Why is he so perfect?

Why is he so perfect?

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Who is this terrible flasher of the night?

Slobs are cute. In fiction at least.

cause he's better than mordecai

take that back you fucking double nigger

mordecai is shit tier.


Because he kinda sorta had some character development later on but not really?

He got better through the series, Mordecai only got worse

why is he wearing Eileen's panties?

He was happy with his life 25 years later

I forget the context of why he'd dressed that way


William did great voice acting and was the best voice to character thing ever.

Because he was already generally entertaining and ended up getting pretty good character development toward the tail end of the series which made him way less of an obnoxious asshole.

There was a point somewhere in the series when the scales flipped and Rigby was considered more mature than Mordecai, at least in terms of actual life decisions.

He's cute, and adorable. His voice is unique. Same can be said for Mordecai.

Will never be characters like these again..

I'm not gonna lie when I first saw the show I thought he was a douche, but it was nice to see him work for stuff in life and grow as a person, like trying to finish high school

I don't think anyone didn't think he was a jerk, user.

True to his self and didn't constantly spill spaghetti, and slowly developed as a person despite his massive autism.


The most cringeworthy line I've ever heard probably.


Do you think he and Eileen intertwine their tails when they have sex

Mordo is best bro

How would that work? Also Rigbys the bottom because Eileen/Minty is a dominate asshole.

Dubs are true.

I follow his VA on twitter because he seems like a cool guy like JG Quintel, but god damn if I didn't pick the worst possible time to keep tabs on him and everyone else who works on this show.


The fact Mordecai doesn't respect Rigby in the slightest makes me hate him (M) because Rigby is a screw up but deep down he cares about people, and Mordecai of all people should know that.

It depends on how you wanna look at it.
Today is a great day for harvesting salt and butthurt, like the day Hinata won the narutobowl

Biggest offender is Mark Hamill capitalizing on the liberal butthurt by doing Joker videos, which Tara Strong tried to force herself in and made things awkward I noticed.

Never knew if Mark was a liberal or whatever, I don't follow any celebs like that and only ever started looking at their posts after RS.

Like "getting back to HS because I'm afraid my girlfriend will leave me."?

I liked the alternative ending to the movie more where he signs up for online classes.

Ain't Hamill's fault you put a clown in the White House.

Yea, I hate how they ended up having him do it for Eileen, fuck that shit.

Did you fucking idiots even watch the episode? When she told him he didn't have to do it for her he kept doing it for himself anyway, which is the right message.

Yea but man it's just a shame everyone but JG on the RS crew is being fucking dumb about it.

>"Oh Regular Show, stretching the limits of reality, I mean, what more could a rich dude possibly buy??" Cut to f**ing now.
It pissed me off when people phrase their shit like this. I don't care what he said about Trump though.

Yes. Doesn't change the fact that he originally went back to HS just because he was afraid he'd lose her.

And he could have dropped out again and Eileen wouldn't have minded and back to status quo like every other cartoon, but he went through with it to the end. Not for her but for himself, character development bro.

>he decided to go through with it
Because quitting on it would have looked bad when he already got the credit.

That he suddenly wanted to pull though with it after losing his motivation actually felt quite forced.

Not that all of this supposed development amounted to anything.


Raccoons are always perfect.

What's not to love? They're cute, energetic, and have a lack of common decency. Better than Blue Jays which always end up being jerks to some degree.

>the day Hinata won the narutobowl
Ohh man, that never gets old

>like the day Hinata won the narutobowl
Anyone who hasn't seen this doesn't know the true depths of the salt mines.


fuck is this? i ain't reading all that

It's an archive of Naruto Sakura shippers crying about their ship not being made canon you illiterate.

Salt in its weebiest form

Except when they steal your garbage