Hey, what's goin on big guy?

Hey, what's goin on big guy?

You just stepped on my wife.

Other urls found in this thread:


Cuck. Interlinked.

Made me chuckle, gj fampie.


based two of /ourguys/ interlinked

this is pretty cool

Muh sides XDDD


are we witnessing the birth of an epic new meme?

Who's that

made me spill my drink

Cucks interlinked within cucks interlinked.
Within one shed.
And dreadfully replaced.
Against the dark, a tall black bull played.

sam is the greatest lowest paid internet comedian ever

I wouldn't mess with him, he's a dangerous man.

Thanks for the info

>big guy

Why would you? The how is hardly a conundrum anymore, but why?


three way synthesis here we come

If cancel your show, will you die?


I'm not gonna follow you to Las Vegas just to stomp on your waifu. If you think I am, you're as fucking crazy as she is.


Well done op

If I pull that mask off will you die?


>What's it like to lose the show you loved? Interlinked.
>Did Tim teach you how the jews rule Hollywood?? Interlinked.
>Do you long to have a show back? Interlinked.
>Do you dream about your show being interlinked?



>Tim: “Do you feel that there’s a part of you that’s missing? Interlinked.”
>Sam: “Interlinked.”
>Tim: “Within shows cancelled interlinked.”
>Sam: “Within shows cancelled interlinked.”
>Tim: “Why don’t you say that three times: Within shows cancelled interlinked.”
>Sam: “Within shows cancelled interlinked. Within shows cancelled interlinked. Within shows cancelled interlinked.”
>Tim: “We’re done… Constant Sam, you can pick up your bonus.


More like Sam uncreatively trying to hijack a meme for himself. Pathetic.


>it's a Sup Forums can only remember that 1 scene from the trailer/first episode because they never actually got the show, but they post memes about it anyway episode

>pay money for a hologram waifu
>can't fuck her without paying for a pleasure model for her to sync with

Can someone please tell me why you would ever buy a JOI instead of just hitting up the pleasure model brothel?

Because prostitutes don't love you

Did you even see the movie? JOI doesn't love you either.

Yes I know, but he wasn't looking for sex he was looking for affection.

The entire point of K's personal life in the film is that interpersonal relationships are dead. There are holograms for the basic comforts of home and prostitutes for physical relationships, but 'love' as we understand it is obsolete and forgotten. That's part of Deckard's tragedy, he had a cosmically ordained true love and lost her after only a couple years, and political forces drove him to separate from his only child for 30 years. But what Deckard had was real, and K is in awe of that.

thank god theres a thread want to test my new webm

hello, r/milliondollarextreme!

My point was more towards the economical viability of JOIs for humans.

We were shown that replicant brothels exist... Why would a human ever feel the need to purchase an expensive waifu hologram when they could just go fuck a replicant thats been bio-engineered to be more human than human?

Why do real people get married when whores exist? It's cheaper.

Whores can make your dick, but not your heart.

Same with Joi. And Joi units can't do all the shit real wives apparently do, getting fat and complaining and running off with the neighbor or whatever.

And the Joi cooks and cleans. Even without the fap hologram I'd still shell out for that.

no one cares about you're retarded videos faggot

You cannot ever touch your JOI.
She is merely light projected by a Wallace Corp device.
She will never ever touch you.

Your only hope to get laid is to go to a skinjob brothel.

At this point you're just telling me you didn't understand what the film was trying to say.

Well meme'd

>2017... you are forgotten. Cells.

Kill yourself cuck

Jesus christ he looks like a corpse that has been retireved from underwater a week after death.

I'm not talking about K, I'm talking about how the general human public in 2049 would react to a hologram waifu VS being able to go pay money to fuck a physical, bioengineered waifu.

Well, I think the real question is, would a JOI be more affordable than a synth whore?

Personally I think a JOI would be a large, one-time purchase. On the other hand, your synth whore would cost you X amount every fugg & tugg. It just depends on how much a JOI would be desu.