You'd be surprised at how that's not much different than how blacks were a hundred years ago.

>twitter drama
>hundred years ago

>hundred years ago when racism was literally the law of the hand.

The fuck? How do you even manage that.

Know what I hate? When I go to pee and the stream splits like 3 ways and hits everything but the toilet.

You know what I hate? When I take a shit and toilet water hits my ass.

You know what I hate? When you're wiping your ass and you can't seem to get it clean, like no matter how often I wipe there just seems to be always a smear of shit.

Fuck man, I hate that too.

Or when you're sitting down to shit and pee, and the pee manages to go between the seat ring and the rim and hits your leg.
Seriously wtf

>things that John Lewis is currently thinking.

You know what I hate? When you go to take a piss and there's lint partially obscuring your dick hole, and it splits the stream and you end up getting some on the back of the seat or worse the floor

Blacks have always been vain and obsessed with dressing themselves in the best possible clothing and blacks have always had a culture based around gossip and he said she said, social media like Twitter has just put it on a larger scale

Gossiping and being vain are more human traits than just Black people traits.