Wheel of StoryTime part 2

Alright, moving right along with our telling of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, eye of the world. This thread begins at issue 9, well into our story, 1-8 can be found in the following link
Alright, here we go!






God these wait times between posting are killing me

>God these wait times between posting are killing me
It sucks












Mat is such a wide eyed bumkin and Thom is so damn quick and cleaver







And this brings us to an end of issue 9, but do go anywhere, issue 10 is coming right up!

>listen here u little shit

Carful guys, there is prime waifu material in this issue



Some call me ..... Tim



Is this a case of bad art direction/paneling, or is Wheel of Time just that dull when its not done with text?

I blame it on the art, Bal's eyes are just glowing, they are burning with fire and there is an inferno in his mouth when he speaks. As nice as the visuals are there, they artist kind of dropped the ball.







What the heck did they do to Best Girl, she's supposed to be a tomboy, not Indiana Jones



The kid's having a damn stroke in the third panel.





That's not how you spell Lanfear user



I just read this chapter today

>wanting to stick your dick in crazy

I mean, not just regular crazy too, world-ending genocidal sort of crazy. Just not right

She just wants to rule the world with her husbando.

I can't help it user, she's just presented so well in the books. I would have loved to have seen what would have happened had she been able to convince the Dragon to join her and kill the Dark One.



Trying to use the Choedan Kal to kill the DO sounds pretty world breaking to me 2bh

You can't make an omelet without blowing up a few eggs user.

And this brings us to a close on issue 10, but stick around, 11 is right around the corner.

How is Lan going to manage all these waifus? Let's find out!


4th panel is good for a laughing reaction image

They should have added some of rand's inner lines here, the scene suffers a bit from it


>I want to fuck that braid


you just know he tugs on that braid during their wedding night, and you know she just fucking loves it, but wouldn't dare say that aloud.


And just like that, Lan knew he had find a prime waifu.



It takes him a while to admit it.

>Muh War
>Muh Kingdom

I love it when they draw Moriaine's eyes hidden like this l.




Well, this looks nothing like I imagined.


Is that good thing? Or a bad thing?




I guess most adaptations aren't exactly what I imagined when I read the source material. Which, I'm sure, is true for most people. It's not a bad thing. Just a thing to get used to.



And we reach the end of issue 11, but don't worry, 12 (our final issue for the day) is coming right up!

I, at least, found the character looks close to what I imagined.




>fool for trying to eavesdrop on an Aes Sedai
Hah! Especially with this one. Potential spoiler: Moiraine's first use of the one power as a girl was for eavesdropping. She used the stone (which is just an ordinary gemstone) to help focus.





I was dissapointed in this

not to mention the part in the last book where it's revealed that killing DO would bring about a sterile, dystopian future

