Actual literal Kino and noone has the balls to say shit about it.

Written, Directed And Cinematography by
Paul Thomas Anderson

Last Appearance by Daniel Day Lewis

Music by Jonny Greenwood.

What the fuck does he do to his film to get that sort of light and color?

It's very specific. Ever since punch drunk love i noticed his fascination with white backgrounds with this blue glow trough the lens.


does this end with DDL stabbing her with scissors in the last scene and saying "I'm finished."


Is it overexposing the film in the lab, a chemical process or just the way it's lit?

Fuck it's gorgeous lighting. Classic. Of course it's samefag you lifeless loser do you think you're like a smart detective now?

Answer me


No, OP here, I'm just the one who posted the photos. literally dude, I'm not that autistic.

Yes you are. And I'm saging, and you can't bump the thread, so it's gonna be just you and me partner.

Well you just hijacked a thread which you don't have interest in or shit to contribute to.

I having interest in posting here without bumping it.

So you just took these posts of the two of us and did the same shit you accused me of doing in this comment. You said that I'm samefaging and you posted your own comments to prove a point (lie) And I did it to prove a point with full transparency, you just did it cause you're an evil little shit who wants to win.

I think it's a chemical process. He uses old film reels sometimes and he doess something with them i heard in an interview once definitely more thn just lighting altho he plans that out carefully aswell.

I was expecting more outta this honestly.
Seems like a love story

P.T.A. + Phoenix > P.T.A. + DDL

I'm getting Vertigo vibes.

P.T.A. + Philip Seymour Hoffman > DDL,Phoenix ;_;

>Is it overexposing the film in the lab, a chemical process or just the way it's lit?

That's just the way film looks, especially with a tiffin diffusion filter on the lens to make it more glowy.

But yeah film has a magical quality to it that I have yet to see digital match.

t. Photographer

There were only 2 IPs in the thread, dumbo. Why would you go through the effort of shopping that?

>Last Appearance

he'll be back, he retired to become a cobbler before

Good movie refferences vibes

You're actually retarded if you think anything in the trailer resembled a romance

I was gonna kms but tpt has given me reason to live till December

Looks pretentious. But i don't think it actually is pretentious. Cause i know how Anderson loves to put in weird shit sometimes PIGFUCK!

Back to /r/movies

PTA and DDL Sniffing Their Own Farts: The Moobie

>mfw we never get a movie made by pta
>starring DDL Joaquin Phoenix and PSH

Fuck my life

Hes' retiring to be a dress maker now. I think the only reason he did this was because the interests aligned otherwise maybe he wouldn't habe done it