What are your favorite lines from Steven Universe?

What are your favorite lines from Steven Universe?

>We both made a lot of mistakes when we were young. I thought disco was coming back... she started a war.

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The war wasn't a mistake. She saved the Earth.

>But what if Steven's penis gets in the way?

>I know, my comrades, that is must have been difficult at times, when you desired change that never came, so again and again the appeal had to be made to continue the struggle. You mustn't act yourself. You must obey, you must give in; you must submit to the overwhelming need to obey.


>Do You know who I am?

That whole exchange got me hooked.

"Quick! Let's run into this corner!"
"Oh no! We're cornered!"



I've been putting off watching this show because I'm lazy, but this sold me.


I think she viewed it as a mistake compared to coming to a more peaceful compromise.

I liked this one a lot.

I think my favorite though is that dumb joke that referenced that horror manga about holes in rock.


Penis? ...I mean, Steven?

Estelle's delivery makes it so much better.

>"Hey, we make a pretty good team!"
>"You didn't do anything!"

Yeah, it's the one time her stoic delivery really sells the line.

"I sometimes watch you sleep. And by sometimes, I mean often."


"You're a wonderful pink human being. Except you're not. Because you're a lion".

"Well, we made this one."
"But look at Steven's! His has a face and everything."
"You're right. Ours...doesn't, have a face."


Anything Lamar Abrams writes. His boards may be stuff but he makes up for it with writing


I know it's cliche but damn I love Kimberly Brooks' performance during that whole speech in Earthlings.

>Aren't you girls hungry? You barely touched your food.
>We don't need to eat.
>Oh, you young people and your experimental diets!
>I am much older than you.

I drink coffee for breakfast!

“Steven, I'm sorry I couldn't save you, or the billions of other lifeforms on this planet who matter Far Far less to me!”

You probably think this is pretty deep and smart coming from someone who still struggles to understand humanity.

"I love you Peridot."
"Wow. Thanks."

>Thank you Steven!
>No prob, bob.
>It's Lapis.
>Okay... bye.

That entire scene was so stilted and awkward, I love it so much.

"Watch out! It has all the powers of a breakfast!"

>tfw Steven decided to spend his last moments alive telling Peridot she is loved and holding her

damn that's heart wrenching

Is that a weapon

>You'd like it in Jersey. The people here seem to hate the Earth too!"


>YOU WORK! What's it like being a magic mirror?

Mirror Lapis is honestly best Lapis

Part of me really wants Lapis to end up living in Jersey, with everyone else who hates this planet.

>I thought violence... would be the answer



>"Ya, you could say we`re a little fun-derstaffed."
>"ha! I get it!"
>"I`m glad you seeing the humor, Steven. Cause I haven`t seen a bed in 6 days!"


Fuck, I always forget how good a character Mr Smiley is.

It's a shame Future Boy Zoltron wasn't good


>I am here to announce that Steven Universe is cancelled.

>Steven and the Crystal Gems
>We're gonna make you smile!
>I accidentally created an alternate timeline!

>Steven and the Crystal Gems
>Come on now don't be shy!
>I learned to stay true to myself
>By watching myself die...

"I learned to stay true to myself by watching myself die" is such a cool fucking lyric

> "Yes, the children are playing swords."
> "Sorry playing 'with' swords."
> "They're bleeding oh no they are dead. Don't call back here."
> (Hangs up phone)
> "Sorry I panicked"

Gets me every fucking time.

>Garnet: First you need a gem at the core of your being. Then you need a body that can turn into light. Then you need a partner you can trust with that light.

>Greg: Metaphorically?

>Garnet: Literally.

I love it when Garnet's being straightforward.

That bit seemed a little awkward to me. The way Greg asked "Metaphorically?" is the kind of thing that someone wouldn't say except to set up the punchline. It would've been better as something like

>That's a cryptic metaphor.
>It's not a metaphor.

Because that's how he'd respond if he thought she was speaking metaphorically.

True, but I still love it.

Greg called the gems being made of light the first time he saw them. He only asked if it was a metaphor because he hoped it might be, but he knew the answer.

Lapis not getting name-things is a nice nod to continuity
>Ready Freddy?
>My name's Lapis.

>Why was this documented?

Heh, I forgot this show was funny.

>What am I going to tell my parents?
>What Am I Going To Tell My Optometrist?!

>"We heard you like marriage, so we thought, why don't we all marry each other!"

>If i dont come back in an hour,call the police.
Always gives me a chuckle

"Why would I want to go back if you're here."

> "But I won! What about the rules!"
> "Welcome to earth."

friendly reminder that the steven singing it is in fact the alternate timeline steven and the original steven is actually straight up dead.

>Steven: "Alright, we just roll down this ramp as the carts are coming at us, and the crash will break us free!"

>Connie: "What happens after the bubble pops?"

>Steven: "We'll be free!"

>Connie: [Blank Stare]

why did she question that, but not the harpoon?

>Peaceful compromise
>With 40 foot tall genocidal tyrants that despise organic life and wanted to kill a planet entirely out of spite
Probably wouldn't have worked out well, just sayin'

>Dad, I think I've lost something...
>Your innocence?!

"I want my cluster, and I want that planet to die" is a close runner up though.

I don't care if people realize if Opal is best fusion or not, I just want more appearances... :(

>Guys, I just got the best idea for an album cover.

>despise organic life
they see it as inferior and insignificant, nothing more than pests.

I can't wait to see how giant the fusion of the Diamonds is.

I wasn't a fan of Jasper's overly gruff voice until this episode. Brooks sold the hell out of those lines and Jasper going insane, especially with that little gasp/shock right before she says these three lines.


Probably could've been avoided if Rose Quartz hadn't killed her (diamonds') imouto, just sayin'.

He has as much claim being the original Steven as the other. As a matter of fact, seeing that the surviving Steven is the only one who didn't time travel, you might as well consider him the orginal steven and the other are offshot of different timeline.

>>That's a cryptic metaphor.
>>It's not a metaphor.
>Because that's how he'd respond if he thought she was speaking metaphorically.
No Metaphorically is shorter and better.

when someone come from the future to fix past mess, that make them defacto the alternate person while the one being rescued is the original.

Season one had a lot better and more memorable lines than later seasons


"I baked you a pie! I sure hope nothing bad happens to it"

"Yes me too"

Pearl's innocence is adorable.

>Uh Uncle Grandpa this doesn't seem safe
>Don't worry kid, I'm wearing a helmet

Say uncle was much better than it had any right to be.

Not terribly deep, but it's a pithy way to put something that's fundamentally true.

He's the Steven from the timeline that the show's currently taking place in, all the others collapsed into it when the hourglass was destroyed.

Good taste, delivery is perfect


'Ey, get your drippy carcass outta my pool, or I'm callin the cops.

Wait, he's never seen Lapis, though...

Eathlings was probably the only episode where I really loved Jasper's voice and wanted to applaud her va. That scene is one of my favorite moments from the show.

SU really excels in doing small but notable lines during conversations.

>is that a weapon?

>now, she's gone, but im still here.

>we're malachite now

>just go in the ocean bro, like a fissshh.

>I wanted a hug.

Those are just off the top of my head, betting there's a lot more one-liners that really stand out.


>I can tell you with certainty that there are things on this planet worth protecting!

Honestly, that whole thing is one of my favorite exchanges in fiction. It would've been so easy for them to go the cliche route and have her protest Yellow's warlike efficiency, but instead they stuck to her character and actually had her defend the Earth as providing an economic benefit.

It really was.

Honestly, that's one of my favourite moments as well.

"It's only been in existence for a little while,

and it already doesn't like us."


Figures. They can live for millennia, but give them a blank canvas and the average gem would probably look at you in bewilderment.


You need to actually care about something in order to despise it.

OG Steven from that episode was a doomed timeline Steven. He wasn't the Steven we'd watched so far.

Reminds me of that song in Adventure time where they say they 'you know you should have stayed, and fought that sexy vampire lady'. Everyone's thinking it (especially Sup Forums) but its hilarious for them to come out and say that a character in their cartoon is really hot

"Respect my pronouns, you problematic shitlord!" was a good one.

Also, "Men are just the worst, am I right?" followed by clapping and hooting sounds. That was pretty good.

>"A boy on the cusp of manhood can't spend the whole day whackering!"

The few arguments against Rose are really impact.

> What kind of leader doesn't give her army the best chance to win? How could you value the gems of our enemies more than our own? And look what you've done without me, without the breaking point? You've lost!

> I see how you do it now Rose, you want gems after they're worthless. You wait until after they've lost. Because when you're at the bottom you'll follow anyone that makes you feel like less of a failure.

> impactful*

Brook's range is really broad

>"Because we are the Crystal Gems! We're still alive and we're still the guardians of this planet and all its living creatures!"

It's not a great quote by itself, but it gave me a new appreciation of Pearl's character. It made me track back and look at other episodes, and realize she's pretty much the OG true believer Crystal Gem, and that even if she doesn't understand humans, she's usually the one that is most concerned with keeping them safe. For Amethyst Earth is her home, for Garnet's it's about freedom to rub rocks, but Pearl really does believe that all life is sacred, even if that life tends to exasperate the shit out of her on occasion.