Space Cop

What went wrong?

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You nail with the pic. Male Culture Vulture

It wasn't funny. It worked as the 2 minute trailer, but not a full length movie.

It needed more Rich Evans and way less Mike.

>It needed more Rich Evans
It needed more of the lead actor who was in almost ever scene?

I'm so sick of seeing this goofy-faced fuck every five seconds

He's like on every fucking netflix show and he's got some SyFy channel show that keeps popping up in ads

Fuck this wife-killing faggot

he was fine in the movie, you getting butthurt by his politics is irrelevant

I don't think that they even had a script and adlibbing an entire movie is a really stupid idea.

They've had the time and resources to make their own Halloween or Primer or Blair Witch Project.

Space Cop was basically an admission that they are unwilling to risk their easy living by taking a chance and making a "real" film. In a few years everyone will look back on RLM the way people look back on Doug, embarrassed that they ever enjoyed it.

he's an alpha male. you just can't see behind his facade

Mike should've played Space Cop with his dead pan, and Rich would've made a fine racist detective, maybe give him a bit more of a rapist sex weirdo flavor too

praise kekistan!

it was okay.
a bit long

It felt like four different comedy styles clashing. Which it was.
The VHS version is actually pretty decent and feels like something similar to Trancers.

>RLM sacrifice a cat to make the SW reviews
>Patton sacrifices his wife to continue his "career"


>sacrifices a cat


It was fine. I've seen a whole lot worse.

My favorite part was when Space Cop decided to kill that kid who grew up to murder his wife. That shit was pretty good. Calling a child a filthy little cocksucker had me in tears.

how much did they pay Oswalt to record for 2 minutes sitting in front of his macbook?

Based on a /RLM/ poll 30% of people who watched Space Cop couldn't even finish. Less than 30% actually enjoyed it.

I literally watched 30% of the movie before shutting it off

Same. I would've felt pretty used if I had paid human money for the movie.

a group of professional friend simulator losers from youtube failed to make a decent movie, color me absolutely shocked and surprised.

too small of a cast, not enough of that one girls titties, Jack was in it, a lot of the gags were ironically bad instead of just trying to be funny

YouTube movies are always bad

If you watch the deleted scenes. Space cop had more campy lines, but mike and jay wanted to make rich seem less charsimatic.

A bad move

They didn't have the aame budget as doug walker or the AVGN

Does someone has the commentary?

Money doesn't make something funny.
the movie was painful to watch because the script was just fucking shit


I really dont understand why they dont try making a serious movie, considering they seem to have all the knowledge of the basics of movie making and storytelling, also you dont need a giant budget for something like lets say blue ruin ideawise, probs less cost and work heavy than their scifi schlockfest

because nobody will watch their stuff anymore.
they saw what happened to avgn, it was a bloodbath

No, they also fail when making a real movie

perhaps someone would if it wasnt shitty "its supposed to be bad" over the top comedy drivel

They've never tried to make a real movie though

also gorilla interrupted was okay

The Recovered was their attempt at a real movie

That was almost a decade ago, they've surely improved by now

Patton please bury your dead wife before marrying your new one a year later.

>They've had the time and resources to make their own Halloween or Primer or Blair Witch Project.
You know who else has the time and resources to do that? Literally every independent filmmaker. How many movies that are made each year come out and become classics? Or are even any good?

Hate Space Cop all you want, but the defense that they have no excuse to not make something great is fucking retarded.

Gilchrist saved that lets be honest

fuck off Garrett

Space Cop point toward : no, they have not improved.

They depicted a cat being "killed" in one of the Plinkett videos. user doesn't know the difference between movies and reality.

Why do these assholes never follow their own advice when making movies?

Space Cop was more of an ironic joke and excuse to spend new found wealth than anything serious

what is this

"This is bad on purpose guys!"
Then they are hypocrite. They have said multiples times that intentionally bad movies are pathetic.

Because they moslty make comedy films and they rarely give advice about those. IF they ever try to do a big-budget, serious sci-fi flick then I'm sure it would be GOAT

But that's the joke

Their fanbase still buys it, the guys are literally calling their own stuff shit and yet morons eat it up.

RLM are pathetically bad filmmakers.
But they are funny guys (well Mike and Rich when he's interacting with Mike)
They'll never do anything better than funny skits on youtube.

what really baffled me is not how unfunny and boring it was, but how visually and cinematographically bad it looked
Jay talks so much about these aspects, he has such knowledge of them
It seems as if he actively tried to make it look bad

>excuse to spend new found wealth
Most of the movie was shot before they even had a Patreon. Also, what "wealth" are you talking about? $20K a month split at least three ways isn't going to go too far.

>"This is bad on purpose guys!"
>Then they are hypocrite.
They've never said this though.

It's almost like having an understanding of filmmaking does not mean you have the skills to actually make a good film. Look at all the faggots complaining about RLM and movies in general in this thread. How many of them do you think could actually make a good movie?

If space cop was bad on purpose, they are hypocrites.
If not, then they are just bad.

>It's another "you can't talk about movies if you don't make a better one yourself" episode


Making an alright looking movie is not really an art but a science, and Jay knows the science
Making a good movie would require talent and becomes more of an art, sure
Space cop looks really fucking bad even if you just look at it muted.

And I'm sure you could make a much better looking movie, but you're too busy shitposting on Sup Forums.

I'm also convinced of that, given the money, technical expertise, manpower and motivation, I could easily do a better looking movie even with that trash script if they even had one

He couldn't and that's why he don't...i guess

Of course you could.

if you don't buy the script and make a better edition of space cop me and all my friends will know you're just full of shit

chalk one up for the good guys

Someone post the commentary track

True fans subscribe to patreon and buy their products. I'm... I'm so sorry, you have to leave.

So by your own admission, you have no skills, no qualifications, are completely inept, and you are still convinced that you could do better?

That's like me saying that with the right diet, background, training, and physiology, I could be an astronaut, so what's the big deal about a person becoming an astronaut?

They sure don't like jokes on their Disqus feed. I bought Space Cop and made a joke about getting a "torrits" to get all of the other stuff and that shit was deleted within a few minutes.

Never mind that I was just mimicking Rich's prank call about making a video about a giraffe's night out in Manhattan. That comment was gone before anybody had a chance to read it. It was actually validating in a strange, passive-aggressive way, like when people have to move out of your way on a sidewalk.

veeeerrry cool

Space Cop was okay, actually the part I liked the least was Mike. That entire character and his type of jokes ran out fucking fast.

They played as if they were making short skits.
Even when you do a comedy, you have to actually act.

Mike's role wasn't a good fit besides as a one-off joke. The low budget meant that most of the needed equipment for good cinematography wasn't available. Them having to personally build every set really cuts into things I remember Mike saying he hates jokey sci fi films like Men in Black and I can't help think that Space Cop really follows a similar formula (as a joke). The script feels like it was made as a collaborative effort by everyone due to how the humor comes across. By going out in the beginning to make a "comedy" for the fans they avoided making a serious film with any kind of themes or underlying meaning. It felt like an improv set by whoever had time on a thursday at a comedy set for most of it.

I think though that this is what RLM mostly reddit fans wanted. Something simple, easy to digest, "ironically" bad film. Mike and Jay must have noticed how their audience shifted over time as they've been constantly reviewing all the capeshit/spaceshit films coming out and focusing more on story rather than technical aspects of films for a while.

post the cringe pic

I for one cant want for Jim to do an episode on them.

>he-heh these cucks make money off of videos on the internet, you'll never guess how cringggeey their viewers are

probably not the smartest path for Jim to trod

Film making was fine for a low budget film but the script was really fucking lazy. They shit all over Paul Feig for improving his movie script while they did the same thing in theirs.

Jim said that Space Cop is trash but that he loves RLM. They'd have to get really shit for him to make a video on them.

Too much improv turned to shit à la Ghostbusters reboot. Constant winks to the audience can get annoying

the only guy featured on RLM that actually killed his wife.

is fat tranny really the best Rich could find?

Rich is only funny when he's getting berated by Mike for being a retard, anything else he is aidsmoby/beardfat tiers of bad.

Not an argument.

nothing, it was funny

pretty sure he still tags some Jay bussy on the side

Were they a couple when they made gorilla interrupted?

I saw how not to make a movie a few days ago and Gilchrist referred to Richs girlfriend as Richs clone.

Rich was a virgin until a couple of years ago so I doubt it.

Classic Gilchrist just running 'ol fat sad sack Rich down.

Rich started dating Karen at least 7 years ago, so your "claim" is entirely bullshit.

Rich had a girlfriend at the time.
They all got sick from rich, who got sick from his girlfriend.

Gilchrists comment made me think it was the same one because of obvious reasons

He says here, completely sincerely, that he's never had sex. So either he's serious or he was trying to be funny and bombed horribly.
Rich seems like a guy who has incredibly low standards so its not surprising desu. Also having a gf doesn't necessarily mean they've fucked.

the sad thing is that Lisa would probably have fucked Gilchrist before Rich and Jay

This was literally the only time I laughed watching Space Cop.

also you need to be able to get an erection to bang and there may be a bit of a roadblock here

You can't be that autistic. Haven't you ever heard of the concept of the "straight man" in comedy?

>tfw for a moment I thought this was a Space Precinct thread

Good job outing yourself as an idiot, the "straight man" in comedic situations is the one who's reacting to the comedic farce in order for the audience to relate to someone in order to make the other seem more ridiculous. In that situation, Rich was the one making an idiot out of himself by saying "the birds and the beads" and the rest of the group were playing the straight man in that scenario. So again, good job showing you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Okay. Confirmed for autistic.

I'm not trying to be insulting but if you can't tell Rich is joking in that clip you might be socially maladjusted or inexperienced.

>Also having a gf doesn't necessarily mean they've fucked.
Not relevant.

Rich is a fat manbaby so its completely believeable no woman would fuck him.

I haven't seen that since it aired..... How does it hold up?