Thoughts on FUCK: The Movie?

Thoughts on FUCK: The Movie?

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it's fun to watch if you got nothing else to do

It's good if you like shitty movies.

Douche was the best character, probably the best animated villain of the last 5 years.


Leonardo Dicaprio's funniest movie, although it didn't need to be 3 hours long.

What he said.

wtf does that even mean

Also, I seen the clip where the movie parallels Shaving Ryan's Privates and it seemed like a genuinely funny movie. Not intellectual comedy, but very Rogen.

The amount of people that I have met that think this is the funniest movie they have ever seen is frightening.

I know this board is mostly children and fat women, but come on

Saw it because it was the only decent thing playing that night.

Had alot of Gross out humor and cussing comedy.

My GF and I watched it, thought it was okay but, there was definitely just too much Cussing. There was no nuance to jokes other than "HEY FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK"

5/10, spectacle film, rent it. Watch it once, do not buy.

Woke is supposedly something blacks say when someone is aware of how not being white affects them or something.

>Cinemasins rip off


i actually liked the villain but he ends up doing nothing
the villain was the only thing i liked so 2/10 i guess it should have been a 15 minute short, its probably going to get tons of facebook memes and that one friend you got who does a ton of weed is going to like it

im way too tired and you are way too tumblr for this
you should go to sleep

Nice visuals, awful script.. except for Douche.

>nice visuals
the humans in this movie look straight out of toy story 1

nigga you asked what "woke" means don't be a bitch when someone tells you
its lower class lingo for being a conspiracy theorist. Being woke means thinking whites are all out to get you, the Earth is flat, and the government has secret cloning labs where they clone and murder celebrities over and over
Sometimes aliens are involved

Theres nothing tumblr about over hearing black peole talking about their made up broken english.

i didnt ask you shit
take your pseudo languge to the land of the damned and the triggered

>The only movies worth watching are only shown at Sundance

if you are suppossed to get high to enjoy a movie then smoking would be allowed inside a movie theater

Sequel when?

Depends how quickly they can scare up another sweatshop of grad students to animate it.

Surely your realize "it's good if you like shitty movies" is just a smartass way of saying the movie sucks.

Easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I actually stopped watching after about 45-50 minutes though. Every joke was falling flat, it looks ugly hell, I felt genuine disgust trying to sit through this. Gaspar Noe has more taste than this. It's horrible that we live in a world where this is considered funny and by some even clever while Pain & Gain gets dismissed as juvenile garbage. I hope one day soon an earthquake kills everyone in Hollywood.

Had some top quality milf


It was okay, glad I watched it once but I don't really want to see it again. I had a few giggles throughout the movie but one joke in the end had me in stitches.

He's smart. Like, fuck a guy smart.

>Ask what something means.
>Get answer.
>Gets triggered by answer.
>Acuse others of being triggered.


i felt like they tried too hard to be "mature" since they kept saying before it was released that it's "the first R-rated animated movie".

there's so much unnecessary swearing that it's like they hired Mark Wahlberg to write the script.


It's the SJW equivalent of being redpilled.

Her name is Camille Toh.

The movie was fine for its rule 34 novelty, but not great as a movie.

>Charlie thinks he's smarter and better than everyone but he's still just as dumb as always
Surprisingly appropriate image.


Not having seen the film I'm presuming that she dies at the end

Nope. A lot of other humans do though.


Why was the Douche the only character who both knew his purpose and embraced it?

Unironically prefer Foodfight.



Needs more fanart.

reddit: the movie

>the first R-rated animated movie
Ralph Bakshi was making better filth than this decades ago.