Why did jerry agree to switch apartments?

why did jerry agree to switch apartments?

>tfw watching this episode right now

It was Chuck's

>In a 2003 interview Michael Richards admitted the real reason Kramer didn't want the chicken roasters because of all the "niggers" he thought it would attract.
This show was really ahead of its time

i doubt thats true

this show is boring. nothing literally happens.

True, things only happen fictionally

just like in your life

90s born queer detected.

yes. and the show is relentlessly boring.

yes. and the show is extremely boring.

yes. and the show is adamantly boring.

you're the boring one, can't even think of three different replies, braindead fuck.

For comedy

>"show about nothing"
>only 2 episodes of the entire run fit the description

All of your posts have bored me

yes and yes. and the show is catastrophically boring.

thank you. and the show is monstrously boring.

Jesus I think we've found an actual autist

yes, i am. and the show is autistically boring.

ain't nobody give a fuck what some autist thinks. fucking retards, in a just world you would've been culled at a younger age.

i agree. and the show is retardedly boring.

lol, ok you got me that time

Would you say its the DULLEST sitcom of all time

>nothing literally happens.
Well, it is a show about nothing.

That's not even true. It's about how people do not change. No matter what happens during an episode, the characters do not grow as people. This is a lot more satisfying and honest than shows that try show character development. It's very much a Larry David idea and he has continued to explore it very successfully in Curb.

The darkness of Larry Charles's mind was also key to the early success of the show, much darker than a typical mainstream sitcom, for example having a fantasy sequence in which Jerry was gunned down was great. I suspect he was also responsible for the anti-semitic gags in The Limo - another personal favourite.

I think this is Harry from the IMDB boards (specifically Video Games and Jurassic Park). He is highly autistic and never loses an argument.

Huh-h-h-HARRY FROM THE IMDB BOARDS?! Oh noooh! Nuh. Nuh. Nuh.

not an argument. and the show is argumentatively boring.

hello. the show is boring.

who wouldnt.