Would you come after me? Hunt me?

>Would you come after me? Hunt me?

Low test Luv fags will never understand

>Would you Blade Run me?
Wtf ridley

>her eyes were green

>Would you fuck me in the ass? Cum on my face
y-yes, prime Sean Young

>tfw replicant Sean Young will never tell you about her artificial memories including the one where Tyrrell's niece had some kid expose himself to her.

>Deckard, I just want a hug...

Damm you will never comfort crying Rachel and then fuck with her.

Its hurt me

not 'hunt me'

What was Deckard's problem?

he's never had a woman walk out on him before
not when he was being so charming


uhh no she says hunt

No, they only brought me out of retirement to handle the Nexus 6 squad. So once that's done I'll retire myself and I guess Gaff will take up your case.

>are you and I lovers?

I like how she's like a totally different person in those deleted scenes. cheesy, but cute

I know the point was to contrast Deckard's occupational obligation from his moral obligation, but there's little reason for him to go after Rachel unless she starts doing things she shouldn't.
Him and her could have gone on living quietly up until the kid part. Then again I'm not sure if anyone but Deckard, Gaff (who probably sussed it through Deckard's interactions with her) and Tyrell knew Rachel was a replicant, what with that being Tyrell's whole point in making her to begin with, so it's possible they could have just gotten by anyway. If anything it was running that ratted them out, should have stayed put and quiet. Wallace wouldn't have Tyrell's shit if they hadn't went and romantically eloped.

Sean Young as Rachael is THE #1 80s babe prove me wrong

>Would you cum after me?


>she had green eyes

>We all have to run from the blade one day.

Jesus Christ, Scott is such a hack

the second movie is better than the first. the first one is a total mess that doesnt make you feel anything until the last shoehorned scene

>Do you like our owl
>it's artificial?
>Why don't you ask him
What was going through Ridley Scott's mind when he left this quip in?

No, but I'd hunt Pris in the Kiss make-up. God damn.

he was treating her like a typical replicant and wasn't used to one as real as her



so did she give him a skinjob?


I would rather come on you, if you can understand the meaning behind this phrase


Pick one.

>I would rather come on you, if you can understand the meaning behind this phrase
Further explanation is required.

>Wanting the main character to be a cuck in your own fantasy world.

>little reason
She'd already ran from Tyrell Corp and the LAPD had been informed and Capt. Bryant had given Deckard her case

you're talking to Stephen King