Why was there so much rape in this film? What was Leone trying to convey?

Why was there so much rape in this film? What was Leone trying to convey?

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There wasn't that much rape. It happened like what? Twice?

In the case of Deborah's rape, it was crucial to the plot and Noodles' character.

it wasn't actually rape

>Be American
>Get raped

This movie was so good it should be fucking outlawed. It stand head and fucking shoulders above all of Scorsese and Coppola's mafioso flicks. Deborah's Theme is Morricone's finest work.


I remember I literally started weeping when De Niro meets Deborah and James Woods' son is waiting outside her dressing room.

I’ve only watched two movies where I thought “man this movie is way too fucking long” and this was one of them. The other was gangs of ny. Too much meandering

I preferred the use of Yesterday.


It only seems like a lot because it was so impactful.

Directors cut or theatrical cut?

Please respond

you deserve the theatrical cut

the 4 hour version, whichever that is

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I only know that I was baffled by americans hating this then I realized they got a very shitty recut version.
From their point of view, they were right

im sorry Sup Forums but i didnt really like this one

this scene in the beginning always gives me shivers, especially with Morricone coming in


What didn’t you like about it, lad?

you should've watched Leone's ravioli westerns before diving into this one

>What didn’t you like about it, lad?
its been years since ive seen it but i remember not really being interested in the plot and it felt like it was a little long-winded. i didnt like the characters either. but i was 13 at the time so maybe another viewing will have a different impression

i did, thats the reason i originally watched it, i saw the directors name and recognized it as the same director from the westerns that i loved


I don't understand the bullet hole body outline in the bed.

I watched it when I was older and found it long-winded, heavy-handed, old-fashioned. Everything seemed very surface-level, kind of like his spaghetti westerns
but I hated the untouchables too, so ymmv


Yeah for a 4 hour film it's surprising how forgettable it was. I don't even remember what happened in the end.