Yfw this guy had seen more shit in 4 years than you will in your entire life


he also fugged a 3 years old

His speech legitimately makes me sad every time I watch it.

Eh, I've seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, it's overrated

he had access to space travel and shit and was literally designed to be alpha af though

I'm not bothered by this comparison the slightest

>me likey space, space taxi are gud
who wrote this shit?

When was the last time you've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate? Huh?

I don't believe it

Happens time to time. Its quite an ordinary event to be honest. Have you ever seen tears in the rain? How about that huh.

I know I've seen tears in the rain, but I honestly can't remember any of those moments.

I wish I went to space shit


Then its time for you to die.

the fuck is a c beam anyway?

I can't believe there are autists that would genuinely ask this question

execs see this shit and their eyes light up with all the sequels and franchising they can do

AII me.

Then they see the box office numbers for the reboot and the light fades away.

>I've seen things you big guys wouldn't believe... fires rising in the streets of Gotham... planes crashing with no survivors... all those moments will be lost in time, like brothers in the wreckage


Not that guy but I was kind of interested too, just to understand the universe better

I saw a dog piss while walking on its two forelegs IRL one time. But I was driving and I couldn't take a video or picture of it since I was in traffic

The fact that you were interested means the movie did its job, but you have to be an autist to not realize it's meant to be vague and unanswered

>tfw you've done questionable things

I've...seen an entire episode of the Krypton Factor, all the way from start to finish.

Well yeah... But have you ever seen a miracle?

What was the significance of this quote? Did worm guy really see a miracle?

>lost in time, like brothers in the wreckage

a replicant giving birth DUH ?

Makes me sad desu senpai

so what exactly did he witness?
space magic?

The horrors of space war.


wow such a deep human experience, it's art

Can someone please please please post the Norm MacDonald version.

I knew the grateful dead in 1966. In 1975, I walked bob dylan up on stage. I'm an NYU Film school graduate sucka.

>tfw you will never have the aryan good looks of rutger hauer

Why are you guys shitting on that scene lately

It's 30 years old and it's kino, stop trying to fit in