Things that annoy you in cartoons/comics

>Character a becomes popular due to (plot device) and shuns character b
>Character b notices something is wrong and tries to talk to/warn/help character a
>"You know what, Character b? You're just jealous!"

Every fucking time

>Character says something simple and completely coherent
>"In english please?"

>Character is shy/insecure/spineless/etc.
>Other characters and/or the universe constantly shit on them.

The constant shitting only worjs if the character is a wide eyed innocent optimist like Butters. Then getting an anal exam from an industrial strength drill only gets funnier witg time.

>Inb4 it's the "shy character stands up for him/herself episode"

Yeah, but with Butters, that's the joke. He's the innocent "leave it to beaver"-esque kid in an adult oriented world.

>Geek archetype, wears big glasses, white buttoned-up shirt tucked in with khakis, and has *that* annoying accent.
Explain this shit.

I instantly thought of Hubert from Bob's Burgers

I mean it's not unlike to some of posts in Sup Forums in general when ever people shit on a e-celeb.

>Body switch episode
>They keep their respective voices

But that's what happens in real life....

I really hate it when the characters have a dance animation and they reuse it over and over and over again. It's even worse when the screen has a specific background to show those dances.

They're a punchline.

But those people exist in real life. They're particularly common in the Mormon community.

>Body switch episode
>"I suddenly understand things from your perspective"

>bad guy wants to try to be friends with good guy
>good guy is suspicious but for whatever the reason, gives them a chance
>returns to the status quo at the end

It was done twice in the Kung Fu Panda series, once with the that boar inventor dad and then with his son.

>One-dimensional character has development in an episode that's forgotten by the end of it
Why, status quo, why?!

>Popular people are stupid assholes

FFS must every writer be an unkempt arrogant former geek who thought he was "so much better" than those friendly, charismatic, intelligent, talented, attractive, positive people?

>character finally makes some friends outside tiny main group
>instead of just trying to not fuck up character's one opportunity to be popular for once, they fuck around and ruin everything
>character snaps at them and then has the morality moment where they stop and realize they were the bad guy all along for demanding that their friends not be who they truly are
>"I'm sorry I asked you guys to try and act nice/civilized so I can make some more friends. It was wrong of me to try and improve my social life. Can you guys ever forgive me for asking you to behave for once?"

When a character speaks a different language and the text is written in that language with a note of what it says in a separate box.

Instead of just writing in English and doing the parenthesis and *translated from X thing

>Jocks are bad
>High school amirite?

I agree with you, it's indicative of a bunch of dudes in suits writing about how "kids are these days"
Or alternatively

>Nerdy girl was hot all along
>Popular girl get inexplicable crush on nerd MC
>Aforementioned Nerd Girl gets Jelly
>Get together at the end
>Stupid jock and popular girl get comeupance for no reason.

I was that geeky loser kid and cartoons made me fucking terrified of high school, all for nothing.

I was a giant fucking nerd in high school (still am) and most assholes I knew were other nerds who were afraid of being picked on by assholes so they decided to BE the assholes.

One of my closest friends was the fucking varsity football team quarterback, dude was awesome.

I still kind of wonder what happened to him after high school.

When I was in high school I was the quiet kid/ weird kid. I wasn't bullied namely because my classmates thought I would shoot up the school.

Star Vs subverts this, which is awesome and more accurate.

>character gets his mind swapped with bad guy
>no one notices, even the people they're closes to
Superior was alright, but still, fuck you, Slott.

>The entire fucking conflict is based around a misunderstanding but no one fucking talks shit out

>The bigger, buffer a guy is, the dumber and slower they are
>The more tiny someone is, the smarter and faster they are

>classmates think you're the type to shoot up schools
>bullied you anyway

you should have shot up the school m8

>"There has to be a way to solve this."
>"Uh hey, why don't we try this thing?"
>"Come on come on, there has to be a way."
>"Well we can try this thing."
>Oh hey! Why don't we try doing this thing? Man, I'm so smart."