As much as I want Danny/Misty together, she's with another guy and he's single and alone. Recently...

As much as I want Danny/Misty together, she's with another guy and he's single and alone. Recently, I've been having mixed feeling about the ship. Just wondering what potential woman do you think would be good for Danny?

>At least until MCUSynergy

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Anyway, hype for Iron Fist?

Misty, fuck Falcon.

It's just awkward...

How? It's not like it's the first time they've ever broken up.


she did

I am aware, it's awkward because Walker wants the ship and has Danny stating how much he misses her, but Spencer is writing her with Cap!Sam. It makes Misty look over it and Danny looks desperate.

Though, in PMIF, there did still seem to be emotional ties there.

Finn Jones will be having an Iron Fist Q&A @ 2:30 ET. Any idea what this is in Britbong standard?

Two hours ago.

Oh, Cheers.

Whoa, so RZA directed episode 6.

So, there is no costume?

In the last 3 minutes of episode 13, claire the nurse will tell him "you know, if you're going to be a superhero, you should really wear a mask, my friend might have a spare ^_~".

I reckon he'll get it from Orson.


isn't Falcon and Jane Foster developing a romance

Are they, though? Thought it was just a cover?

Danny is going to get with Colleen in the show, and then synergy will bring them together in the comics.

Screencap this

No way would Colleen hook up with Danny. 1) They're like siblings 2) No way in hell would she get with her Best Friend's Ex.

>I hope they/Walker do something with El Aguila.

They have sexted and gone on dates

Receipts? Does Misty know?

How about Elektra?

>No way in hell would she get with her Best Friend's Ex.

The Luke Cage show had him fucking Misty, man.

He's talking about comic synergy.

Unlike Misty who finds his personality kind of endearing, I think Elektra would just find it annoying.

Expect Joy to pop out the woodwork, again.


Well, maybe there is a backup ship for Danny, IDK how well a rich guy hippie would work with a lawyer.

I approve

They've said he'll wear a costume...

That's life sometimes, user.
There are many examples of this happening in real life and in fiction.