Karnak #6 Preview


>not bringing back Gerardo Zaffino once he got better to finish this shit on time
>insisting on that slow as fuck artist Roland Boschi
You had one job Ellis and Marlel




Can someone storytime all six issues of Karnak on the morning (ET) of February 1?


Wait hold on I stopped reading Marvel around early Summer 2016 and I swear Karnak #4 or 5 was coming out. Was this issue really delayed for this long????

DC poached him and offered him somthing better so he has been working on that


Ellis was sick for a good while so I'd say that's the main factor here

Let me guess: cirrhosis.

I could try but I might do it absurdly early in the morning so as to stay ahead of the other story times

I have legit forgotten every single thing that happened in this series except him exploding everyone over a loudspeaker

>I have forgotten things that happened 4 to 6 months apart
It's not your fault user. This started in october 2015.

Warren's dad died again and then a dog ate his computer.

Now say that again with a drunk voice.


That coulson is a brave man

Karnak is such a psycho.


Ellis is very self-aware so it's fine

ha ha, go off yourself if you really believe that

Read issue #5

Man... I stopped in 2007.

... not that Karnak was out then...