Wheel of StoryTime part 5

Here we go!!










Oh man, that face, I mean fuck, that's a perfect reaction image.

Editorial fuck up right here, what kills me that it's just fine on the next page, are editors just lazy people in general?











I hope that's just sweat on Rand's pillow.

And this brings us to a close on issue 30, stick around, we have more coming up after a short break!









>penis penis penis










oh wow i didn't know they made comics for wheel of time. are these ongoing, or did they perhaps even...complete the story?


Sadly this was made back in 2010 and just Eye of the world and New Spring got comics, and New Spring is only 7 issues long. But hold out hope, if WoT gets a live action show we may very well get more comics. Welcome to the thread, you can find parts 1 through 4 in the OP.


>a tv show
i'm sorry but i really hope that doesn't happen


I do, I wanted Wheel of Time much more than Game of Thrones. I'd prefer an animated series, but there is no way that will happen.

And this brings us to a close on this issue, but we're not even close to being done! Stick around, we'll continue after a short break

Man there is so much here at the end that I didn't retain at all. If someone had described any of this stuff to me I probably would have thought they were talking about the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.
















Necessary page 7 bump.


By the light, page 7? Sup Forums moves fucking quick these days

I also prefer if it were animated. I don't think anyone could reliably make WoT and all it's awesome things look good without animation. And even then it would be a big budget production.


I think it could be done with today's technology and special effects, Halfmen, most of the Forsaken and Trollocs, and most results of channing the one power could be done with practical effects. Stuff like actually seeing the weavings and a few other things would require cgi. If whomever is in charge of the effects has some drive they can do it damn well.





When your husbano shoots you down

This ends this issue and hold onto your buts because it's about to get crazy and fantastic


I have sought the void and seized my butt

Good good.


Baby Lan's ridiculous face is ridiculous





Holy crap, it is, even as a baby he was ready to be assume the role of a badass








OP, I wish I could stay awake longer and finish this tonight with you, but today was an ultra-long day at work and I've been up 20 hours now, so I'm gonna have to catch up on the rest in the archive once I get up tomorrow.

Thanks a ton for this, and have another bump.


Well hot damn mang, I hope you have a deep undisturbed rest and wake tomorrow feeling refreshed and I hope you join me Monday when I storytime New Spring. Of course I'll try and provide links to these threads in the op of Monday's thread.


