Toughts on Fight Club? I really like it

Toughts on Fight Club? I really like it

haha i love that stupid movie

Good movie. Relative to the crap that is modern Hollywood, maybe even a great movie. Thought-provoking storyline, innovative cinematography. Its reputation has suffered from, ironically, some of its own fans who misunderstood what the movie was trying to say and latched on to Tyler as a hero. See, for example, the simplistic interpretation of the movie as an anti-consumerist rant. See also the cringeworthy use of the movie in the online "manosphere", which latches onto the "generation of men raised by women" idea and misses the movie's critique of machismo and of cultlike conformist populism (Project Mayhem) as being fundamentally reactive attempts to manage mental illness.
The proper reaction to the end scene is one of comedic horror. The revolutionaries' success in bringing down the credit card buildings is, on the surface, a victory. But anyone who has studied history knows that the most likely events that would follow are a murderous terror, followed by the rise of a new elite that is just as bad as or worse than the previous elites (see: communism, fascism). This might not be what the filmmakers intended the audience to think, but this interpretation elevates the movie to a higher level of sophistication.
I sometimes wish there would be a sequel made to the movie, which shows how the revolution plays out, and how it descends into an abysmal clusterfuck, with the streets running red with blood and the economy collapsing, as random janitors and truck drivers try to become managers and politicians, and the narrator has to flee or get assassinated by his own people for refusing to be the figurehead of the disaster.

this might aswell have been about american psycho

It's shit.

I had it on my laptop while on vacation. Brought an underage girl back to my hotel room, she said it's her favorite movie so we watched it and then we fucked. I really like it

I love the scene in which the narrator looks at a Gucci underwear ad and asks Tyler "is that what a man looks like?"
The irony, of course, is that an actor (Brad Pitt) who trained to get a gym body is playing a character (Tyler Durden) who agrees that training to get a gym body is silly, and this character in turn is just a psychological wish-fulfillment fantasy of a mentally ill other character (the narrator).
My hope, and I think it's probably justified, is that the filmmakers were well aware of these levels of irony. Indeed, there is profound sarcasm in the film's core story: the narrator has an anti-consumerist mental breakdown, which is followed by him hallucinating a wish-fulfillment fantasy that is actually a perfect consumerist fantasy, in which he is a good-looking, well-dressed man with a gym body who leads a cult of conformists.

The late 90s really did produce some kino. So many classics leading up to the new Millenium.

Don't really see films like it.

I only watch it for the CGI shots.

The male companionship is nice.

not much to see

This is one of the few times that I can recommend the book also. I’m not gonna say one is better than the other, but it’s still worth reading. The jaggedness of it makes me wonder how anyone could come up with that shit.

they are strategically placed in key parts of the movie so I have to watch it all.

Like the invisible fight at the end. Incredibly well done.

How to into Brad Pitt mode?

be a 6 foot Ectomorph, so some pull ups and cut a lot.

enjoy being brad pitt

dude that's masturbation

I loved it

Based icelander

yes yes fight club is a parody of masculinity
yes everything tyler said was wrong
yes the narrator had a great life
i love the banks
i love estrogen

When I was I think 15 I watched it, and it was the first "real" movie I ever watched. Meaning not a kids movie or action Transformers or something movie. The first mature movie and the first one I decided to watch on my own. It was mind-blowing. I had no idea movies could be like that. It was a pretty unforgettable experience. And so its pretty hard to shake that. I've rewatched it since and of course that initial impact is lost but I still very much enjoyed it. Its been several years now since I last saw it, so maybe I outgrown it, but honestly I think that, memes aside, its a good movie

tyler was the good guy

You're one of the people I was talking about, reducing everything to simplistic claptrap. I never said that everything Tyler said was wrong. However, trying to take power with an underground militia of janitors and burger flippers is most likely a bad fucking idea. See the long history of communist revolutions for examples.

the movie hates nihilistic people who only see the consumer site of life and sadly achieve and builds the feeling it dispises. It shows that you can´t destroy or escape this world with it flaws and that just depresses the shit out of you.


Fight club is not about nihilism nor is it a depressing movie