Plot and lore > episodic shows

Plot and lore > episodic shows

What show strikes a perfect balance with plot/lore and episodic episodes.

adventure time.... well at least before season 5

the worse is wanting plot and lore on some show totally episodic and where the purpose is supposed to be full episodic anyway.
weebie retards, you literally don't understand cartoons and want autistic projections everywhere and identification with characters who don't even exist.


>come into show that's clearly episodic
>bitch about there being not plot or lore

I'd fully agree if it weren't for the first half of season 3.

>Hey guys, we're in the fire nation and are about to launch a full-scale assault on the fire lord, what should we do?
>Aang: I'll go hang out at a school for some reason!
>Katara: I'll spend our precious time trying to help people that don't want my help!
>Sokka: I'll spend several days learning to swordfight and then never do it again!
>Toph: I'll go rob people and then almost get us killed!

EVERYBODY wants plot and lore.

Do you know why Dragonball Z became so massively popular in the west even though it's complete shit? Because it gave young audiences something they were WANTING, CRAVING AND NEEDING all along but cartoon producers were UNWILLING TO PROVIDE

the idea that people who watch the show have intelligence and memories and want their stories to progress, not go back to status quo every episode

episodic shows that follow a main plot > DEEPEST LORE

This right here.

Best of both worlds, but it requires talent and work to pull it off, so it wont happen any time soon.

A show can have "plot and lore" while being episodic. They aren't mutually exclusive.

I think what you mean is serialized > episodic.

Even if you look at a show like Futurama, which is episodic, if you ask people which episodes left an impact on them, it'll be episodes that aren't just a bunch of LOLRANDOM humor for 30 minutes, which have generally all been forgotten, but episodes with some depth and lore to them

that's not a coincidence

episodic >plot and lore.

user, please don't pretend what drove a series to success, especially when it was airing you weren't old enough to understand shit about how the world works. DBZ got popular because introduced the concept of powelevels and people got engaged about what new bad was gonna show up. Most DBZ fans couldn't give LESS of a shit about the actual lore of DBZ, they just want to know who can beat the shit out of who.

I couldn't agree more in this. The only Plot episodes I liked were Faye's, becasue Spike's were tedious as fuck.

Or perhaps some people have different tastes
But yes, plot > episodic for me

good plot = good episodic > shit plot = shit episodic

>Spike's were tedious as fuck.
the showdown in the Church was great, but yeah I never cared about Julia.

Just watch a TV show dumbass

Because Western cartoonists develop shit properties to sell toys to kids who they disrespect and they market their shows on the level they believe the kids are at, the complete moron level. They underestimate the kids and think they can't keep track of character progression or callbacks. But they can. Kids like it when a show is smart because then they feel clever when they get it and if something goes over their heads they don't notice anyway, and they also feel like they can't miss an episode or they'll miss an important plot point.

>I prefer good things over shit things

eh, i like both
its all in the presentation

Good writing > Plot and lore > episodic shows

Doesn't sokka sword fight constantly after that point?

They had to lay low for awhile so aang going to school and toph robbing people makes no sense but sokka training is fine considering their getting ready for a full assault.

I also really liked aangs look with hair.