What was his endgame?

What was his endgame?

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gave up.


crystal meth


>female arnold is the bad person because she keeps collecting samples

>NASA sends entire missions and spends loads just to try to get even a fraction of that.

Ms. Frizzle is an uncaring god

That nigga ducking died


>its an arnold realisez that the painful reality of human life is that we desperately crave that wich hurts us the most; each other. And decides to end his existance in a fit of rage episode

Do you think this ended up imprinting in someone's brain and becoming a fetish? I hope there's at least one person on DA with a gallery full of bad drawings of various cartoon characters taking off their space helmets and freezing.


Is freezing a fetish?

He ain't wrong.

He'd had enough. youtube.com/watch?v=6HGLvcupAmw

>If I pulled this off, would I die?
>It would be extremely painful
>For me

Petrification is.

Of all the "what was his/her endgame" threads, I have to admit this is the one I'm legitimately curious about. Did they really have this child attempt suicide purely to spite his bratty cousin?


You're a big user.

Freeing himself from Ms. Frizzle and Carlos. Seriously, those two are fucking nutters.

This is was me, every damn episode. This commentator is my kind of critic!

His cousin was being a twat so he had to shock her to her senses. I think he knew he was on a show for young children and therefore couldn't die.

Hearing Carlos puns for the eternity


He just wanted to be cool.

To start his field trip to the afterlife early.

it imprinted on me the opposite way -- i still have nightmares about this shit. scared the fuck out of me when i was 7 or 8

arnold was a drama bitch. his stupid ass bitched about every field trip they went on.

Oh man, this episode always filled me with dread. No matter how interesting the other stuff about the planets were, I was always getting tenser, knowing that the moment was getting closer.

Death so he'd get a good 50-60 years away from Janet before she joined him in Jewish Hell.


He wanted to know how it feels to chew 5 gum.


That seems to have been his reasoning, yes. You have to consider that (A), he has a long history of dealing with his bitch cousin that is not shown in the program and (B) Arnold is melancholic, a loser, and not terribly smart, so while a stretch, it is fitting with his character.

And is like what, 9? Kids don't think shit through, especially when pissed,

carlos, can you please fuck off?