Genetic mutation allows Storm to control the weather

>genetic mutation allows Storm to control the weather

How is this possible/how do they reconcile this supernatural feat with science in the comics? I thought a mutant gene was just that, a mutated gene


Your objection is a perfectly logical one.
The answer is a mix of COMIC BOOKS! and "Celestials manipulation"

Can probably manipulate water and temperature on a subconscience level.

marvel didn't understand meteorology when they created storm

simple answer

You take issue with this, but not the guy who is made of metal, the guy who teleports, and the guy who shoots laser beams from his eyes?

Superheroes are wish fulfillment fantasies for children, why do you expect even the slightest hint of realism

or super healing and claws or whatever the specifics of flying brick powers Sunfire and Thunderbird had


I think super healing might actually be the most "realistic". At least lizards and shit can heal pretty fast, and you get those jelly fish that live forever, so it could have some basis in possibility.

Chris Claremont later """explained""" Ororo's mutation as better addressed as electrons manipulation
It still doesn't make sense, but it doesn't solely relate to weather.

That's just pseudoscience. When it comes down to cape characters, it's like magic, better you accepted for what it is, without further explanation. These are fantastical fictional characters and worlds afterall. Otherwise will you really believe that radiation would give you superpowers, instead of tumor?

that he's Wolverine and not an animal that does heal like a lizard or something is hilarious to me.

I don't think "Gecko" is as marketable as "Wolverine"

That's because he is an angry hairy manlet.

Darwin would what? Fuck? Shit? Piss? Cunt? Tits?

From context I'd judge "shit" to be the most appropriate.

Fuck does that even mean?

No I get why he's got his name. It's just funny to me to picture a conversation like "He heals like a lizard or something" "Right like a Gecko, what's his name" "Wolverine"

who is the artist for this?

>humans are being outcompeted
Not since Decimation

Personally I'd define Storm's powers as being something like a focused subset of what the Scarlet Witch does, a psionic ability to manipulate probabilities. She is a living example of the Butterfly effect where a small change in one place could have a huge impact elsewhere, the flapping of a butterfly's wings in Brazil causes a tornado in Texas.

You're one of those people...

Marvel doesn't know shit about science

Or, you know, since ever. They're a tiny fraction of the population, they're reproduction cycle is a complete crapshoot, and their mortality rates are through the roof. In what possible sense are they outcompeting anything?

If I had to bullshit up a reason I'd go with Celestials chose humans for their potential ability to use the power cosmic.
The X gene causes the superpower to express itself, but it's human nature for the powers to reflect personality, same reason the FF have powers that reflect them.
Eternals are what happened when the Celestials removed the personality issue, Inhumans are the result of an external trigger.

You mean superheros aren't realistic?

>burns all my comic books

Except you can burn him alive and an hour later he'll look like nothing ever touched him.

"Darwin would shit himself with rage"?
"...out of shock"?

>Nothing awesome inherent in the human genome
>bitch doesn't know about the destiny force

Humans are just as artificial in Marvel as Eternals and Mutants and Inhumans.

It doesn't really work like that. Wolverine literally pulls meat from the meat dimension or something.

Wolverine has mutated meat and bones, Jean mutated brain, Cyke mutated eyes... but Storm?

I don't recall "electrons" specifically, but I think in the issue where they met Alpha Flight, she was referred to as seeing weather as patterns of energy which she manipulated to get particular effects.

They really aren't. Has any book ever dealt with the fact that logically their reproductive success rate is probably shit compared to actual humans?

In the sense that you need to get only one Franklin Richards or David Haller gone bad and it's game fucking over for humans and possibly Earth as a whole

Daniel Acuña. Also Storm never really did anything in Bendisvengers. What a shit gimmick that cover was.

thats not how genes work

From cancerverse, I'm telling you.

It's more realistic then someone who can change their appearance to anyone they want, any gender, clothes and all out of thin air.

Well there are transcription factors which control the expression of genes and depend on concentration in particular area of the body. So a transcription factor controlling x-gen could express it in eye, brain or brainstem regions, during the formation of a fetus.

Allow me to explain
*puts on glasses even though I dont wear them*

Ahem, Ahem

The Xmen possess something known as the X-gene a bizarre genetic phenomenon that allows one to do supernatural things. As for how the X-gene does that, well we all know its a bunch of genes that causes your traits so this X-gene is really a biological anomaly.

The X-gene is a biological switch to a planck connector to the X-man's consiousness, the planck connector means the the X-gene creates a link between the X-men and the fundamental blueprint of reality itself. Just as how genes can make dicks dick or cocooned, the X-gene is a subject to the random number generator leading to X-men developing weird powers.

How they do this power is simple, the X-gene creates a bypass in reality that allows them to use their powers even though it make no sense but it does make sense BECAUSE THE X-GENE EDITED FUCKING LOGIC itself in order to do this. Their powers are thought controlled thus by thinking it becomes a reality.

Certain mutants like Jean Grey are very close to the full reality bending power of the X-gene.

Thank you, that will be 40,000 dollars.