Hello, I'm mr deens

Hello, I'm mr deens

formerly mr kcuhc

how has it taken us this long to realize Chuck backwards sounds like Cuck

Because it doesn't. The last sound of the word sounds like 'ch', not 'ck'

I like the way Deens seeds!

Does Mr Deens plant gummy bears?

>Pronouncing 'hc' like 'ch'
Uh no

pǝǝs puɐ pǝǝɟ s,pǝǝus

Heh reminds me of this couch gag

it's how it sounds, not how it's written goddamn you dense motherfucker

xd sneed chuckllll

holy fuck amazing

My FUCKING sides

can some1 explaimn to me the sneeds joke i swear to god i don't get it thanks


British humour

I fucking hate this fucking board


>Posting that same shit OC over and over.
Bake him away, toys. The meme's dead.



It's some unfunny forced joke meant to ruin threads on here