Latchkey kingdom Storytime

The usual Latchkey OP is off to boot camp so in his honor I'll storytime a few Latchkey Kingdom chapters.
May he become a fine FUCKING BOOT.




















The intelligence of royalty is not guaranteed.




Rex Vünderdog has his priorities in order.






Usuper 2: Usurperer


End of Usurper. Onto...







Familiar faces.





Splash page messing up my numbering.













Dungeon Econodymics.

End of Jinx. Onto...






If it is legible it is legit.







Ash has a hard life but Ash gives life a hard one.








Why such a pretty cool gal is not very poplar.


Is the gonna sword?


The sword returns eventually, yes. Willa likes her swords.

FYI, I am skipping the black and white mini-chapters and updates just to keep the color going for this thread. Visit the website for the rest if you want to see the full package.

That's it for Titan.

Now onto...





REALLY likes her swords.



Castlewitch, moe-stick.


Svana is a woman of many emotions. Mostly pathetic ones. Her sister got 95% of the action genes.



It is a bit hard to see, but it wasn't the thunderclap that made the claw let go. Willa stabbed it/herself.
For a good reason.

All Willa really wanted.


That's it for claw.
