Inauguration Day/Fan-Art

Happy Inauguration Day America!

Let's make Sup Forums great again by posting original fan art.


Is... is he about to press the button?





>>Trump is going to start being president on Monday.

It doesn't work like that!

>Trump cosplaying as spiderman villain


what are your plans for the post-apocalyptic wasteland?

How long before he monetizes he internet?



>tfw you're not American

Hopefully survive the anti-biotic superbugs that caused it.

No really, look it up, its happening. Store those cans boy.

About germs evolving to stop being affected by antibiotics? Yeah heard about it. Can't scientists work towards developing another sort of medication?

He'll leave you in suspense, but probably.

>Trump calls in his old rivals to visit the White House.
>Has the Secret Service frisk them for surveillance
>Escorts them into a windowless room
>Explains what the football is
>Opens it up
>Spends the next few minutes pretending he's about to push the button.
>Has a good laugh.
>Closes the football.
>Go ahead tell everyone, I'd say nobody will believe you but somebody will believe anything nowadays. The IMPORTANT thing is, you can't prove a thing. Bye. Send in the next guy.

Well, Trump is a God-Empoeror tier troll.

Well, when he rolls up to his first day, he's going to find that because he didn't bother to nominate most of the necessary staff to run the country, he can't actually control what's going on.

After a couple of embarrassing months, the impeachment talk will start in earnest, with even GOP diehards willing to say it out loud: because, after all, if they dump Trump, they get Pence, who's more in line with what they wanted anyway and at least has some governing experience.

By the time they decide if they will or won't impeach, it'll be election season again: for the midterms, and oh boy you'd better believe the President is going to need to pull rabbits out of Ivanka's ass live on FOX if he wants to maintain that GOP majority in 2018.

The last two years will be, most likely, more lame duckery. That's assuming, of course, that his health doesn't crap out - a man of his age with his stated weight, level of exercise and love of food doesn't have long to run before the end. President is not a job that's conducive to genteel ageing, either - it's been known to destroy the health of past incumbents, even excluding the assassinated ones.

So to answer your question, it's irrelevant. Nothing is getting done for four years: in 2020, America will be a third-tier candidate for global superpower rather than the undisputed military and financial behemoth.

That's not new news. Until it's commonplace/unless it stops ABX being sought as a panacea, you'll still have ABX and they'll still work for years.

Depends. You can always make something stronger, it's just a question of side effects. Most cancer drugs are pretty strong - maybe strong enough to kill these resistant strains. Do you really want chemo and the associated risks every time you get a relatively minor infection?

The question is who's going to pay for that. It's a little bit Masque of the Red Death.

There's no button. It's a series of call-and-response command codes.

Acutaly, the congress let go of that power last year.


> user still delusional

Keep being salty user.