Can you imagine if Didio posted something like this?

Can you imagine if Didio posted something like this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Marvel failure really is getting to him

>shit talking daddy Disney's Star Wars and Pirates of the Carribean

that's a paddlin

>if I had just a little bit more energy, I would commit fucking murder.

I hear ya

>Can you imagine if Didio posted something like this?

Yeah, Sup Forums would just ignore it and pretend Didio is still great

>"If I had just a little bit more energy, I would commit fucking murder."

Whats wrong with SW Rebels? Grouchy old man.

Didio would break the doors open and guide the passengers towards a safe place.

Nah, Didio is pretty /fit/ for his age. DChads have relatively low blood pressure and can take most things easily and in stride.

It was all good just a day ago

>as an insult
They may be geeks, sure, but does he not know who his actual (not target) audience is?



Why is he stuck on a train? Are they trapped in a snowstorm?

he exceeded the weight limit

>Dido bravely secures an exit from the train and leads the passengers to safety
>He celebrates the simple joys of the rural life and stays for the Harvest Festival in Farmingdale
>He enjoys good, wholesome food and discusses films, comics and cartoons with young people in the town in an intelligent and respectful manner

>Tom Brevoort threatens to kill teenagers who are enjoying things, disregards their way of life and the American transport industry

>"If I had just a little bit more energy, I would commit fucking murder."
coming from the man who dresses like this and watches Sailor Moon english dubbed.

If he had just a little bit more energy, his publishing house wouldn't be dying.

>Didio would break the doors open and guide the passengers towards a safe place.

Why is Marvel so low energy, bros?

Poor diet

Aaw, Liefeld's wondering if Brevoort's account got hacked.

>A Marvel employee sperging out on Twitter?! Well that's not right! It must be those hackers known as Sup Forums!

>Super Aggro Crag
Long time no see.

Why would he care? He called him a fatass in Twitter some time ago.

When was the last DC twitter freakout

That time Liefeld and Snyder got into a slapfight.

Did he take his hat off?

And that was a while back

There's also that snarkfest between Simone and Slott.

Why do people in general have the need to this kind of shit? Suffer in silence like your fathers before you, you annoying bastard.

Rucka v Cho?




>Also, when you are not looking, we hug it out

>Why would he care? He called him a fatass in Twitter some time ago.

He's still friends with him even after that.

I mean... He's an old fat man with a neckbeard and he regularly wears fedoras. Why are internet tough guys always like this?

Tom Betavoort.

Aw man, I was hoping for something fiercer.

Women and minorities, of course.


It would be shameful. At least, Didio has professionalism and decency.

nu male editor of SJW comics is low energy. Sad!

Do you guys think Ike bullies him? Is being a shithead on twitter how he vents?

>low energy
Gasp! Is Stan to blame?

It's like you have to pass a fitness test to work on Batman

But that wasn't a freakout at all. It was just bants and nobody got upset.

Another one for my DChads folder. Thanks user.

Post your DChads folder, please.

Never! They're mine! All mine!

>If I had just a little bit more energy, I would commit fucking murder.
Here take mine. Now go on a rampage and kill Bendis, Slott, etc.

>He goes to DC office and tries to kill them

Wouldn't a better didio comparison be with Axel Alonso

Nope it would be here too and people would mock him for it.

But Didio is chill enough that if he doesn't pop a vein when people yell at him in conventions then he won't be doing this kind of shit on twitter.

He also used to work as a debt collector and you need to deal with a lot of angry and emotional people without losing your cool for that job.

Brevoort snaps at people for the dumbest shit and even when unprovoked, I've seen him do it in panels too but all you need to see is his tumblr and twitter to know.

Don't get me wrong, Didio has done some shit decision for DC and he's not my favorite editor but the guy is a professional and while he has done some dickish things to his employees and has made some shit decision about comic characters (like he wanted to kill Dick Grayson but Geoff stopped him) his public image has always been friendly and he's always nice to fans.

>He also used to work as a debt collector
Not even Darkseid can fight such a foe.

No, but he can steal his sandwich.

missing tweet:

if i only lost some weight i'd have more energy

this reminds me of when darwyn cooke threw a beer at axel alonso

Do tell.

Don't remember all of it but it was something like this.
Cooke and some people pitched an all ages line of comics for marvel but got rejected , and sometime shortly after marvel announced a line of comics that looked very similar so Cooke went to alonso at a convention and threw a beer at him. After that he signed exclusive to DC.

>He goes to DC office
He couldn't even get through the door. The doors to the DC offices are thinner than usual. It's one of the many reasons new DChads need to get /fit/ to work there.

Lol good for him... thats horseshit and Darwyn was definetly one of the good ones so I would highly doubt him doing something like that without a damn good reason.

Also why the hell would you turn him down on an all ages series then do it your own way? He'd have been fucking perfect.

I knew about the all ages Marvel line up, but didn't know about that one particular incident of the conflict.
Rest in piece, you absolute madman.


Marvel are the bad guys for Sup Forums marks'. Op would start with "based didio btfoing disney" or something.

And to think this guy was the one who pushed Nova back in 2006...

>not remembering the "blame didio for everything" meme

5+ years later, not as relevant anymore

cringe thread
>"If I had just a little bit more energy, I would commit fucking murder."

somebody shop this onto the pic like the "in this moment I am euphoric guy"then blast it on marvels twitter until dan slott cry's like chris crocker "LEAVE BEVROOT ALONE!!!"

Let's hope he finishes the job.

Man, remember when he tried to damage control stopping Kate and Maggie's marriage with, "Hey guys, it's not homophobic or anything like that, it's just consistent with the fact we ruined all the straight marriages too."

Didn't he also said that the Batfamily deserved to be in a constant state of suffering?

Can't say that if he did I would disagree with him.... Batman and his broody little gang are the most disfunctional and fucked up corner of the DCU when it really comes down to it.

A Psychiatric team would have a field day with all those fuckups.... notes for days..

>Brevoort is hugging his therapist, crying

Well the New 52 just happened and he wanted all relationships to start over. And then Kate and Maggie were going to rush into marriage. Still unnecessary to block it.

>like he wanted to kill Dick Grayson but Geoff stopped him
Speaking of, why does Didio hate Dick?